Tranny hooker

Would you fuck a nice tranny hooker?

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>Would you fuck a crossdressing gay man
No. I'm not gay.

literally this

this is an extremely original comment

>always anal
>Can't get pregnant
I want kids
>Never have bad days
What a fucking lie
>buy you gifts
I don't care about material possessions.
>don't need weird diapers
Because there's a dick. I'm not interested in dicks.
>doesn't buy weird shit
Really fucking lying here
>You can understand them

>anal a good thing

Attached: assad laughing.jpg (877x541, 75K)

>nice tranny
Rarely do I hear greater oxymorons than this.

>Don't need weird diaper
Will literally need diaper if you do anal often.
>pic related

Attached: Patch.jpg (450x450, 41K)

I would not fuck a hooker. I would marry a trap or a qt trans girl tho

OP is a watermark faggot

>Anal better than vagina meme
Vagina is literally made to take your dick and stimulate it. Anal just feels like sticking your dick in a hole that's way too much effort to get into

Their whole existence is based off of them not being confident in their original sex so they dress up and pretend to be something they're not

>implying furfag THINGS dont buy weirder shit than real women

that pic is so fucking retarded and i can tell you with 100% certainty the guy who created it is AT MOST 16 years old

Anal is actually very beautiful.

That somebody would allow your penis inside of there. You strike me as ungrateful bad person. You bad!

Well. I for one think it is a great thing that we have a new generation ready to open up the sexual market for the boipussy.

This shiet can't go on! In with the traps!

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>reddit spacing
>wanting to put his dick in a shithole
Checks out.

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In 2D sure, I mean its literally "draw a girl, call it a boy" so why not, its impossible outside of a VR porn game or something, but I would do it (in that fantasy).
IRL, very unlikely. I've been there and its a messy affair, also very few of them reach that level of girlyness.

What about all the single mother boys who areare being turned into girls right now?

I watched a show about some trap becoming a trap. This happens.

What about who?

Single mothers are indeed a blight upon the earth

What show about who

You are the manliest of men, user.

Just thinking about being the qt on the left is making my boipucci ovulate.

To fuck a trap or just gsy sex in general should be mandatory im todays complrx society.

At a certain age every male meeds to be sent on a campcamp for understanding homosex and participate in sex with bothboth traps, shemales and twinks. So they get all the nuances.

I am happy to see We're headed in that direction.

dont fall for the meme. they trick you into being in a relationship with them then it all goes to shit. everything that made them good is fake and they put up with it to pretend they're normal. find a cis girl

>relevant pic is relevant
I fully agree

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>always anal
>dont need diapers
that fags asshole is gonna be permanently gaping wide open after taking miles of cock.
theyre definitely gonna need diapers.