Intermittent Fasting

What do you think about it ?

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I am an oldfag that figured out intermittent fast 2 decades ago by accident. I eat as much as I can from noon to 8:00PM and nothing but water in between. My post workout meal is 1pound of spaghetti with a shitload of sauce and a glass of milk, and after that it’s hamburger and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But I only eat between noon and 8:00PM and I’m lean and mean year round.

It works but getting into routine is hell if you use food as source of happiness.

been doing it since about middle school way before I ever knew what intermittent fasting was. I've always been very thin, and felt healthy. I just eat whenever I feel like my body wants food. I'm never hungry in the mornings. Especially if I have to wake up early

the fasting burns more fat part is a meme and it just comes down to fatties not being able to eat all the calories they normally would

If you use food as a source of happiness, you have a fucked up relationship with food and you should fix that before you can hope to lose weight and keep it off. I strongly recommend a few Snake Juice fasts.
Is there a point in OMADing if I'm currently bulking? Besides, it's kinda hard to get 3000 kcal in one meal. I mean, I can do it but still

I like it, i like not having to think about food for the rest of the day, but it does reinforce binge behaviour by eating a bunch of food all at once, so when/if you go back to eating smaller meals you still have the tendency to want to overeat.

I always just skipped breakfast so for me I've always done IF

If anything I want to introduce breakfast now

what the fuck are those yellow things? Green beans? Look tasty.

IF is based for controlling calories while also eating filling satisfying meals.

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It's for fat people who can't control how much they stuff their faces once they start eating. In the end it's just a way of restricting your calories by having a shorter eating window during the day, while acting like you're not restricting your calories.

Great for cutting, desu

>Is there a point in OMADing if I'm currently bulking?

>My post workout meal is 1pound of spaghetti with a shitload of sauce and a glass of milk, and after that it’s hamburger and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Americans are fucking disgusting.

>1pound of spaghetti

Measured raw or cooked?
Raw would be impossible to eat for me. On the other hand, the cooked amount isn't even that much.

what in the ... is that? homemade pasta? i see the salmon, bread sticks? Butter on the pasta? What the hell is the bananas swimming in? just photograph everything better.

Gen X fag here. I started intermittent fasting about 6 weeks ago and have dropped 12 pounds.

Why would you go back to 3 meals?

>I always just skipped breakfast so for me I've always done IF

>If anything I want to introduce breakfast now
Not this.

>what the fuck are those yellow things
You mean the pasta?

>Have never had a problem cutting by just eating less than I normally would and cutting out all shit food.

man 44 -i do 5- 2 36 hour fast (fast plus 8 hours sleep) 600 to 800 cals.
600 cal liquid fast every two weeks. one 3 day water coffee, green tea, salt, fast every month.

oh i lost 40 initially before serious surgery

It should be mandatory for anyone on a cut or eating at maintenance, it really works.

>spreading bullshit because you come from a continent where the average IQ gets mogged by primates
what is insulin resistance? there's a reason your race suffers from higher rates of diabetes

just eat less lmao

>what the fuck are those yellow things?
>Green beans?


Works wonders, down 6 kg for two weeks
The only problem I've noticed is my libido is lower but that might be from the ashwaghanda i started taking

i wouldn't go back to eating specifically 3 meals, i would just go back to eating when hungry but not eating huge portions, so it might work out at 2 meals or 3 meals or 4 meals a day depending on how hungry i am and how big the previous meal was. Eating based on what time it is isn't right, eating breakfast when you wake up and then eating lunch at noon even though youre not hungry is just overeating, if youre not hungry then you shouldn't be eating.

I do keto IF and 2x 48hr fasts a week. Plus one day of 7k-10k calories mega carb binge (still in an IF window) because my workouts during the week are flat af if i don't.

ashwaghanda is supposed to raise libido if anything

Competitors do it.....

>It works but getting into routine is hell if you use food as source of happiness.
I eat one or two meals a day and I really enjoy eating and cooking. You can make amazing dishes if you have to fit all your macros into one meal. I am currently making my own sour dough bread with lots of rye. Will probably eat it with a fresh salad and two spreads: eggplant/tomato/quark(high protein) and black-olives/tuna/garlic/basil. It is not a sin to find happiness in food.