Ok i'm a sad depressed 21 year old looking for a gf. pathetic yes, go ahead

ok i'm a sad depressed 21 year old looking for a gf. pathetic yes, go ahead.
anyhow do I look stupid and ugly in this pic or is it fine? i know nothing about this shit.

Attached: 48407870_934600980260773_1871385381933416448_n (1).jpg (583x834, 163K)

You look good but nothing stands out to get a girls attention, online dating might not work for you but idk.

Nigga u look ready to cry
Go to /soc/

why're you pulling a stupid face?

Try to fake some confidence

i thought it was edgy but i get ur point. hate smiling

If this is not bait, you have a Chad jaw and look good but you look like you're on the verge of crying. Just fucking smile a bit and you're fucking set, you'd look great if you did.

Fuck you.

Attached: 1545332390211.png (942x733, 996K)

You look like Ferris Bueller.

He does as well

Pour yourself a small cup of coffee, or get a beer and talk with your family at xmas, instead of being on r9k asking soc questions..

Semi Chad facial structure but you look like a fuckin loser in this pic. Grow some balls, lose your face fat, and get a better haircut.

you look fine to me. just don't use that pic for your dating profile or whatever lol

mad jelly of that flippy hair brev.

First off, fuck off to /soc/ or Jow Forums
Second, you're not ugly, read about some men's fashion and you will do fine on online dating.
Now fuck off

You look like an extra in a Target commercial.
You look like a chinese bootleg Ken doll.
You look like someone who complains about vanilla ice cream being too flavorful.
You look like someone who stock image services wouldn't include in their pictures because "he looks too generic".

are you saying I look jewish? oy vey

lol I actually expected way more antagonistic and cynical comments. thanks for the encouragement. i might last another year through this valley of pain.

Post another photo.
This one is from a weird angle and the lighting is bad.

if you're ugly then I'm a fucking goblin
nah dude you look cute, go to the gym and get a nice haircut, getting a gf should be pretty easy for you

its not edgy you look like a weak faggot

Could be worse, good facial structure.
Potential to be semi-chad looking if you manage to accentuate your jawline.

This better be fucking bait or compliment fishing.
You're like an easy 7/10 dude, I would literally think you were a normie if I saw you IRL.
Do the rest of you faggots who constantly complain about how "ugly" you are actually look like this? Fucking hell I need to stop coming to this shithole, you're all deluded and everything is all in your heads.

>being a 7/10
>whining about being stupid and ugly

Just become gay bro


get a cute archer gf
maybe you have a chance with asian girls

Attached: 778 (1).jpg (690x690, 62K)

you look fine. you need to be confident. women aren't going to magically appear at your doorstep just because you want to. Stop being desperate. Be a man, stop feeling sorry for yourself, & do something about it. every Chad got where he did by improving himself.

Not even trying to race bait here, but I don't know how else to say this. You look like a huge beta white pussy. No wonder you have trouble with women.

>Literally every single incel selfie thread
>Everyone is legit a 6-9/10

Every time. You're like a 7/10 from your jawline alone bro. Just fake confidence and dress fashionably, perhaps tone your body as well. Also if you're on Jow Forums, high chance you're a reactionary dweeb, don't be, it's a massive turnoff among girls in our age group.

These are your friends.
Also another thing, watch your demenor, walk shoulders back, sit up straight, don't cross arms, make eye contact, talk slowly, probably enunciate words (don't F-front (f instead of th, so fink instead think) or mumble like most lazy nerd ass robots do), do not talk in short quick bursts filled with insane amounts of information like you're making a forum post.
These are the biggest give aways to girls that you're a virgin ass Robot dweeb apparently according to lots of girls I've talked with about this.