Facemaxxing, real or fake?


I was looking up how to give my cheeks more definition and watched several videos like the one above. They suggest performing exercises that work on the facial muscles.

(hollow cheeks?)

Has anyone here tried it? and if so, does it work?

If you haven't tried it, do you think it is practical?


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Hollow cheeks are result of forward grown maxilla and no fat on face which is caused by high testosterone.

hwo about this

>They suggest performing exercises that work on the facial muscles.
Lol what that's literally the opposite of what you should be doing. You should be trying to activate your cheek muscles the least bit possible so your buccinators atrophy and get smaller.

Not exactly true. You want to avoid activating your buccinators, yes, but to say
>You shouldn't do facial exercises
Is false. If you find a way to grow your zygomaticus and masseters your cheeks will look more hollow for example.

the dude in the video doesn't even have hollow cheeks

just mew and get low bodyfat

>Work you masseters and grow them
>Mew your cheekbones higher
>Learn to swallow properly so you allow your buccinators to atrophy
>go to 10% bodyfat

dude mew says its literally for children. dont exept too much


not fitness related

>most attractive face is an under-developped one

t. guy wholl never try mewing because hes too scared he might still be ugly

Buccinators are for babies so they can suck milk out of tit. As an adults we do not need this muscle. We're supposed to get water with our tongue and swallow it with our tongue.

Damn, must be stressful to be ugly

t. mr personality who thinks mewing will save him

you're right, 6'3 130 lbs men with hollow cheeks have high testosterone, fat neo-nazi fucktard.

Not him but I hope you'll keep thinking that all "neonazis" are fat faggots until you feel a boot crushing your windpipe, faggot.
Neckbeard losers get the rope too.

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i know im getting there when mom says my cheeks look sucked in and i should eat more

which part of low bodyfat did you miss, libtard?

what do you mean "how to swallow properly"

>Not him but I hope you'll keep thinking that all "neonazis" are fat faggots until you feel a boot crushing your windpipe, faggot.
nice larp

You'll fix your trash tier genetics with broscience

This neo-nazi is about to find where you live and skullfuck you.Never should have come here

It might be your neighbor, the clerk at the store, a taxi driver. I'm not saying it's going to be my boot.

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So you're basically just terrorists hiding.

Take the maxilla pill.

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>tfw get complimented of my cheekbones
>tfw 15% bf

Are you suggesting he has a prominent maxilla or not? Because he doesn't look like he does.

All "mewing" does it make your soft palate retract, which causes the little extra skin under (even thin) people's chins pull tighter, resulting in a seemingly more prominent jaw and chin. Jawlets will see this immediate change, and think to themselves "damn look at dem jaw gains!"
As others have pointed out, even the doctor says it's something that'll only work in younger people whose bones aren't even fully grown yet, and I would even take HIS claims with a huge grain of salt.

To even suggest that you can re-mold your facial structure with something like a "face exercise" is about the most laughable meme I've seen posted here up with nofap, foreskin restoration, and jelqing.

not using your cheeks or facial muscles at all, just a tounge wave then suction

>Buccinators are for babies so they can suck milk out of tit
>As an adults we do not need this muscle
you don't know what I get up to in my rpivate life user, don't generalize

Not fitness


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I'm an actual national socialist lmfao you inbreds, not a degenerate Jewish neo-nazi who votes for Donald "Greater Israel" Trump and applies Torah-inspired tribalism to its own version of the "glorious white race"

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Looks like a rotting aids patient lmao

All neo-Nazis and wignats are failures and freaks who gain life energy by leading disillusioned & impressionable young men down a path of isolation and unemployability. Prove me wrong.

The bogpill is a strong one

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Don't care if you're national, international, or democratic, all socialists will get free helicopter rides.

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>calling someone a neo nazi for absolute zero reason
trump really did mentally fuck you poor fools

I have high cheekbones, hollow cheeks & decent jawline. I'm also 6'2 & white. Plus slight cleft chin?

I'm still ugly.

hope you enjoy your heli ride

Fight club was fucking gay and nice larp
>ah! user, ya! direction is down ze hall and to ze left

Facial exercises have no evidence.

It is possible, just like post stroke and facia partial paralysis patients get their faces distorted on a sceletal level after years of msucle inactivity. Your bones still grow if there is a need, just like with broken ones. You simply need to create a need for it to happen, which mewing and chewing can help you with.

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when I got down to low bf I just looked like a meth head

Will this fix double chin?