Never forget user

Never forget user
The quality of your face determines 99% of your sexual and romantic success

Merry Christmas

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Weebshit opinions

N-nani d-d-d-d-d-d-d-desu???

I was going to say that I was impressed by their honesty, but the santa hat was covering the avatar and name.
It's just one of us posting.
Hope you're not just screencapping your own tweets, OP.

Why does anyone need to tell me what I already know?

Yeah ok. Except I'm ugly and fat.

I agree, even the normies are starting to like them ironically

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>not to rapists.

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This is not true. I'm genuinely good-looking but a virgin. Explain this faggot.

I already know and accept this. I know I'm doomed to be alone.

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And stupid, and your half spic baby has lowered standards by another inch

>feel that I'm ugly
>somehow got a gf
>unless the worst happens, probably going into 2019 not single
Well, atheists?

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you could just be autistic

I look like an 80's action hero but my oneitis likes nerdy guys. What the fuck?

You are not good looking. Your mother lied to you.

>normalfags are using azumanga profile pics
what fucking timeline did I land in?

You guys think personality doesn't matter bc most people have lame ones. And since a lame personality has no effect on others, it seems like personality doesn't matter.

fortunately for me I'm both

I know autistic guys that get laid because they are handsome and therefore many girls approach them.

She likes Chad, all women are chadsexual.

It's so considerate of worthless barely-sentient retards to always use Chinese children's cartoon characters as their avatars so one can immediately recognize them and disregard their worthless opinions.

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Prove him wrong though.

not true, I'm hit on a few times and turn down because I know I'm too autistic

>Prove some normalshit tranny zoomer's unfalsifiable opinion wrong

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Ok ugly keep coping

I'm an incel and I'm probably hotter than you fuckboi.

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Holy shit, I think the whole "people being angry at incels" was just a misunderstanding.

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Not true, have Chad face but my autism will make me be a KHV forever.

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>sexual success
What kind of degenerate shit is that?
t volcel chad

blackpill: it doesn't matter whether you have hair or not or face or ugly, if the geometry of your head if misshapen or just unattractive it makes even the best faces look worse.

I'm ugly and i have a gf who basically worships me

user... people have always hated unsuccessful males
it's really nothing new

But 250.000 people related to a tweet summarizing inceldom, isn't that a bit weird after all the hate they got from everyone ?

The internet culture, OUR culture, is no longer our own. I am afraid. Anons, hold me.
I started out on 9gag when I was like 11. It was pretty much just filtered Jow Forums back then. The original memes and cringe. I moved to reddit after 9gag became normie land, but soon enough realized that, aside for some smaller subs (rip mde), reddit is normalfag-tier too.
Jow Forums is robots' last fort. We will lose it eventually, as we have lost everything else to popular culture and monetization. We're actually already losing it, with trap and gay threads and 4channel etc.

Site admins know that more traffic = more revenue, but they don't see the consequences of suddenly introducing the masses to a small and isolated community.
Aside from the fact that it becomes commonplace to reference these things in public, what pains me most is that normal people don't understand our culture. They morph it into something else, until they can pull some meaning out of their creation, but it takes away its essence, its soul.
The same images reposted into infinity without any new content, unfunny antijokes, people being "ironic" by deepfrying already unfunny images, people always trying to unironically one-up one another with likes or upvotes or whatever. The list goes on and on, and all you can hear from the other side is how elitist or gatekeeping you are. That this culture is not your own, how it's a GOOD thing that a world I've lived in and helped create for so long is being burnt down, its foundations replaced with completely different values.

Maybe this is a sign we should grow up. Maybe, soon enough, the internet will no longer be a place for robots.

No. "haha I'm ugly" is a common normalfag joke

Yeah honestly you're reading too far into this. Normies don't understand that what they do has wider implications. Despite always being ready to take what you said out of context.

Anime is for normal fags just like you

because normies are sensors (mbti) look up the sensors to intuition ratio of the general population and you will understand the whole normie phenomenon

I'm ugly, and I've had numerous sexual partners and am married to an attractive woman. This claim simply isn't true.

You really are just ugly

is that meant as encouragement?

How the fuck is that supposed to make someone feel better?

This shit is why we have incels

not true, girls flirt with me but I don't know what to say. recently a girl kept trying to engage me and I literally gave her an annoyed frown to look "cool"
being socially capable is 95% what will get you in. 4% is looks, if you're hot but a GENUINE social retard no one will want to bother.

>haha im actually 6'6 with a good jawline and my maxilla and zygomatic bone make my lower third perfect, i also have hooded eyes and an iq of 150.
you are really the ugliest motherfucker on r9k aren't you user. And that coping is not coming along well is it.
I bet you post on lookism