What is the longest you have gone without food? I have been water fasting for 4 days now...

What is the longest you have gone without food? I have been water fasting for 4 days now. Food is literally poisoning you.

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I've always thought fasting was based as fuck but I've never had a healthy enough relationship with food to where I can fast and not fall down a rabbit hole and become really unhealthy. What are your secrets?

>hunger subsides early day 3
>lack the energy to feel unsatisfied with anything
>sit watching the wall, content
Kind of neat.
>Food is literally poisoning you.
lmao dumb newagefag

2 weeks after my double jaw surgery, I was wired shut for two whole weeks.
I had water and smoothies.
lost like 30 pounds

the last time i tried fasting i got locked up in a psych ward

Does alcohol count as food? A few times I spent a full day drinking and forgot to eat anything.

Ok, we're gonna need some details on that. How did fasting lead you to getting locked in a psych ward?

Are you a lardass or just anorexic?

Looooook aaaannnoooonnn,
>It has your name on it...

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Pretty sure she means anorexia

Good call not fasting if you think it will cause you to spiral. I dont have much advice except remember to take multivitamins if youre restricting. Most people's diets dont have enough vitamins and minerals and then people wonder why they feel and look like crap.

I would consider alcohol food since it has calories.

>Food is literally poisoning you.
what did he mean by that?

I had jaw surgery a while back and could not eat anything but soup for like 2 weeks, after about 5 days just seeing the soup in the hospital made me sick so i basically stopped eating and only drank tea. It was actually suprising how moch energy you lose after just one day of not eating anything, after 5 days i would be exhausted to the point that i had to sleep for a few hours after a 5 minute walk. Also lost a lot of weight, it didn't feel too bad desu.

Real Gnostic hours, who up?

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I just wish I could control myself yaknow :/

I hope you die lole

How can you tell if you need more vitamins and shizz? And if you fast and take a multi is is ok?

>How can you tell if you need more vitamins and shizz?
Get a blood test. I get 1-3 a year. A blood test will tell you if you have any deficiencies you need to take care of. Also, track your food in cronometer. After a few weeks of tracking your food you will know where your diet is lacking (I promise you your diet is lacking, everyones is) then you can make ajustments accordingly. If you dont want to do any of that you can skip it and just take a multivitamin but its good to know whats going on with your body/diet.
>And if you fast and take a multi is is ok?

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Thank you doctor user, and once you get the blood results, do vitamins actually do anything? I hear arguments that taking vitamins usually dont do shizz

I'm thinking about fasting for three days when my parents are at work. I just have to hope they don't somehow notice I'm not eating. I've gained an unacceptable amount of weight due to medication and a naturally lowering metabolism. Almost fifty pounds. Something needs to be done.

You are an independent person. If you want to have a short fast, you have every right to do that.

From my experience, yes vitamins are affective. I had to take iron supplements before my surgery because I am anemic and my iron levels did increase. Also, my nails grow very fast when I take multivitamins which leads me to believe they multi is properly being absorbed into my body.

Longest was an 11 day fast but first 5 or so I drank one glass of fresh fruit smoothie daily. Still went into ketosis. Rest of the days was just water. I'm a fatty but oddly enough I handle fasting ok. I can crank out 3 days without an issue. It feels nice but the dizziness when getting up is annoying. I mainly eat out of boredom

almost 5 weeks earlier in 2018
I would like to do 6 weeks in 2019

How much weight did you lose and how much did you regain?

Can you fast without multi's? And do you basically just drink water every time you feel the urge to eat?

I didn't weigh myself but I'm pretty sure I gained it all back... I basically stay inside for weeks and never walk, so any amount of food makes me fat.
I'll start going to gym after the next successful fast.

>Can you fast without multi's?
I started taking a multi about 3 weeks into my 5 week fast.
>And do you basically just drink water every time you feel the urge to eat?
You don't feel the urge to eat.

Ey good job fasting bro. I lost 25kg this year through fasting and intermittent fasting, kept it all off too. I'm planning a 21 day water fast January 1st because I've absolutely abused my body this Christmas period. I love the spiritual nature of fasting, I always get this euphoric feeling on day 5 or so.
I don't really bother with multis but it's a good idea to have a drink that replenishes electrolytes. I usually start having Snake Juice after day 3

On a whim I tried water fasting. I got through most of an entire day, to my surprise I was not hungry even once, and I didn't even have my usual urges to smoke cigarettes. Unfortunately I ended up sipping my water a bit too often towards the end. My stomach started to burn, so I called it off and ate some kipper snacks, potato chips, and oreos. It was pretty fun, I should do it again.

>You don't feel the urge to eat.
Really? After how long do you lose the urge?

10 days. I'm going to break this record today though. Planning to liquid fast for 25 more days.

not sure, I always lose the urge instantly
when I decide it's time to fast my stomach just shuts down

For some reason fasting is really easy for me. I used to eat only lunch for months which means i pretty much fasted 24h in between meals. Sometimes id skip a meal or 2 and extend the fast to 48/72h.
Im thinking of doing a week long fast but the thing that scares me is the low energy.

I imagine japanese pudding is gross

Just don't fucking move for a week. Play a turn based game or read a visual novel, and listen to some upbeat music.

Can you fast and smoke weed?

For years from when I was 15-18 I was sustaining myself on only 400 calories 5 days a week and nothing on the weekend. I swear I was psychic as fuck. Felt deja vu all the time. I knew what would happen before it happened. I could close my eyes and feel every person's heat presence in the room. I have had many prophetic dreams. I could smell/taste things in the near future without any evidence that I would eat smelled/tasted food. I telepathically given someone a command that they then performed.

Depends why you're fasting. If you're fasting for pleasure denial then no. If you're fasting to burn fat then I don't see why smoking would interrupt that. Regardless of this, I don't recommend smoking weed daily, daily or semi-daily use is not good.

I dont smoke daily, but if I fast 5 days I may wanna smoke once lol

Thats so kewl user

People who have never experienced any psychic phenomena will never understand it. The likelihood of those things happening would be astronomically low. The only one that I mentioned that I'm not 100% sure about is the one about "telepathically given command" because it was a basic command. I also remember the psychic things I've tried and that have failed so it's not confirmation bias.

The failed things are much fewer than the successes

I did it for about three days.
I'm a skelly anyway so it wasn't that difficult.

based and zenpilled

Can confirm the things about iron supplements. My brother was anemic and he also had to get iron supplements and he got better(dont remember if he got a transfusion after or not)