Gym anxiety

How do you get over being a skeleton in the gym?
>everyone’s has some semblance of a normal body
>be me
>training amongst all these people
>feel like an outcast and being ridiculed

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After a while you just stop caring

t. 6'5 and 175lbs

Nobody cares about you.

By going to the gym and leaving skeldom behind

People like you remind me that i should not skip meals. You do good for our comminuty.

I know its you xQc

lol i was actually bullied my first several months in my gym until i became a regular. even then i could hear people talk shit about me because of how young and thin i looked but years later I have a better physique then all of them, because I kept going.

After a while you just start going at times when no one is there to judge you
t. 5'7 and 150lbs

My girlfriend is going to start going to the gym with me. She is really hot but she has social anxiety. I know every dude is gonna be looking at her a ton and it's going to make her uncomfortable.

Not really sure if there is anything I can do about it.

Who cares? I started as a fat fuck and I didn't care.

Go early mornings where it's empty if you can, otherwise just power through for a month and you'll stop caring

Keep going. Everyone started at the bottom. But remember as a skelly, nutrition is more important than lifting for gains. Took me years to figure out that I could go to the gym just 3 times a week and as long as i ate enough food would make way more gains than going every day and not eating enough.

I was bullied a few times in the years I went to the gym. It's to be expected, simply because some people are shit. So I wouldn't worry too much about it, just focus on what you're there to do.
Eventually I just got a home gym.

People should be supportive if you are doing your workout right. If not then you are better than them. Fitness is not about gatekeeping.

Take ashwagandha unironically

My issue is the anxiety keeps getting bumped up on every set. I need to find shirts that don’t lift above my waist, I’m chubby and my love handles and muffin top show on certain movements and it’s humiliating

You are literally right in the middle of normal BMI, dude.

I know that feel bro, but believe me people don't look at ur lower belly showing, it's only yourself that cares about it the most.

I totally know that, it still sucks man. It’s easier for me to focus on my lifts and any non related random thoughts I get than to be mid set and feel/notice my gut hanging out. It’s boomer tier, makes me feel like white trash

This is a lie, everyone notices each other in the gym and makes an internal judgement, even if a very brief one.

I started everything with the bar as a skinnyfat weakling. Yeah, it was embarrassing but who gives a shit. No one at the gym actually cares unless you're acting like a retard and being obnoxious or getting in their way. The first couple months will suck as you orient to the gym and are seen as the new guy, but put in enough time and the regulars will notice and accept you, and before you know it you won't be lifting bitch weight anymore. It feels real good when you can finally put actual lmaopl8s on the bar. Just keep your head down and do your lifts, and wipe your shit down afterward. You'll be fine.

If anything, Jow Forums gives me more anxiety than the gym, with all the people claiming they got to 1/2/3/4 in 6 months whatever.

you gotta start somewhere, don't let it get to you

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When i started to lift i was a 6'3 120lbs ultra skeleton that could barely lift the bar. People WILL silently judge you, but once you go regularly for 3 months and start to make gains people will start to respect you. Put your headphones in and get in your zone. You will give less of a fuck everytime you go.

Fuck what people think!
About 2 years ago when I started I was 5' 8. And 105 lbs
Now I'm 152 and people always compliment me on my body.
Never give up user!

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