Why do some peoples abs protrude outwards and how do I avoid it?

Why do some peoples abs protrude outwards and how do I avoid it?

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Do stomach vacuums

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Be strong and it won't matter

Attached: Konstantin-Konstantinovs.jpg (533x647, 58K)

wtf i can't do any of these. My abs stay out like pic related

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is that fartemus?

I'd rather not look like a brick shithouse

Thats why noone will remember your name

No one will remember your name just because you took up powerlifting. No normal person even follows powerlifting

> implying
Nice try kiddo

He's right, youre being retarded

So basically just suck in the stomach and hold?

lmao faggot

Yea he’s right, I’ve never heard anyone talk about powerlifting except on here. Not even my gym bros.

This like, I have a gymbro who is a cookie cutter of a power lifter and I was making a joke and he had no idea that it was even an official term.

stop flexing your abs by distending them and forcing them out - pinch your abs to your spine and imagine a band of tension circumventing your abdomen, around your obliques, and over your lower back - this is technically the entirety of your abs and what they're directly connected to, so in flexing your abs you'll also pinch and squeeze these muscles as well - as of right now i'm almost 100% sure you're flexing them by pushing them out like you would your belly

STOP FUCKING DOING THAT, i can't remember exactly how, but you can and will hurt yourself flexing like that, and if it's not entirely broscience i'm pretty sure it's the same reason why you now have that bubble gut set of abs, your PVA has gotten weak and your core support is out of balance

tl;dr: imagine pinching your belly button to your spine, and imagine when flexing your abs that you're squeezing braids of muscle to cause them to bulge, rather than pushing your entire set of abs outward, because you're using 2 different muscles to do those things

omg it's the homo guy mirin the guy with glasses

Heh, takes one to know one bucko

Aren't protruded abs a sign of organ enlargement caused by steroid use?

Visceral fat.

it's called estrogen bloat , side effect of steroid usage.

This. Stop drinking beer lads. Stick to vodka

HGH or visceral fat

>Do stomach vacuums

That only makes you better at doing vacuum poses. It doesn't reverse protruding stomach.

This, especially in extreme cases.

Quit drinking. It's the fat around your organs that are pushing them out. And do cardio