/fit is the best board

> /fit is the best board
Can you believe this guy?

Attached: omegle.png (232x97, 3K)

>thinking a board full of Chads isn't the best

it isn't because it's the opposite of what Jow Forums should be

That's why is the best

Hes right, fit based

>being actually able to talk on omegle
why are you even here if you have social skills.

They have some of the best memes and banter, and they don't take themselves too seriously. Not to mention that ever since the WWEfags and their ilk took over /asp/, Jow Forums is the only place to have actual discussion about martial arts and combat sports with anons who may actually be practitioners. I don't know about "best" board, but they're a pretty damn good one. Title of Best probably goes to /tg/ or Jow Forums: /tg/ for the most amount of OC and actual finished community projects, and Jow Forums because of them having arguably the best meme culture and a decent bit of OC too.

Do you have sub 80 IQ or something?

>best board
Are you delusional?

They're incels too

We were at one point.

Yea I'm with this one. I have tried omegle a few times but I just get really nervous and start to panic because the 1 on 1 interactions are just too nerve wrecking for me.
Also fit best board.
t. fit

I have 0 social skills. If you can manage a 1 on 1 chat in omegle you're already more functional than I'd qualify robot as.

Fuck you user I may shitpost If I want too

>he can't manage basic pattern recognition
that's all talking is. You're not a robot, you're a failed normalfag. You want to be normal but can't. That's why you didn't take issue with using omegle at all, but with being able to use it.

>you're not a robot
you can socialize you are filthy normalswine by default.

you're such a tryhard. probably underage as well.
get fucked

I'm not the one using chat websites user.

>I'm not the one using chat websites user.
He chatted.

thanks for proving my point. You wish you lived the life of a normalfaggot, but can't. That makes you a failed normlafag, not a robot.

>anonymous imageboards are now 1 on 1 chat sites
You sure are smart

>i cant socialize well
>you can't? you're not a robot, you're a failed normalfag, talking to people is easy
>also if you expressed any desire to talk to people you're not a robot
>but its easy anyways if you did

What level of mental hoops is this?

Attached: 1536113978936.gif (356x200, 1.76M)

Jow Forums and Jow Forums are basically the same board, just one is blue the other red

>mental hoops
Right, I forgot you're sub 80 IQ. I don't know how to break this down further for you though. You aretoo stupid or cowardly to function properly, but you still have the exact same mentality of normalfags.

>identifies himself as from Jow Forums but still thinks Jow Forums is best
Confirmed for gymcel with an inferiority complex.

I'm not even the guy you were talking to, retard. If you honestly think talking to strangers online is just 'pattern recognition' then you might actually literally be autistic, in addition to the stroke you had earlier when you said not socializing is the mark of a failed normie

Attached: 1526488684267.jpg (1129x1200, 118K)

Talking to people really is pattern recognition. If you still haven't realized this, it's no wonder why you can't function.

>can't function
>not a robot
How I know you're retarded.

fit is the best board retard

No social skills are going to save you from 14 year olds asking you a/s/l, and then immediately disconnection.

>Filled with pretentious anons that think they're on some path to enlightenment because they lift weights
>Filled with obnoxious zoomers only lifting for women
>Filled with gymcels harbouring inferiority complexes
Its alright, but Jow Forums can really grate on you.
The real best board is /sp/.