
>be me
>3rd degree burn scars on my face

How am I supposed to be happy again, Jow Forums ?

Attached: fSSh7df.png (500x421, 80K)

Be confident also post burns

Do you still have a penis? You could get a BF or try GF, also see a doctor for medications and therapy how did you get burned

How can I be confident when everyone is staring at me all the time ? Any confidence I had left is gone now

I do have a penis
I don't think I can get a GF, why would you say that ?
Doctors have done everything they could, I'm on my own now
I was in a fire

How did the fire happen are you into men?

rd degree burn scars on my face


Post pics Punished OP

Post proof or get boiled alive

I don't remember much but I think that I was standing next to a fire and then my clothes caught on fire somehow

I am definitely not into men

Not him but you could always watch straight porn and have a sissy suck you off while wat hung, sorry about burns OP

Why do you say that ?
Do you think that sissies might be more attracted to me than women ?

No idea but they are nice and more chill then women

Post pic of that scar op. Its okay if you post them you wont get banned for that

Can be hot if styled the right way?

No offense but I don't trust anyone here


> this
Do they look badass or your face is completely fucked?

Attached: FB_IMG_1541319311903.jpg (600x450, 37K)

They don't look badass at all...
They just look weird / gross

Here's how the scars look

That's not a picture of my face but I just wanted to show you the scar's color and "texture"

Attached: brntop.png (186x673, 184K)

Make a yt channel and embrace that

Sorry I don't understand, what exactly am I supposed to embrace ?

bumping to get an answer to my question