Yeah, lifted for a year, didn't make any difference. I've always been strong, and mildly active, so I guess I'm not the kind of person that would benefit from it like lanklets with no structure in their life.
Joshua Cox
as long as you're not a retard (don't do roids, don't do crazy shit that'll injure you) it's good for you don't let others here drag you down, i won't tell you that it's gonna make you drown in pussy 24/7 but in the end it's a positive thing, being strong feels great
Mason Rodriguez
Im about half a year into my routine, although ive been on and off for the past 3 years.
Itll definitely help you get ahead, since your body alone will become a conversation piece and you have something to talk about with buff chads. It definitely wont make your problems go away, that would be stupid, but its a step in the right direction in terms of your health and confidence.
Self love is key in personal development, but having something that shows physical progress over a long-ish period of time will hopefully motivate you more towards achieving long-term goals and may help you make that extra social risk because you feel a little more comfortable in your own skin.
>Does it make you a Chad? it enhances chadness and adds some chad qualities
>Does it help against depression yes.
Thomas Bailey
do it self improvemnt its fun a hobby and it will increase your luck with everything(HALO) if you are in a dark place it might help you focus on other things. And a pullup bar and the right knowladge you are good to go, good luck noobie gains never let down.
Ryder Reyes
if you where lifting for a year you are doing something wrong with nothin changing
Brandon Stewart
Honestly, this. If you're a typical robot then lifting is not going to make all your problems magically disappear. Based on my experience though, weight training (and actually regular exercise of any kind) is a massive step in the right direction. When I started my routine in second year university, I found that it helped me sleep better (if I went in the morning or afternoon, evening workout sessions fucked with my sleep), it took the edge off my depression (I went from borderline suicidal to just mildly unhappy) and over time it helped boost my confidence a bit since people began taking interest in my body. Also having a more healthy body just feels good generally.
Join a low-cost gym, and don't forget that diet is 2/3 of the story. So be sure to combine your workout regime with as much unprocessed food as possible, plenty of vegetables, fruits and meat. If you're going to do protein powder, look for stuff with good leucine content. Don't do roids. Masturbate after leg day, it feels great. And best of luck.
Ryan Young
>Does it make you a Chad? Not necessarily, though for me it sorta did. >Does it help against depression? Sorta. Helps with confidence a good bit.
Really I recommend it. Probably also recommend having a personal trainer teach you how to use the equipment if you never have lifted before. I had poor form for quite a while.
To the bots that tried lifting (at a gym). How did you survive the initial phase where you didn't know what you were doing? And how you were fat or skinny. Did the Chads bully you? And what about the normies?
David Ortiz
>Does it make you a Chad? Lol, nope >Does it help against depression? It's a nice distraction because you won't really focus on your thoughts when lifting, but it's still there. Sometimes the depression is to strong and impacts your lifts >I might join a gym soon but I'm really anxious but I want to try lifting weights and become strong.
Don't be. Most people at the gym are real nice and it's always nice to see someone put in the effort to physically improve even when they start very small. Ive been lifting for 5 years and seen a lot of guys make great progress. Me and my friends always notice.
Adrian Nguyen
i fell for the lifting meme for 2 years and counting
got stronger but with no noticeable visual changes
Lucas Miller
What was your diet like? If you weren't taking in enough protein, or lifting heavy enough weights, then you would not get much in the way of results.
Kevin Jenkins
I mostly ate fish with rice, oatmeal, and whey protein shakes.
Angel King
There are some assholes, but a high % of people will answer your questions and help you. Anybody that laughs at a person trying to improve themselves is a cunt. Chads are (mostly) okay people.
Jeremiah Powell
I trained mma for 4 years and I'm embarrassingly bad for my level of dedication and want to quit It didn't change me socially I guess lifting is the same
Cooper King
So the protein should have been okay. How about the weight? If you worked your way up to bench 90-100 lbs, and stayed there, then you would probably not grow any further. As a general rule I try to increase the weight by 2.5-5lbs at each workout session until I literally cannot do any more.
This, there are always going to be some self-absorbed pricks but you really just need to discount them and whatever they say. A lot of the Chads at my gym were really helpful if you had a question about the equipment, even enthusiastic you might say. This is sort of their hobby so if others are trying to get into it, then they're going to be pretty good about that.
Brayden Ortiz
>no fucking vegetables
I think we got to the bottom of the issue here.
Connor Anderson
Ya I was already skinny with a tiny bit of muscle, but I have been lifting every day for about half a year and it definitely helped my anxiety. I have good bulk and definition and am getting close to being legit ripped, maybe another 3-4 months and a slight cut and I'll probably just maintain that body. I can tell women sometimes notice when I take my coat off or wear something tight. I've had women start flirting with me on occasion, and guys tend to be nicer around men, but more defensive when women are around. Not most, but some. It doesn't make you insta-chad, but it's nice to see people take notice of your physique. I'm also 6'2", so that helps, but still, not insta-chad. The biggest thing it does is gives you routine, confidence, and makes you feel better physically.
Daniel Bennett
I should add that it motivates you to eat right as well because you don't want to counteract your effort.
Joshua Foster
Check starting strength and Jow Forums sticky. Good diet and lifting info. Always do sets with max weights so u actually grow
Jaxson Gonzalez
I meant attitude.
Jonathan Gomez
I ate plenty of corn, broccoli, and peas.
Noah Ramirez
>Does it make you a Chad? Physically you can look like one if you stick with it long enough. You'll never be Chad if you can't ditch the robot mentality >Does it help against depression? It helps a little bit, at the very least you'll feel a bit healthier and more energetic
Brody Anderson
I can bench 145 and have stalled on my progress.
Luis Hughes
at first it helps, but you either become a gym fag or just go back to your old self, do a sport more meaningful
Jeremiah Sullivan
Lifting helped me make more male friends than attract women, which was good at the beginning of college. I was injured for the past year and could not lift (tendon problem) and I've noticed way fewer girls look at me and try to talk to me in social situations, so maybe it makes a difference.
Hudson Wood
>Any bots here that tried the lifting meme? I've been lifting for about 14 years now.
>Does it make you a Chad? No. It may or may not alter your self image, but it won't do anything for your overall psyche and although women may admire your body, they won't feel any more attracted to your persona underneath.
>Does it help against depression? Yes. At least for me it is a good way to deal with it. I call it 'the pain exchange'. You come in with mental pain, and your leave with your body hurting so much, you won't have time to focus on your mental pain anymore. Also cardio is good for endorphin flushing your brain from fog.
What's important is to keep at it. Establish a regular routine. Good luck.