What does Jow Forums smoke? I smoke camel nonfilters. Have been smoking them for years now...

What does Jow Forums smoke? I smoke camel nonfilters. Have been smoking them for years now, camels also were the first cigs I tried, when I was 14. How did you get into smoking?

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Don't smoke but been considering starting.
Is it worth the addiction for stress relief?

I marathoned Mad Men last summer/fall and it inspired me to buy a pack of Luckies. 1 year later I still buy a pack occasionally.

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If you're a robot and aren't in a shit money situation I'd say yeah, it's relaxing.

i sure love smoking!

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Some local cigarette brand, might switch to Marlboros though.
>only joy I get in life is from smoking

Eagle20s Menthol
just fuck my shit up

Started as a teenager on Pall Mall Blues, and good cigarettes were a rare treat. One day bought a box of Kamel Reds and smoked them for about 2 years, then they were phased out for the Camel Royals, so now I smoke those.

i smoke john player special gold leaf. they're rollups but I don't smoke with a filter so it's better than straights, also it's a lot cheaper

American Spirits or Black and Milds. Two different spectrums of trash.

That honestly depends on whether you're willing to open yourself up to the possibility of a very painful death, a long slow health decline, and almost immediate worsened physical capabilities for the perverse, decadent pleasure of a thousand short moments now

it was worth it to me

fuck you, you menthol smoking pussyhole. I hope you and your bitch cigarettes get hit by a bus.

I smoke pipe and cigars.
I still smoke cigarettes but I have cut back dramatically from the 3 packs a day I used to smoke.

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Been wanting to try a pack of those but they are hard to find. Anywhere that has camel non-filters also has luckies and since they are the same price I always end up with the luckies

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Used to smoke Marlboro, now switched to Camel and they're a lot smoother and taste better.
How does it feel to smoke nonfilters? Would you recommend?

It is nice and relaxing at the end of a day do just sit and watch the smoke while thinking about nothing in particular. Just staring off into space and seeing the smoke. I don't do it often enough to be addicted so I cant really say. Maybe try cigars or pipes if you're really that worried

Without a filter it's hard for tobacco companies to hide junk so non-filters are made with the best picks of real tobacco.
You get a lot of real.tobacco taste but they will be a bit unpleasant to inhale (probably because cigs without filters come from an era when it wasn't common to actually inhale tobacco smoke)

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I smoke eagle20 reds. There less than 5 bucks, I still can't bring myself to do heroin or commit suicide. So I smoke trash cigarettes.

And trash they are.
Absolutely garbage
Utterly disgusting
I used to smoke pyramids

why so mad?
do you vape?

can't go wrong with a ceegar every now and again
might have one tomorrow if it isn't too cold

Been smoking cowboy killers for a while. Tried out blacks but decide to stick with reds

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Only if you buy a bad one
pic certainly not related

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Honestly top comfyness moments from smoking:
1.warm summerbreeze, around grass having a smoke
2.drinking my favourite booze, getting all hyped up and killing a few cigs
3.after gym when i feel like i fucking killed it
Nothing else compares, smoking because you are bored is retarded, you'll just get more frustrated that your boredom isn't going away and become more bored on top
>cigars (assuming you buy quality)
Top comfy with real good booze but time consuming sibce properly smoking it will take 40 min +

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There are pretty decent quick cigar alternatives.
Pic related burn for around 10-15 minutes and taste like a basic short fill cigar more so than a gas station swisher.

Ashton senoritas are another worth trying and will burn for 20-30 minutes

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Gosh darn I hate Canada. Cigs are so expensive and there are barely any options.

Marlboro NXTs. I also vape, but nothing beats a good cigarette.
>man I need to fucking stop smoking

camels are a bit too mellow for my tastes
i smoke winstons

Thats the main reason I stopped smoking this year because the alcohol and tobacco tax is killer, or at least thats what I think is making them expensive. The same amount of money can get me more alcohol to last me longer so now I just drink and I want to go back to smoking again but oh well

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That's rough. Liquor is ridiculously expensive as well. As far as I can tell Weed hasn't been pillaged too severely since legalization but soon it'll probably be $20 a gram.

bought a carton of these in Michigan and one in North Dakota

Luckies are nice
Anyone dip/chew?
Currently have pic related

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I feel like a lot of people continue to smoke whatever their first cigarette was

>case in point, I'm still smoking light blue American Spirits and haven't really tried others (except a few Marb Reds I've bummed which sucked)

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White ox or kreteks

weed is only going to get cheaper with legalization. It'll be interesting to see what big weed companies start to emerge and if there'll be "craft weed" or something

Ryo with some pipe tobacco. Got some new papers that I need to try out sometime.

Marlboro reds, they taste so fucking good compared to others in my country. Also I like Lucky Strike, here are the cheapest cigs you can find, just 1.90 USD

Smoking one of those right now. Only cigs in cali still under 6 bucks aside from complete garbage like wings or clippers.

I used to smoke reds, but I was introduced to Newports in the Navy and now it's all I smoke.

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>cowboy killers
I'm going to start saying that

Cigarettes cost approximately $22 USD where I live so I'm having to slow down but I've always smoked Marlboro reds and blues

quit about 6 years ago, miss it sometimes, those little moments where you can talk to someone whos also at the smoke corner where ever you are at, so many places ban smoking now though anyway. When I was 18-19 it was the last year in my state for smoking in restaurants and we would go to Dennys and drink coffee and smoke all night and talk to other weirdos doing the same it was mega comfy.

Have since quit but I used to smoke Malboro menthol blacks in the summer and American Spirit Blacks the rest of the year. I miss it every day.

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I only smoke for ritualistic reasons. My grandfather was a writer, and he'd always have exactly one cigarette every time he finished writing a poem, essay, article, short story, etc. He became addicted to cigs, but he'd never light one without having written a piece first. Decades of this amounted to piles upon piles of writing pieces.

I have a high tolerance to addictive substances, so it isn't as effective on me, but it feels good knowing that the smoldering cigarette is a representation of hard work. Anyways, I smoke Nat Sherman Black and Golds or Dunhill Internationals.

hand-rolling cigs >>>>>>>>>>>

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