>little sister (16) begs family for another dog for months and it's fucking annoying >clearly has gotten tired of our current dog >little sister wants a doberman to """"""protect the family"""""" even though we live in a gated neighborhood >parents finally give in to probably shut her up >get dog >dad forced to drive her across another state (4 hours one way) >"promises" that she'll take care of her >gets one that's ~4 months old >dog constantly whines at night when in cage and makes everyone lose sleeps >little sister and mom is already contemplating returning the dog because no one really wants the dog and that whining is fucking annoying >it's been like 72 hours since then
If it makes you happy, my neighbors are niggers so you can kill them too while you're at it.
Austin Cox
Move the crate into your sister's room and make sure she (or someone) walks / plays with the dog so he's tired before you put him in the crate for the night.
Jack Davis
Your parents are cowardly and dumb
Anthony Lopez
>Plot twist She fucks dogs but this particular mutt has a little cock so she doesn't let it knott her tight pussy.
Xavier Garcia
But the whining and my mom talking to her gives her a ******headache******. The dog is currently in my parents' bathroom, so while the kids don't really suffer, the parents (the ones that put the roof over our heads because none of us currently work) do because that's fair.
Considering that she's apparently done a lot of research on this, *surely* she thought about it, but she probably already got bored of the dog.
Zachary Lee
"christmas puppy" is such a bad idea
Chase Mitchell
People who "get bored"of animals shouldn't be allowed to adopt pets
Kayden Bennett
Clarification: It's been a little bit over 72 hours since the dog has been home and my little sister and mom already had a small talk (little sister yelling at mom and mom talking to her normally) about returning the dog.
Dylan Davis
>whiny rich faggot yikes. go fuck yourself.
Bentley Miller
>she probably already got bored of the dog This gave me cancer. You and your family are a bunch of rich entitled motherfuckers. If nobody in your household is willing to take care and raise him properly, the least you should do is giving him a better home. Both sides would be happier.
Ethan Evans
>doberman You know why she got that dog. You know.
Literally no one else even wanted another dog, just her. It's been months and months of begging and it was fucking annoying. I guess my parents finally decided to give up and now that wow, it's even more of a timesink than she thought and hopefully, she'll shut the fuck up about another dog in the future until she has her own family.
And worse yet, she fucking wants our cousins to get another puppy from the same lot so that the dogs will be "sisters". Apparently spending $1000 on a bottle of wine my cousin's parents bought is cheaper than getting a new dog they don't need. Never mind the constant keep up and emergencies that dog will have.
My little sister gives me cancer for being an entitled fuck. We're probably going to give it back. If we didn't and it was still in this home where no one really wants to take care of the new dog, especially the one who wanted it the most, then yeah, I'll take what you said on the chin.
Jordan Richardson
>because no one really wants the dog sort of relatable, there is a dog my family has gotten over a year ago >my opinion wasn't taken into consideration so I assume they're fully responsible for making the decision themselves >if you could word count things they've said to it the most they've ever said to the dog is 'no' >to my understanding from what I have heard there isn't much actual communication with the dog >seems like a pipedreamt decision to get a dog with the idealization the situation would be fun and the dog would be so peppy >the reality is that you actually have to be a considerate owner and communicate with the dog to form a proper bond >not quite sure if they've been that way to the dog but plenty of times the dog barks/whimpers loudly and is clearly in need of attention of numerous times is met simply with no or shutup makes you think , but I'm not fully aware of the situation myself so who knows, there's no problem if they want to accept the sole responsibility of going out to get a dog themselves but if you can't raise it properly, you should return it or give it to somebody who can treat it better.
Luke Adams
16 year olds girls are notorious sluts even if they don't have a reputation for it yet
Sounds a lot like my sister. We have a cat, but she wants another cat. She alternates between practically worshiping that and whining about how evil it is. It randomly attacks us sometimes, but it's not that bad. I think a lot of women just like getting new things and want things they don't have. Both my sister and my mom are like that to a certain extent.
Alexander Rodriguez
my sister got a cat, she got bored of it after a few days and I had to take care of it. recently spent 900$ on some vet treatment.
Justin Stewart
cats are based. you should be happy desu.
Oliver Nguyen
This a million times. Richfag go commit die.
Josiah Martinez
it's destroying the couch. but i'm stuck with it now.
Parker Thompson
Nah i'm not interested in killing them,I genuinely hope they live a happy life :)
Julian Cooper
Did you try training it to not do that
Or at least buy it a scratcher
Hunter Parker
Why are you keeping the poor little guy in a cage? That's sadistic.
Thomas Allen
they're not, they're keeping him in his parents' bathroom