He thinks he will lose weight if he burns more calories than he consumes

>he thinks he will lose weight if he burns more calories than he consumes

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t. fat whale

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>he thinks he ever stopped playing thug aim

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It's all about eating frequency , if you only eat once a day , even if it's a lot you wont get fatter

but if you snack all day you get fat as fuck

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>Implying I'm trying to lose weight
Nigga, I'm trying to put on muscle. I want to weigh more.

HAVE SEX FAT SEETHING INCEL KEKY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....................................................................




This is just common knowledge
If your insulin is spiked all day more energy is created but exceeding your max cap at a certain point of insulin does nothing

I thought this kept your metabolism going?


you'll lose weight if you dont eat foods that spike your insulin (fat 3%, protein 50%, carbs 100-130% insulin increase) and do intermittent fasting with a small eating window

t. Fat as fatass

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What if you need carbs? Say a heavy labor job, or endurance cardio?

you dont need carbs, your body will enter the ketosis state if you eat a 75% fat 25% protein diet and eat once a day, preferably in the same hour everyday for best results
Your body will run on ketones instead of glucose which comes from sugar, carbs
You'll feel better when your body runs on ketones

Idk I’ve tried it before and my blood sugars went low, going pale, and almost passing out. I do really physical labor.

how do I lose it then faggot?

Your body needs some time to get into Ketosis.
Try to do it when you dont have to do physical labor.
Also some carbs are fine on an intense days, try to eat healtier carbs though

if you do these things why are you fat?

Calories in calories out my dude.

Don't try to complicate it.

The thing is, it's at same time right and wrong.

Most ppl do not realize that the "calories out" part not only depends on height, weight, and physical activity but also on what and how often you eat.

By fucking your ass while you're sleeping you little twinklet

while I do believe that, there are exceptions.
The guy that made the documentary "That Sugar Movie" made an experiment, he stopped eating his normal diet and started eating a standard so called """""healthy""""" diet (with low fat shit like yogurt, "healthy" cereal, etc) with plenty or carbs (simple and complex) and sugar. He kept the same TDEE he was eating before and in few months he gained some kilograms in weight, his body fat went up 7%, he got non alcoholic fatty liver disease and other nasty shit.
So if you eat healthy, calorie in vs calorie out is pretty accurate, now if you are stuffing your face with carbs and sugars, forget it

You're wrong. It's calories in calories out. Time doesn't matter. Calories needed to sustain the body is already part of cico.

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oh boy, you are WAAAAY behind

>he thinks diet can overcome genetics

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imagine thinking the laws of thermodynamics don't exist or apply to you

>Thinks the human body is a closed system