Always been made fun of for skinny legs

>always been made fun of for skinny legs
>literally have the skinniest legs out of anyone I've ever met
>cant even find a pic on Google images to compare because no pic is skinny enough to represent my legs
This flaw has ruined my life. I'm 23 years old and I've never had a gf or go out because of my disgusting legs. The one time I got close to a girl she saw my ankles from under my pants (i always wear pants) and laughed. She could almost wrap her finger around it. There is no escape from these shit genetics. What am I supposed to do? I did compound lifts for a year and saw growth in every area except my calves. I gave up out of frustration. Is there anyone out there with my problem? My 20s are being squandered because of these hideous legs.

Attached: 1552975255956.jpg (400x350, 22K)

I know your pain, fellow bird anklet.

Thats tough dude, show legs

No. Some faggot is going to save the pic and it will become a memebody.

Damn nigger do some squats

Own it. I have lady wrists and whenever I get shit for it I just joke about how it makes my forearms look comparably huge.

I was squatting 250 for 3x5, which may not be much, but I'm thin and short so it should be enough to give me at least normal fucking legs. Why do 99% of people have thicker legs than me without squatting anything?

Are you hanging out around lowlives? If you were an academic you probably wouldn't be picked on. Supposedly smart people are painfully politically correct these days

There is no "owning" this pathetic trait. In shorts I'm like a circus freak

Genetics, higher bodyfat% etc.
What's your height and weight? Ever been on a bulk?

Then just don't wear shorts. Guys older than 14 who wear shorts are pathetic anyway.

And since you have that kind of problem, just don't wear them. It's not like someone is forcing you to dress like a kid.

fucking based. this is the only way to handle traits you can't change and the pack singles you out for, if you want them to like you.

incel mentality. don't ask for advice and then shoot the advice you get down. that's shit tier behavior that betrays a sick mind.

5'8 140. I was rail thin 120 as a teen but gained 20 lbs over a summer from lifting and quasi-bulking. None of the fat went to my legs. Everything else is relatively proportional now (still Auschwitz for Jow Forums standards probably, but at least not freakishly thin)

>cant even find a pic on Google images to compare because no pic is skinny enough to represent my legs
Just show us ur legs

I have the opposite problem. My upper body has always looked great but my ass and legs are thicc as fuck. My reason for lifting in the first place is to reduce my bf% and finally get slim legs and a slim butt

lmao imagine being scared of shorts you fat boomer

>My biggest problem in life are small calves
If u seriously believe that you got bigger problems in your head. Try squating 3 times per week and do calve raises afterwards and you should get to dyel levels super quick and then surpass that shortly after
Also post pic

That's your problem, not the legs

Post body (including legs) so we can give you personal help.

so what? u really s uch an insecure faggot that u think anyone gives a fuck?

Embrace it, post them, NOW!

dude now I'm just morbidly curious, post legs or gtfo