>be me
>no good friends IRL
>discovers Jow Forums
>tries to write a greentext so that I can talk to someone
>no one replies
>mfw I realize am gonna be forever alone
Pic related is not even close to what I feel
>be me
>no good friends IRL
>discovers Jow Forums
>tries to write a greentext so that I can talk to someone
>no one replies
>mfw I realize am gonna be forever alone
Pic related is not even close to what I feel
How's you're evening OP?
Hey man! How are you doing today?
It's crazy when you can tell someone is underage just by the retarded shit they write
It got better when you replied (thanks for that). Wbu?
kill yourself you fucking idiot, no one cares about your shitty feelings
animeposters don't get to have opinions.
how about you shove it up your boypussy you sensitive fagboi
go cry somewhere else faggot, you're actually retarded if you came here to make friends
Sure thing, sweaty.
that was a poor attempt at roastieposting, i'm willing to give you another chance.
here take this rare pepe user.
Tom is that you?
I can't agree to this more
This is how easily an animefag falls apart, just put a little pressure on them lol
did you discover Jow Forums 10 minutes before posting this? you have to lurk for at least a year before you can post anything without getting winced at by every other user. this post is fucking disgusting.
noob giveaway is also that you can't find a pepe that correlates with your feeling.. only reason for that is because you haven't seen enough pepes
Yeah I started using it yesterday
I feel usually happy though im quite the same as you described urself. Ive been here for some years, it doesnt get better, leave this place OP
fair enough, start lurking more. with that being said i've been here for over 4 years and you'll always get shat on no matter what you post or say. as long as you're content with yourself. don't listen to the poor bastards who are toxic, they're idiotic and no nothing of the real world.
listen to this guy. this place is genuinely a shithole of procrastination and arguments that lead to nothing. be better OP.
>t. reddit sympathizer
you and these faggots should all fuck off
get a life fuckball, expand your urethra vision pizza face. theres nothing you can do authoritatively on this website so you can continue to suck on my flacid dick
>theres nothing you can do authoritatively on this website
I can still make red*itors like you seethe though
I want to thank you guys for your wisdom words, I will get better, I just felt alone AF, hence am here, also I was bored of the Reddit fags (it's filled with NORMIES, which bugs me).
But since you both spent a lot of time here... Are you serious when you advice me to leave this place? Because I have started liking it...
You need a thicc skin longterm. If you manage to keep being you, then stay and be my guest, it can be "fun" here, whatever that fun might be to you. I believe that spending too much time here may result in lack of empathy, excitment, joy and in a loss of the drive to find success in life (whatever way you perceive this success to be). Take care for the baits and avoid stuff you won't like to see. Remember who you are and how the world is and stays the same around you while you are here, dont lose touch with humanity.
Or you could simply let it go, your choice, heck you know yourself better than I will ever know you