2018 worst year of our lives

Who else /worstyearyet/?
Does this happen every year or are we onto something? It seems to be a pattern somewhere.
Post your 2018 experiences.

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2003 was my worst year, not to say the following have been much better

2016 was unironically my favorite year in recent memory. This year not a whole lot happened except that my grandma had a surgery, but she's fine now. Not a good year and not a bad one either.

2018 was pretty bad for me. My parents called the police & ambulance on me & they took me to the mental hospital.

Well at least everything that happened in later years was better compared to that, right? btw what happened on 2003?

story? a greentext would be nice

The year started out great. I had a gf and a circle of friends for the first time since high school and got a great new job. Then she broke up with me in April and my social life imploded. Been depressed ever since. Tried killing myself twice. Now on meds and feeling a little better but still very alone and sad.

Today i got kicked out of my home with 20 years old and no idea on life, my family got mad at me because i had a horrendous academic year and lied thought it. I just want one more chance, seeing my father cry destroyed me.

This year started real bad, I attempted suicide twice by February. It eased up after that, but right now things are falling apart again

If it makes you feel better I also failed uni and lied about it, had a huge falling out with my family. Of course, that was six years ago and I've been an alcoholic and drug addict neet khv since then lol

Early 2018 was when I finally irreversibly died inside.

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it literally was the worst year of my life. Right at the start of the year my next door neighbour got drunk, fell asleep with a cigarette and burned himself alive. I saw his rotten corpse when they carried him out, the smell was there for months. It was a signal for me that shit is about to hit the fen.
>lost all my money on crypto
>everyone on discord ghosted me
>developed schizo
>mom about to lose her job so I have to help her out with bills, right fucking after I lost everything
>dad got drunk started to annoy me, I pushed him and accidentally broke his arm
>can't think clearly, no motivation to do anything
>all my hopes and dreams falling apart
I'm just waiting for my death at this point. That was the ultimate JUSTening

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Me too, user. I no longer feel any emotions other than the occasional burst of rage. I've been empty and hollow for so long, I don't remember the last time I cried. It used to be that getting drunk or high allowed me to experience some semblance of feeling again, but now even that is gone. I'm desperate to feel anything, even crushing sadness like before, because at least then I'd feel human again

Yeah, this might've been my worst year. 2017 was worse actually, I think.

Thanks for the support user, any advice you'd give me?

Mine too but because 2017 was the year I got into Bitcoin and stocks. 2018 killed me inside.

I have been completely and utterly ruined this year. It has been the culmination of a downward spiral that has lasted years. I finally have to admit to myself that all my dreams are dead. I hope I turn it around next year, but judging from past experience, I won't.

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This is how it's been for me:
>My whole life has been pretty shit, but 2013 took things to whole new level, I was irreversibly broken that year
>2014 was somehow even worse
>2016 was even worse than those two combined, it gutted my soul and then fucked the wound
>2017 the wound becomes infected and pregnant with cancer babies at once
>2018 is finally done, I feel like a mindless drone at this point. It's like my soul stopped existing at some point and I'm just reduced to base instincts and impulses

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I'm sorry user, I'm not in any position to give advice. If I told you "it gets better" or "don't do drugs" I'd be lying. It doesn't get better, it only gets progressively worse, sometimes in leaps and bounds. And doing drugs is the only thing that can keep you from suicide. Literally the only other option is becoming a born again Christian if you're really that rock bottom (I've fallen for that meme), but even then I eventually failed

What hope is there for us?

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started the year with about $7, went through a bunch of red tape with government case workers for the autism to get me some of that ssi, took months and ended up denied
mom sold the house because she couldn't afford it and I had to move out with my brother and I cashed most of my saving bonds to afford the apartment and I had a job that didn't last long, now my brother pays the rent, don't know how long he'll tolerate that
due to lack of money, i've been living off of rice and beans and lost 40lbs this year. my shoes are falling apart and I'm getting holes in the few pair of clothes I have
my depression got a whole lot worse
now I'm down to 78 cents. My mommy got me a blanket for christmas though
I'd rate it a 3/10

2018 was pretty much the worst year for me as well, first 6 months werent so bad but then my financial situation worsened (I'm a student and wagecuck) because of some changes. Then there was lots of family drama and basically everyone in the family except for my mother dont speak to me anymore. I was alone for Christmas for the first time in 19 years of living, felt bad man. But I'm hoping 2019 will be my year, I'm tired of being a fucking underdog constantly, I'll work harder on myself and get my shit together, plan out my future correctly and try to get a better job after I graduate in june, maybe work a year or two in a manufactory for extra shekels then go to uni to do a degree thats not too useless while being interesting to me.

I believe in you anons too, whatever dream or hopes you have for the future, you can achieve them, you just need to reach out and work for it. I sincerly hope with all my heart that 2019 will be your year too.

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you are gonna get crushed kid
I honestly hope you make it though

2018 was a bretty good year for me. Lost my virginity, so Its the best year I've had in a while.

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Can you please elaborate your point of view fellow user? I'm aware I'm young compared to many of you, but haven't you thought about the fact that your constant pessimism and cynicism leds you to your fucked up situation? Haven't you thought about the fact that doing nothing but crying about it online didn't actually helped the situation? I don't mean that in a condescending way nor am I aiming you in particular but the constant negativity on this website is hurting you and everyone else more than you can imagine, if at the very least we had a more positive and supportive spirit perhaps we could achieve something.

But thanks for hoping I make it at least.

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within every cynic is a disillusioned idealist
when I was 19, I had a plan of what I wanted to do
I worked hard to achieve it, but life never goes as planned and depression has been eating me up. I've only recently started to whine here after 4 years of being in the dumps. I agree that the negativity here is infectious but it's also attractive and easy to get stuck in it
I go to church every week which helps though

Well user, I hope things will go better for you. I do know that life doesn't always go as planned, but at the very least I'd like to try instead of finding myself at the age of 30, still on this website with nothing more than I have right now, I'd rather die than suffer such a fate, so whatever it is, I will, rather I am right now working my ass off for a better future.

Don't give up man, life on earth is quite short, shorter than we realise, getting older while accomplishing nothing wont help anything.

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Yeah, definitely worst year for me.
Dropped from uni, had terrible depression, considered suicide, unemployed for five months.
Just kill me already.

Every year since fucking 2015.

2018 the worst though.

Now I'm single and heartbroken heading into 2019. I mean I don't have to deal that anymore at least... It'd be really hard for it be worse I can't imagine like what kinda bullshit could make 2019 worse.

I'm hoping things start going up now.

>sees upcoming economic collapse

>spends early 2018 talking about what a rough year hes having to gauge peoples entirely unsympathetic reactions

Actual master troll

>killing yourself over a roastie
kek you beta fags will never get anywhere

Yeah you probably just jinxed it user

Jinxing the antijinx

Only the biggest blackest BBC can stop this now.

For me, 2018 started out shit, then kept getting worse and worse until recently when I got my first ever gf and now I am truly happy

>start year lonely but not too much because friend
>get gf in April
>broke up in August
>what a long relationship haha
>been lonely since but not stressing about it like I would in the past

2018 sucked but I wouldn't say it's the worst so far. I'm sure 2019 will be just as bad.

Let me recap my year and let you fags decide if it was a bad year, maybe even, the worst year of my life.
>Kicked out of parents home
>Live with 6 people in a shitty house
>Become the maid to justify me living there
>Get mcJob to pay for myself
>get kicked out
>Homeless for a day
>Hitchhike across the state to my friend's house
>Hitchhike to my mom's house
>Become neet
>Too traumatized to anything