Fembot Roasties, how would you feel if Chad wanted your nudes?
Fembot Roasties, how would you feel if Chad wanted your nudes?
How would you feel if hot girl wanted yours?
this. answer this question op
Depends if I liked her. Everyone likes Chad tho.
Let's get something straight. You need to like her? As a person or what? What if you don't know her? Would you turn her down or you would get to know her?
Are you low-key scared that she would laugh at you?
Sending nudes to some random person, even if Chad? No.
If I had some form of relationship with him, maybe. It depends entirely on whether or not there is some form of connection.
A girl in one of the guilds I was in when I played Aion was a huge slut and would send nudes for gear and money all the time. I will never understand that kind of behavior
What would it take for you to send me nudes?
>How would you feel if hot girl wanted yours?
I don't think he would. Online attention is the same whoever it's from, I prefer it it without a face anyway. All opinions are valid and welcome.
If it was an irl Chad then no. I like being user
If you want nudes that badly, just go to pornhub or something.
No, I just find some hot chicks unappealing, maybe they look stuck up or act too pushy.
Not that user, but I hate when women say this. Have you ever been on Pornhub, those girls are souless dolls, too perfect, it's plain boring.
>inb4 get a gf hurrdurr
If I could I wouldn't want some random bitches nudes
I would feel flattered but I wouldn't give out nudes until she's my gf.
Sent semi nudes and one topless to a crush and he immediately asked me out. My friends told me this works, they all do it, and happily it does.
But you're the one I like so I want your nudes.
I've given nudes to men who are definitely not Chads.
Also what's wrong with that area between the chest and the stomach?
Disgusting thottery. I'm glad I never received nudes, I even denied some irl roastie who tried to get me to fugg her, y making me drink a lot of alcohol. Still was able to resist lol
Post your nudes here too, sharing is caring.
Grossed out. I only sent lewd pics (not even nudes) to my husband.
But you still send lewds to him. Most of us are not perfect, but ideally you wouldn't even do that
*BANG* *BANG* Stop deluding yourself OP fembots dont exist
Roastie fembots do
*teleports behind you
>Nothing personnel Kek
very amused
>she actually thinks id believe she wants my nudes and not just pass them around to laugh at me
>she actually asks me believing id share some
i mean its never going to happen, but if it did id probably laugh