Fembot Roasties, how would you feel if Chad wanted your nudes?

Fembot Roasties, how would you feel if Chad wanted your nudes?

Attached: kult_model_Chad_White_124731.jpg (500x750, 30K)

How would you feel if hot girl wanted yours?

this. answer this question op

Depends if I liked her. Everyone likes Chad tho.

Let's get something straight. You need to like her? As a person or what? What if you don't know her? Would you turn her down or you would get to know her?
Are you low-key scared that she would laugh at you?

Sending nudes to some random person, even if Chad? No.
If I had some form of relationship with him, maybe. It depends entirely on whether or not there is some form of connection.
A girl in one of the guilds I was in when I played Aion was a huge slut and would send nudes for gear and money all the time. I will never understand that kind of behavior

What would it take for you to send me nudes?

>How would you feel if hot girl wanted yours?

I don't think he would. Online attention is the same whoever it's from, I prefer it it without a face anyway. All opinions are valid and welcome.

If it was an irl Chad then no. I like being user

If you want nudes that badly, just go to pornhub or something.

No, I just find some hot chicks unappealing, maybe they look stuck up or act too pushy.

Not that user, but I hate when women say this. Have you ever been on Pornhub, those girls are souless dolls, too perfect, it's plain boring.
>inb4 get a gf hurrdurr
If I could I wouldn't want some random bitches nudes

I would feel flattered but I wouldn't give out nudes until she's my gf.

Sent semi nudes and one topless to a crush and he immediately asked me out. My friends told me this works, they all do it, and happily it does.


But you're the one I like so I want your nudes.

I've given nudes to men who are definitely not Chads.
Also what's wrong with that area between the chest and the stomach?

Disgusting thottery. I'm glad I never received nudes, I even denied some irl roastie who tried to get me to fugg her, y making me drink a lot of alcohol. Still was able to resist lol

Post your nudes here too, sharing is caring.

Grossed out. I only sent lewd pics (not even nudes) to my husband.

But you still send lewds to him. Most of us are not perfect, but ideally you wouldn't even do that

*BANG* *BANG* Stop deluding yourself OP fembots dont exist

Attached: 3A3B508D-75B4-4AA8-8CF2-05F25C86D44D.png (469x452, 277K)

Roastie fembots do
*teleports behind you
>Nothing personnel Kek

very amused
>she actually thinks id believe she wants my nudes and not just pass them around to laugh at me
>she actually asks me believing id share some
i mean its never going to happen, but if it did id probably laugh