If your only chance for a long and happy relationship and a family of your own was with a reformed ex-slut...

If your only chance for a long and happy relationship and a family of your own was with a reformed ex-slut, would you take it or die alone?

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I would take it, if she doesn't have any live threatening STDs that is

Yes, minus the reformed part. She can have as many lovers as she wants as long as I get to watch.

Yes. This ticks the right boxes

You can call me a cuck for saying this but I honestly feel that a girls sexual past before she met me isn't my business and shouldn't affect our relationship, so long as she loves me and is loyal to me I'll be happy. I wouldn't want her asking questions about my history of relationships (or lack thereof) either.

>reformed ex-slut
so she's a slut again?

uhh definitely not

based grammar poster


Not a cuck, just an actual human. Well done, we, the women, welcome you

Same here user. I actually kinda want a girl who has been around a lot to take my virginity. The idea is hot as fuck to me.

this is actually embarrassing.

Real life buddy.

You're not only cuck but also an idiot, the way she behaved in her previous relationships will obviously affect your relationship.
Look at you, probably shitposting on Jow Forums for 5 years or more, why whould a slut put more effort to change her bad habits? It's deeply inside her brain.

Literal cuck, your dad must be proud.

It puts me in borders "have relationships or don't have relationships in your life at all", and the answer is oblivious.

If she wants to have children and is willing to treat the marriage like a contractual arrangement to facilitate that, and is an otherwise reasonable person, I'd be up for it.

>and shouldn't affect our relationship
But it will.

As a person who isn't an incel, I'd rather stick my hand in a vat of boiling oil than ever date a "reformed" slut. There's no such thing, and anyone that says they would deserves to be made into a eunuch.

This is the common cognitive dissonance to all white knights, they can't understand that whores will always be whores.
Enjoy raising another man's kid, guys.

I would never marry a whore, or have one bear my children.

>Well done, we, the women, welcome you
They don't or he wouldn't be a virgin.

Something so sad shouldn't be this funny

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>being reformed
Guess I am a world famous opera singer as well.
The issue is that she couldnt stay loyal for all the other guys she was with. If she couldnt stay loyal with them what makes you think you would be an exception? Memelords spamming cuck aside it is really unlikely she actually changed, unless you found a rare exception of her being unlucky with her SO cheating instead I guess.

does she still do all the slutty things to me?
think a big problem is if a girl used to do crazy porn type stuff but wont do it for her betabucks, just throw the guy a bone damnit

Doesn't happen, a slut is always a slut.

never, and anyone who says yes is a liar or a cuck.
the idea deeply sickens me...
how could you look at yourself in the mirror...
or go to the grocery store...
she probably fucked the bagger!!
how awkward would that be!!
paper or plastic or sloppy seconds..?

OP i hope your not thinking of honestly starting a relationship with one of these...things...
i strongly advise against this user.

better to just be alone or a fagot and suck on dix i guess...

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yeah because real life doesn't work like in my chinese cartoons and there's no way to tell an 'ex-slut' from a pure girl apart

and honestly wouldn't care, just don't want any std and abortions

I mean, theoretically, if she's reformed and doesn't have std's, that means you get an extremely experienced hot chick who's loyal with pretty much no downsides. She's still gonna be a slut technically imo, but under these guidelines only for you. Sounds pretty cuck to literally reject free loyal pussy.

there are ways to tell user...
and honestly, you shld care..

i mean when you are crying and getting cheated on you will care.
think about the long run babe.

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>and there's no way to tell an 'ex-slut' from a pure girl apart

You would have to be autism-tier oblivious to not be able to figure it out.

>haha listen to my memes, they're real from real internet people on Jow Forums I swear

tell me how then?
how do you tell a pure girl from a girl that roleplays as a pure girl apart?

and please don't answer with 'their gyaru tans' or 'their flappers' or whatever stupid shit people spew on this board

>reformed ex-slut
Betas have the most ridiculous fantasies which make them easy to take advantage of. Bitches don't get to just decide they aren't sluts anymore. Actions, not words, shall speak.

>a girl that roleplays as a pure girl
Because that's exactly what it is.
How many people do you know who can convincingly and consistently keep up such a facade about such an important aspect of their life?
Let alone to a person they are in a close relationship with?

Most people are not very good actors.

>muh 'people never change' meme
have you accepted the fact that you'll be the way you are all your life yet
and if so, why are you still here
just to suffer?

I never said that.
Sometimes people can change. but pretending they've been that way forever is another thing.

who's saying anything about that?
and anyway, why couldn't she simply lie to you?
>'Oh no I only had one partner before,'

this argument is rather weak

Happened to my friend. He wasn't an attractive guy, would self-comment how he looked like a ogre.

Anyway, his wife is exactly like OP mentioned. Really hot Stacy, but slept with a lot of dudes in college, rumored to be in a gangbang as well. She was always nice to me so I can't really say anything bad about her. He's happy, and I guess that's all that matters to him.

They have a kid on the way.

I would take it, or even a non-reformed slut.
I like to watch anyway, so if she can separate sex from love and show true loyalty to me, I would welcome her.

>The issue is that she couldnt stay loyal for all the other guys she was with
maybe she just didnt want to stay loyal because she was not in a relationship with them

Only if she stays loyal now, which I think pretty impossible for a slut.

Hell yeah. She knows all kinds of moves and she should in theory be hot.

>long and happy relationship
This is pretty much all that matters.
It's all a pipe dream anyways, though.

No.It would be for the best. I wouldn't be able to shake the feeling she is cheating.I would only make life hell for her.

It depends on the likelihood of her returning to being a slut, combined with her looks. If I thought she'd probably go back to it and didn't look all that great, I'd refuse it, otherwise might as well give it a shot.

What about workaholic career women who worked away their twenties in pursuit of career, only to find out what they really wanted was a family? They spend the bulk of their best years studying and attempting to climb the corporate ladder, ultimately to wind up completely socially isolated.

I have one of my very own, and I love her very much.

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I would rather die alone cause success is never guaranteed. Romance doesn't really matter to me either because it's not real to me. That is how I've shaped my worldview. Apparently, I'm good for nothing if I refuse to lower my standards. Especially in this day and age. But I'm not complaining.

My first mutual crush is this kind of girl, and she pushed me away. She had a beautiful smile, and her rather demure, yet caring personality won me over. I wish we could talk again. Last I heard, she completely cut herself out of her friend group and blocked me.

Hardly similar, and I don't know why you felt the need to share itt.

*was, not is

Never seen someone like her since.

Id rather fucking kill myself.

This. If shes not a virgin before marriage then she needs to hang.

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personally yes if the hypothetical woman is 100% committed to me
a real woman would probably never completely go back from her licentious ways, which is why I would be more concerned about that

If she looked like this then yes. I believe all men would take an ex slut as long as she was 10/10

How reformed are we talking? If she had truly repented and became some sort of saint that feels deep regret for her past life, I would kind of dig that.

This. I'm not going to have sex with a girl until I give her an expensive ring and guarantee to half of my money. I will literally refuse to have sex with any women that I haven't sacrificed my entire life for, and I ask for nothing in return. M'lady

>a family of your own
wouldnt want that anyways
>"reformed" ex-slut
gonna guess hes been getting dicked on an almost daily basis with possible gang-bangs as well. not worth imo, just let me die alone/kill myself

there personality user....
you shld be able to pick up on the basic red flags fairly easy.

a gals social media can let you know tons bout her bubba

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meat curtains user.
the flappers dont lye

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No I would just get a sissy boiwife off Grindr that isn't a slut, he would only be my slut and suck my cock when ever I want and let me fuck his boipussy

but my first gf had those flappers and yet she was a virgin