Hot or not is the only thing that matters
Even anime confirms this
Hot or not is the only thing that matters
just threw up all over my keyboard thanks
Deal with it mr weeboo
I actually hate reading so much that i prefer the dub.
It's more comfy to watch dubbed anime, you don't have to keep your eyes glued to the screen in the fear of missing out on important dialogues.
just learn nip
i watch sub but don't read because i don't really care about the story
Dubs should be banned
The actual voice work is fine, you've just conditioned yourself to hate all dubs because you're retarded ironic weebs.
What if you are too low Iq and lazy to learn a new language?
even niggers can learn new languages so iq isn't an issue. not sure how to cure laziness though, probably drugs or some shit idk
Never understood hating dubs. I like being able to watch shows on my TV without having to read non-stop, it's way more relaxing.
>his name is MAKABAYE
The problem with all english dub is that amerifats can't properly pronounce japanese names or phrases if used. Stuff like Bebop and Panty & Stocking does really well because they're using english names. Only a amerifat could listen to that shit without cringing.
The true blackpill is that all men are happier when they fuck boypussy
Because they pay people that couldn't land a role anywhere else almost nothing. English dubbed anime will always have shitty voice acting because it doesn't sell well enough to to hire decent actors. The only ones that aren't shit are Ghibli because they know it will sell.
This. Zoomers are really the only ones who like dubs.
There is nothing wrong with homosexuality, but keep it to yourself.
To be honest, I prefer sub simply because it's the original sound intended to be in it. But then again, I grew up watching everything with subtitles since I'm from a non-english-speaking country, so the subtitles really don't bother me at all.
thanks for the warning, I almost clicked on the link
>too autistic to understand what people are saying, even in a dubbed cartoon
>prefer subs for absolutely everything
this is my robot card, shiny af
all fags should be genocided. Can't wait till islam takes over.