R9K apartments 10:

>in this thread it is set in a post apocalyptic future where every user lives in a giant endless apartment.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Trips and everyone gets free tendies

you failed us, now we have to use you to make tendies.

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not be4 he fucks me right in the ass, I have a life goal and that is to get buttfucked by literally every1 on this giant apartment

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Hope these threads don't die.

And so I stood there as those savages from floor 78472 buttfucked that frog dressing man... I mean, I couldn't do a thing otherwise they would think I was a frog myself!

Yet, there was this savage that didn't appear hostile. He was the one in charge of frying the other living things in order to make the tendies. I slowly approached him and exchanged a few words. Asked where the hell was the exit from that nightmare.

He flushed. He thought I meant that we left the place in a romantic escape. But as he realized that it wasn't what i meant he felt insulted.

Scrapping the shreds of his honour he made an abrupt motion with the frying pan and spilled oil all over my face. He then dashed a sack of flour into my face and started screaming so the others knew I was the next frog.

The smell of the combination was goddamn awful and I was partially blind with all that mess over my head. That's all my brain could rationalize before I felt all those piercing sensations all over my body. Before long, a green hoodie was placed upon my head

Dubs and there is a party on the 1289th floor with tendie refreshments

I'm whoring out some force-converted trap slaves for 15 gbp a fuck, if anyone's interested.

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>ding dong! heres pizza time >=D
>Ohhh pizza! I open door! Exciteee XD
>Here's christomassu gifto for u user-chan
>thankew pizza man kun!
>*opens gift*

MFW in imagerie!!!

Don't trust pizza men from now on, fellow anons.

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Today I was suppose to wagecuck with my brother in law at their carwash but I can't seem to get up my bed. One day I hope to make enough money to attract a fembot like Brooke. I know they exist they're just hiding for the most part. The denizens of floor 1 are okay. The schizophrenics that also live in this shitty cold war building are schizoid and think the building is infinite. Annoying but it's free to live here and there are some decent people around.

O SHIT! OoogaBoogas at groundfloor
Building barricades

o fug not ooogaboogas
abandon hope

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These fuckers from the 1278th floor are comparing their waifus again, I am seriously thinking about moving to the 1562th floor, but I heard that there might have some excessive feet fetish conversation.
I tried to move to the 800th floor too, but the cum smell was to strong for me, maybe that's where all the tendies guys are hiding

>Floor 10605
As I step forward
>A crunching sound
>Thin ice
>Beneath is a swirling torrent of brine filled with glaciers
>if I fall ill be crushed instantly

Wish I could fly

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>Anybody willing to trade something for a cat?
I ran into one of those warp holes around floor 2548, started spilling out assorted breeds of cats. I'll be taking the elevator from floor 2324 down to floor 463. You can meet me there.

Can someone explain the logistics of this? Are there farms on certain floors? Shops on others or is each floor self contained, e.g. enough shops and services for the whole floor. Where does the food and drink come from?

The tower provides.

Okay so is this just some lazy excuse for how any of it actually works then. Is the tower seen as a deity of some sort? If it provides everything you need then surely it should be?

>Floor 11005
>A realm of black tar and boiling pitch
>clockwork birds feast upon the trapped bodies of old climbers and alien beasts alike

Im currently using some abominations skull and longbone as a boat and oar
>The smell of tar and rot is worse than that puke and shit floor with the elephants
>The clockwork sounds are maddening

>tfw snowman
>tfw one has reached my domain
Now you must answer my riddle. . . or die.
A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires; the second, assassins with loaded guns; and the third, lions who haven't eaten in years.
In which room is he safest?

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Everything is shit and people just sorta make due.
One user mentioned wall potatoes, another lives in a mushroom cave. You might eat mold you find in a microwave, or the sludge(NOT RECOMMENDED), or the corpes of the fallen. Or pizza, whoever is delivering that. Or you might get food with magic, if you like.

Floor 12000
>I accept your challenge Snowman
>The answer is the lion room since theyd be dead if they havent eaten in years
>Now grant me passage

why is there... *sniffs* cum!? dripping down onto my windowsill?!

Hmm. . . I underestimated you.
Fine, leave, before I change my mind.

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Guys, I've been trying to find the trap brothel for like 3 weeks, with no luck. I'm stuck on floor 1238 which is filled with a bunch of organs and synths and a bunch of fags talking about music. can someone point me to the trap brothel from here?

Ah okay, that sounds much better, what is this sludge you speak of?

Secretions of an eldritch outer god of filth that turns people into horrific abominations(mutants)

>got lost in the poop floor again

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also there are super fast elevators that make travelling easier

Yes, there are many farms on floors, and food is made from indoor cattle.

>mutants overrunning floors 10-160
>no ones doing anything about
Where's the fucking militia? I've already lost all my tendies to these mutant bastards.

As Monarch of the hidden Kingdom of Vrahl, i decideth to let the rest of the apartments to see us, so mine subjects can expand outside of the walls that hindereth us. i won't invade anyone. if someone wants to join me, he will be greated by my army. if someone demonstrates hostility towards mine people, he will be consumeth to death, as food is becoming scarse. By the way, our secret areas are on floors 7000-7500. Mine Kingdom can buy every senseful thing thy people will propose.

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Who wants to be my new daddy?

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Should I just abandon Floor 600? Because I don't have any experience with circuitry and the sun's too high up on the wall

I've been in eastern euro commieblocks before, but I don't know if living with a bunch of robots would be a worse environment or what.


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The They are called African American's you racist bastard

Will trade Metallica Load cd for a VZ58

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>falls on the ground because of an injury
Help me!
>What will you do ?

shoot you, because its natural selection in the apartment.

You fool. You could have gained so much, yet you chose to act too fast.
>Curse of the ghost falls upon you


Should we actually submit this to the RPC?

Cool, where are you right now?

What's the RPC, again?

Reddit's Paranormal Channel.

SCP for fags

pic related is my post from yesterday's thread since it got 404d right as I posted it. My offer still stands. Anyways heres a story from this morning.

>spent all night working on a prototype for the turret
>use a scrapped nerf blaster with micro explosive payloads at the tips of the darts.
>use one of my trap slaves as a target for the test shot since she was getting a little too thicq
>Load only one round into the blaster.
>turn on the raspberry pie i was using as a targeting computer
>it starts speaking. "nigroid detected. Ree3e3e33ee"
>hits my trap target straight in the left shin and blows up both legs.
>boypucci is preserved
>I now have a working prototype and a thick little fuck nugget trap princess
>life is good.

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Floor 12464
>At last
>Ive been waiting to get to this floor
There is a certain user I have unfinished

>I was born up here and my only problems are existing on only 7 planes of reality and being negatively charged with a pinch of black magic
Dont think Ive forgotten you

>Let the hunt commence

>Ghost of the dead wanderer interrupts

A poor soul doomed to wander this building after being denied the release of death
>how can I put your soul at rest fellow traveller

And send him into Dantes inferno O OoooOo

Greetings. we are from Kleenex (Registered trademark) idependent floor, the floor which holds no physical connection with the building but we still hover by.
Today is the birthday of your conceiver, sir Nightlight, or as they call it in its native language, Ding-Pou.
To celebrate this most auspicious date we are going to make an outstanding presence in a random floor. of course not the ones that contain the sludge or the muties for a change haha, we wouldn't want to get our robes dirty, now yould we?
So see you soon somewhere. in the meantime you can prepare your speech to the ritual of mr. nightlight great-grandfather's corpse glorification. it still holds the perfection of the night of their death.

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Me and my gurrelias just returned from the lower floors we went into the negatives but not sure how deep as light is dim we have treasures to sell

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I think I'll steal this Idea and makes millions on a spec script consisting of plot points ripped from this thread.
Thanks guys

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half of the canon is literally just generic shit from any postapo movie

The ghost has sent me to whatever floor youre on
>I'm sorry friend
>You were one oft he one I most respected
Picks you up
>But I have to do this in order to continue
Throw you out of the window out into the sludge
>I pray you make it back alive
Gets sent back to Floor 12464

I just found an Olympic swimming pool filled with what I think is armadillo cum. What the Hell happens on floor 989?

>Ive finally found you user
>You cant hide from the truth
>Or rather you can't hide your truth from me

You are negatively charged with a pinch of black magic
>That sounds like a truth to me

>Give me your power
>So I can finally be free from this place
Sorry user, you were just collateral damage (pic related)

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Anyone got something that can spread a positively charged particle swarm?

I have an idea

>on floor -27893
>met a friendly Shoggoth who showed me his Super Sentai collection

It's weird
It seems like floors 12k-13k are pretty heavily populated, but the anons that live here shun contact more and stay hidden

Do you have Ride the Lightning, I can give you a moldy sock

>Floor 12789
I found a working elevator. Im gonna see how far it goes

While I was in the elevator I was perusing the second book and I found this

time-warping beings from outside our reality

>The n floors


stay the fuck away from the n floors or me and my friends will kill you in all existing timelines and trap your soul in the runic maze for an eternity.

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>made it to floor -34879
>found an elevator, but it's broken
>seems it fell down the shaft from high up
>strange markings all over this room
>tomes written in a strange language strewn about
>attempting to read them hurts my eyes
>a lot
>decide to ignore them
>more fucking frog statues
>connected to that cult mutant from before?
>hear distant noise that sounds like flesh churning
>better head down and see what's up

>Floor 14005
>The elevator jammed
>Get out through the top and climb out of the shaft
>This Floor looks like it used to be some kind of cannery
> a BEAN cannery
>Its just like that old timer described in floor 10000

If Im correct the old clinic should be just above me
There might be a passageway to the n floors around there too
Wish me luck b/robots

im warning you nigger, stay away from the n floors. go bother the incorporeal metabeings from the -n floors instead.

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Don't ruin this with reddit

Bumparoonie my doods

I currently have a trap I kidnapped locked in my bathroom, I can sell it to you for 150 gbp

Can everyone group up and gang rape everyone in scum village, Don gizmo has ruined my life, i will ruin his...

If you want to be butt fucked by me you have to work for it make me a nice dinner things like that.

Floor 682 completely full of niggers an one white guy that really hates niggers

make it to floor 2
give up

you are like, surrounded by mutants