I'm sorry mom

i'm sorry mom
i'm sorry dad
i'm sorry i did not turn into what you wanted for me
i'm sorry
forgive me

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Tie a plastic bag over your head, and lay down if you're using a gun. Maybe next time man. Thanks for playing.

The embrace of death frees you from the miserable shitshow of a life that was forced upon you. We respect your bravery

See you soon user take care

See you in valhalla.
If you do not succeed, PM me or something

Godspeed user. Don't forget us when you go into the eternal hunting grounds.

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You're perfect to me user

If I didn't have you guys, I'd have no one


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I assume it's too late to change your mind.
May you find peace and happiness in another realm user.

The game was rigged from the start. We are not supposed to win...
Godspeed user

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Hijacking this thread for some advice. I want to kill myself but don't own a gun and am too pussy for any slower method. I went to the zoo to stake out the gorilla section. The fence is low enough to hop over and take a dive. From there, if I haven't broken my legs or died from the fall, I plan to walk up to the biggest gorilla and commit suicide by punching him in the nose then letting him end me. Is this a good idea?

lol gey

Bad idea. You will not die and only suffer like an idiot in the hospital.
Plus they will shoot the gorilla

A good idea would be not to kill yourself. I don't know what you're going through, but I am sure it sucks. I can't pretend to relate, I can't pretend to know anything about you, but know that I care. It isn't, won't be, and will never be worth it. Please user, you're worth more than this.

he'll make you his bitch and fuck you up the ass with his massive gorilla COCK

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>Be christmas
>Mother apologises to me for me not turning out the way *I* wanted

Goddamn you bitch. Brutal.

Maybe it'll pulverize me into a thin red paste if I kick it's kid? Imagine the headlines.
Nah, I overstayed my welcome.

dont listen to that guy gameend it like a true balla fool

Don't gorillas have small cocks? Or is it just compared to their size, but still big for a human?

It's me, loser from before, my only advice is to try and go to a christian church in your area. I started going when I was at my lowest, and I won't lie all my problems were not solved in a snap. Work still sucks, I still don't have many friends, and the ones I have still make me the butt of their jokes, but I feel a relentless joy. Don't kill yourself. It won't be worth it.

this is how neets end up. lol faggots!