Fembots do you ever find yourself being stared at by men? Does Chad notice you or is it only loser autists?

Fembots do you ever find yourself being stared at by men? Does Chad notice you or is it only loser autists?

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Whenever i try to stare at a qt girl she always looks back at me, then i feel awkward and look away. I just want to mire in peace

Lmao with me they do the opposite, i stare at them then they instantly look away

No, I have never been stared at or ogled before. I have never been orbited either, even online.

Ayy they hate it when I look at them in the eye and grin, the idea of a confident ugly person infuriates them. I enjoy the negative reactions at this point

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This. They might momentarily look at me, but that pretty much only happens when I'm the one who looks at them first. Guys don't stare at plain/average girls, although the opposite is true for girls as well.

>Guys don't stare at plain/average girls
I do

I accidentally stare at girls all the time. I have to actively work to keep myself from doing it. I know it makes them uncomfortable which is why I try not to but they are so pretty I just wanna look.
Can anyone relate to this feel?


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yes, but without accidentally staring. who /never stare/ here?

I stare but I wish I wouldn't, I find it rude.

I want to stare at a fembot

why? they're ugly as shit

drew looks at me
i, fake a smile so he wont see

l think they are cute

Some are quite attractive. But then they are mental cases.

I only notice old hags staring at me probably in remembrance of their youth
This, I don't think they stare at plain Janes like myself
Though I never know what people think of me because online people always react very positively to my looks. I'd say that I have one good feature and perhaps an interesting eye colour (which no one notices) but I'm quite plain.

unironically based
im too much of a pussy to do it myself sadly
when im on the train i always observe people around me
one time some greasy fat guy was grinning at some girl for minutes and seeing the discomfort on her pretty face made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
keep going creep user~

I'd be perplexed and think you're mental user

I get looks.

I would totally play if they were down for it, but I am too much of a fembot to figure out how.

That sounds like a fun game. I would totally stare at you if I caught you staring lol. I would probably come and ask you why you were looking too. I am terrible at eye contact really, but if you look away first, no eye contact.

I get death stares from jealous girlfriends while their oblivious boyfriends don't even notice me if this counts.
sometimes I try to purposely trigger the girls because it amuses me how territorial they can get

That sounds like a fun game too. I might try it.

i always feel like people stare at me, but i can never be sure because i usually try to look down

lol when I was in a mental hospital there was this qt nurse I'd constantly stare at and she'd always stare back at me and we'd just stare at each other for 5-10 seconds. I wish I asked for her number or something even though she'd reject me and I'd get in trouble

Only by niggers because I have a fat ass.
White guys don't look at me.

Nope, i'm ugly and this only happens to actually hot girls. Case in point; my female friend is hot and gets approached almost every time we go out. ive never been hit on

Women usually stare at me with a neutral face.

I remember asking one who usually blanked out while staring at me and she said its because she couldnt tell if I was mean or nice.

Anybody knows what that means?

I think she had no idea herself desu

usually they start screaming when I begin raping them

Maybe you are "mysterious".
If you are dominant, it is 100x better than the "nice guy".

I just pictured user trying to act cool and mysterious towards girls but being extremely autistic and laughed irl
but maybe user has a mysterious attitude

how the fuck do people actually want to communicate in public when i'm in public i am constantly thinking someone is going to try and kill me so I'm always in confrontation mode. (for orbiters: i'm male)

not even if there's only a cute girl and you? do you live in a crowded place?

I can sort of related though
>been to France three weeks ago
>constantly a bit suspicious while walking around
>two weeks later there was a shooting just right where I've been
Glad Christmas is over, now I don't need to be suspicious around the Christmas markets anymore

I live in a rural area but there's never only a cute girl everyone here is married or a drug addict.

You can literally see the urge to rape and behead her in their disgusting poo eyes

>tfw only turning my head towards older women
I want a wife. I want a mother to my children

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This. Through time i finally came to the conclusion that the first eye contact game is a test for whether you can approach the girl or nah.
Face her. If she looks at you and:
>You look away
you lost any tentative of approaching her because you showed her implicit signals that either you are shy or lack confidence
>She looks away
you also lost because you she doesn't have any interest and you are just another NPC in her game. BUT if she looks again at you maybe you have another shot.
>no ones look away, stare is on
then maybe you have a shot. go for phase two and try to slide a cute little smile and see how she reacts:
>she finally looks uncomfortable and look away
RED FLAG: you lost. for good. Abort mission.
>she smiles back
She's open for you to make the first step. DO IT FAGGOT. Girls NEVER do the first step (unless you Chad but still, it's rare).

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>tfw Earl hasn't dropped a album in three years
Get to work nigger!

I don't know man, the instant someone cute looks at me I shy away and get a but flustered (female)

Keep in mind this theory is still in experiment as myself still find struggle to win eye contact game with girls, but recently i forced myself because i'm willing myself to break this incel barrier gravitating toward me. I'm saying this because in like Under two weeks, i've literally managed to talk to completely random girls (4) after winning the ECG (eye contact game) and pulling a little smile.
As you are a girl since you wrote
I think the ECG is pretty much easier for you because i strongly think an average dude will struggle more to get a GF than a girl will find a BF. Just don't look a way, try to do it. and eventually your qt male will approach you

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Pretty glad this works for you m8

I think I'm extra awkward, I laugh really a lot when I get nervous but this sounds like advice that I'll remember when I really need it

At some point i said to myself, fuck it have Nothing less to lose now, i already got rejected a few time this year, so might as well go randomly for anyone, i Don't want wanna stay single for ever so at some point i gotta make moves and improve myself.
Just be confident about yourself, supress those negative feelings you have , Don't forget the ECG thing and eventually you'll get someone who'll love you.

He literally just dropped an album my friend...

I'm thicc, got yuge tits so I get stares but I don't mind. Wish it would be more than just stares tho

only a very small percentage of men approach any woman they are attracted to, a fair portion are too scared to approach any woman. Many man would approach only if they got a clear signal they should approach.
However there are also men who are attracted but unavailable for one reason or another.

i dress like a shitty punk squatter ( dark blue trench and ripped clothes) so most people are afraid of me, im not mean to ppl who know me tho

>Do you ever find yourself being stared at by men?