Robots saying fembots don't exist because they can get someone to fuck at any time are so retarded

Robots saying fembots don't exist because they can get someone to fuck at any time are so retarded.
Men put effort into having someone to fuck, women put in no effort (i'm simplifying, they do), and the woman is just used for their vagina. So, the standards are different. I mean, robots can get simply sex too, in exchange for money. I literally can't see the difference in these two scenarios. But robots will argue

>but I want someone that actually likes me enough to sleep with me etc

Yes, and men will use women for sex. They won't like or appreciate who they are for it. Where's the difference?

Fembots are women who aren't accepted as companions, romantic or non-romantic due to their personality. Maybe they have a negligent bf using them, with no friends outwith that. Maybe they have one of the beta boys who will trade up the second they have the opportunity. They're lonely and out of place, like you.

It's like your own narrow worldview is the only thing you can see. If you're not accepted for who you are, that makes you a robot.

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robots only care about sex and nothing else, that's why they think the ability to have sex solves all emotional problems.

You are acting like men are less likely to commit than women. Everyone, even the redpilled crowd, says that men want sex, and women want commitment. The first part is true, men generally want sex more than women and are more lustful. However, women are NOT the gender of love and commitment: men want that more than women do as well.

>Men are usually the first to ask women out and initiate every step of deepening the relationship, whether in a sexual or a romantic sense
>Men usually propose marriage and spend money on a ring
>Women initiate 70% of divorce, indicating that they are less committed than their male partners

Men want commitment MORE than women, not less, and this has an effect on the commitment marketplace in the same manner that mens' increased lust has an effect on the sexual marketplace.

i think youre confusing us with incels

I wouldn't say any of those points prove the man's commitment. Society dictates that men are to initiate, otherwise they aren't masculine. I could say the same about women imagining their weddings and husbands since they were little kids. Or women overall being the more romantic gender.

It's hard to separate societal influences and inherent characteristics desu

What about the divorce rates? Surely that demonstrates that the man is more committed, as the woman literally ejects from the relationship more often.

>societal vs. inherent
I'm not really arguing about that though, I'm trying to describe how the genders are, not what causes them to be that way. Maybe it is all societal influences that cause men to be more committed, but even if it is, the fact is that they are still more committed.

>men want marriage more than women
are you gay or something? everything about the concept of marriage is designed to protect and provide for women.

>They're lonely and out of place, like you.
Except they're not. Not even close.

Yes, and men want it more than women. IDK, men are weird and just more selfless than women I guess. Just look at the evidence.

The only men women like are women that will use them. Unironically my grandmother was raped and murdered by a guy, and when the police screwed up the investigation and tried to call it a suicide, the only reason the guy was convicted was because there was a parade of women going to court to describe how he was abusive... the months/year they spent fucking him and being abused. My mother even met some women who didn't testify. Doesn't matter if it's their first boyfriend or their tenth husband, they want to sleep with shit and pretend they deserve to be treated like they can make decisions.

>more committed
not really. your example is as meaningful as the differences between how much guys spend on prostitutes vs girls. it's mostly older poor people that get divorced anyway.

guys are (rightfully) more committed to their careers, but women are far more interested in serious relationships. you might have a masculine women yourself but its not normal lol

I was lonely and out of place all my life, more than most men I've ever met. More than most men on here.

>the man is more committed
Married men cheat a lot more than women. If they were more committed, it'd be the opposite.

Women had no evolutionary drive to be committed. Literally none. At no point in a woman's life was she at risk of being kicked out of society or not having kids. Men evolved to have to fight for a woman, and their only attractive traits are how much they can beat the shit out of other dudes, and how much money they have. Women's only competition is how much stuff she could get from other people to have them take care of her kids. She doesn't even have to take care of them, she can dump them on society because children are important for survival. Men aren't.

>your example is as meaningful as the differences between how much guys spend on prostitutes vs girls
How is that not meaningful? That spending difference proves that men are more lustful than women, which they obviously are.

A guy having a relationship literally doubles the interest women have in him. Women are only out for resources. They'll gladly stay with an alcoholic cheater for 20+ years even if he gets other women pregnant, but if a woman makes 50-100% more than a man, they'll be divorced 80% of the time within five years, usually it's as little as 50% divorce within two years.

>women are far more interested in serious relationships.
My fucking sides. You keep on believing that user.

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Yeah point proven. How old are you even. Bet under 25.

Want to cuddle with me? No? Fuck off then cunt

>have some unsourced data that totally doesn't counter your point

Men aren't committed.

>Married men cheat a lot more than women.
Not that much more. According to
20% of married men and 13% of married women report sleeping with someone other than their spouse. This also probably overestimates the gender gap, as men are more likely to report sexual activity than women.

Unironically you couldn't be further from the truth. Even disregarding the fact that evo psych is a retarded waste of time, you're forgetting that men literally killed/banished the children of their enemies throughout history

I'm 27.
I met a guy I liked on here. He ghosted me a month ago. The time I spent talking to him is the only time in my life i haven't felt lonely as shit.

So they're 60ish% more likely to cheat. How is it "not much more"?

it also proves that they aren't committed by the same logic that you're using.
you keep being a feminine gayboy

Bet you still had bfs or aren't even a virgin

Most married men don't cheat, and most married women don't cheat. its 60% of an already small number.

I'm virgin, I never had a boyfriend.

Visiting prostitutes does not prove an aversion to commitment though. Single people can visit prostitutes, you know.

1 married man in 5 fucked someone who wasn't his wife.
1 married woman in 8 fucked someone who wasn't his husband.
It's not that small. It's not most, but it's not small.

Fair enough. Cheating is kind of a bad metric anyway, since I've already admitted that men are more lustful than women, and so this pits two of men's drives against each other. I would agree that the lust gap is probably bigger than the commitment gap, but I would still insist that men's commitment is higher than women. A better metric would be to look at the number of men who left their partner for someone they cheated with vs. the number of women who left their partner for someone they cheated with.

>59% for single men vs 90% for taken men
it's called mate poaching. It's been researched a lot.
>divorce increases by 50% when a woman makes more
Add on top even the most staunch feminist won't even engage a man if he's not making more money (unless he's sexy, then they'll just fuck him and move on).

When a woman makes more:
>she starts doing MORE housework because she can't handle her sexist biases
>she stops having sex with him because "he's a child" for not making more
>she berates him for not making more
>she gets a divorce
Women are only out for resources and hot sex. They don't give a shit about relationships or their children.

Do you honestly think "commitment" is about "not leaving your partner after you fucked someone else" and not not fucking someone else to begin with?
Holy shit, the coping.

My point exactly. My personality doesn't count, you just want a vessel to express affection towards and give affirmation.

Those gf template threads tell me enough.

user have you ever seen a shamed man?

They can never tell you that due to conditioning they don't feel like a man when they earn less. They're emasculated. This same man, given their attitude, also will likely not express anything like this, instead doing it in different, more harmful and toxic ways.

Of course i don't care about personality because i have been alone for 23 years and i want someone to fucking touch for once and not kill myself. But you wouldn't get that feeling, because you're not one of us

Commitment has very little to do with fucking or not fucking. It is more about maintaining the relationship. Leaving your partner demonstrates a lack of commitment, and cheating also demonstrates a lack of commitment because it has the potential to damage the relationship and hurt your partner's feelings. But we would expect a gender with both high commitment and even higher lust to cheat sometimes. We would not expect that gender to leave their partner more often.

You little bitch did you even understand what I was saying in the OP? What the fuck I've never talked to somebody so thick on this board, christ almighty.

If you're in a monogamous relationship and fuck someone else, you're effectively lacking commitment. We would expect a gender with high commitment and high lust to not cheat, and have tons of sex with their partner.
Maybe a gender that gets cheated on a lot leaves their partner slightly more.

>paying for someone to pretend to want to hug you is the same as being with someone who wants to hug you just because
dumb whore

Being used by someone who doesn't give a shit about you and just wants to get off is not that different as having someone fuck you because you pay them.

Very much is, nobody would want to use me to get off, and that feel hurts

prostitution is illegal in most of the US so you are saying we have it so easy we only have to commit a crime to get it. With that kind of logic no one should ever worry about money because they can just rob a bank or sell drugs.

you will get no sympathy here. Half this board is so disgusted with women that they would enjoy putting women to the stake and watching them burn.

not really though, its the same

I don't want to get used to get off, it doesn't give me anything.
You don't want someone to fuck you for your money, I don't want someone to fuck me for the hole between my legs.

This. Jow Forums is a board for gay males

Again, this just proves you don't know how the other feels. You have no idea how it is to be undesireable

undesirable by who you want***

I think it's dumb to try and compare them as equivalent in some way. Male and female hardships are different, and we won't be able to empathize with each other completely.

undesirable period.

you don't think gay guys would want you?

The most brainlet OP I have seen all day.

Men don't give a shit about how much they earn if they have a woman. Literally there are unemployed men who are happier than a millionaire because the poor guy has a relationship and the rich guy doesn't. The whole "men have to be rich" is shit from everyone else. Women won't like you if you're not rich. You literally have to find a mentally ill woman to like you if you don't make more than she does. When a woman makes more, she starts spending MORE time at work because she finds her husband disgusting. She spends time with OTHER MEN because her husband has become disgusting. She won't sleep with him, and when she gets home, he can't even do housework or take care of the kids because he has become untrustworthy and she's ashamed of being a woman with such a partner. She does literally everything she can to drive the revolting man out of her life, even if he's the father of her children. Women can't commit.

Women are proud when their husband has sex with other women. Don't pretend otherwise. It's one less thing she has to worry about. As soon as he starts spending money on his cheatees, then all hell breaks loose.

>being attractive for something you have no control over is the same as being unattractive for something you have no control
>have people willing to PAY to spend time with you vs having to be the person who pays, and it's illegal is the same thing

>i'm such a normie I can get sex casually, why would I want to be "used"?
>nobody even touches me, anything would be enough to confirm I'm not a bag of shit that's on fire

Okay I'm desirable if you count homosexuals

The most brainlet OP l have seen all day.

Some men can't find anyone who wants to be with them. Every woman can find someone who wants to be with them.

Every woman, no matter how low-quality, can find a man who would happily marry them. The women who say "wagh men only want me for sex" are the women who are being banged by Chad. If they instead dated Beta Boy Billy, they wouldn't have that problem.

>poor guy with relationship
don't be stupid

It happens all the time if he's hot. She'll bang him until he leaves her or she finds someone richer. Doesn't matter if he beats the crap out of her or gets another girl pregnant.

beta boy billy doesn't leave his basement so that's physically impossible. also you are a sex addict. some people have other priorities.

>Maybe they have a negligent bf using them, with no friends outwith that. Maybe they have one of the beta boys who will trade up the second they have the opportunity.

Neither of these count, FUCKING REMOTELY, and you should be ashamed to be stupid enough to assert that they count.

Both of these fall under "I think I should have a better relationship than I currently have," which is definitely not a synonym for being lonely or alone, and reeks of rank ingratitude as well.

>beta boy billy doesn't leave his basement so that's physically impossible
No it's not. There are loads of Beta Boy Billys on dating sites.

>also you are a sex addict
How can I be if I've never had sex?

>some people have other priorities
What are you on about?

>in a relationship
pick one and only one. hot guys can't hold a girl down for more than a week.

>men are sex addicts
>if you're ugly, you never get a relationship
>women aren't sex addicts
>have it with whoever they want, will jump from guy to guy with no emotional attachment

>dating sites
only Chads have the balls to make a profile.
>never had
doubt it.
all you care about is sex

>all women are one slut
this only proves further that you're a sex addict. have you ever had a conversation or fantasy that wasn't purely about sex?

>only Chads have the balls to make a profile
Go on Plenty of Fatties. Search for guys. Go under "longest relationship" and select "

You literally have no idea what's it like on the other side. My first roommate at uni was a manlet Chad. One day him and his friend were talking about the girls they were fucking
>oh you know that one girl I've been fucking? I'm ghosting her after graduation
>she'll say you raped her
>nah, she doesn't have my phone number or facebook or last name
>eh be careful
It's unreal. Women will gladly fuck a guy if he's athletic, while literally knowing nothing else about him. Women can pretend they care about having a boyfriend for relationship reasons but they are lying through their teeth.

again beta boy billy is trapped in the basement and won't come out.

>virgin at 26
sounds like you're the top expert on women in that case.

>someone to cuddle
how many girls have you been talking to?

I have. I've even been left by a girl because she thought I was gay and would cheat on her with men (not exaggerating) because I wasn't having sex with her immediately. This was after she had multiple bad relationships but stayed because she was getting dick.

girls will fuck anyone. are you sure you replied to the right person?

You're on a board of men that women don't fuck. Maybe you should go back to your containment site, normie.

>again beta boy billy is trapped in the basement and won't come out.
But he's on dating sites.

>sounds like you're the top expert on women in that case.
I'm not an expert on women. Never said I was. But all women can find a guy who will happily marry them. Sure, the guy won't necessarily be tall, or good-looking, or rich, or the right age, but no woman is truly undesirable. Some men are.

>how many girls have you been talking to?
Not many. Maybe 20-30 in my life. I've only tried getting in a relationship with the ugliest of women. None of them were interested in me. I gave up talking to women years ago. It's too late for me. Even if I did get in a relationship, I'd be so uneducated on relationships that I'd fuck it up. Why bother trying when you're going to fail anyway?

because they are gay or have high standards.

>why bother?
exactly how many girls feel

>exactly how many girls feel
I'm sure they do. But they feel that way because the good-looking successful men aren't interested in them.

Women have higher standards than men. Women want the top-quality guys. It's the same feeling, but with different connotations.

Women get upset because they can't get the guy they want. Some men get upset because they can't get anyone at all.

you can probably get a weird gay guy though. anyway if two people are in prison for very different reasons, they still suffer

What makes people think anyone can get a hooker? Do women suddenly become nice people if they're willing to sell their cooter?


>you can probably get a weird gay guy though
But I'm not gay.

>anyway if two people are in prison for very different reasons, they still suffer
Definitely. I'm sure women are genuinely unhappy that they aren't dating Tom Hardy. But you can see why men think it's unfair, right?

>Fembots are women who aren't accepted as companions, romantic or non-romantic due to their personality.
fembots still don't exist

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>women can't handle rejection so bad they have to pretend to fit in with rejects

At the very least they would appreciate your body.
Meanwhie with this
>I mean, robots can get simply sex too, in exchange for money.
they will only appreciate your money.

>not gay
if you say so.
why would that matter? anyone can make a "that's not fair" comparison

the irony is that rejects get trolled and memed here. the only reason you would want to admit that you're a virgin or loser on Jow Forums is to make everyone laugh at you

>if you say so.
I do say so. I'm not gay.

>why would that matter? anyone can make a "that's not fair" comparison
It matters because men are of the opinion that it isn't fair, and I feel as though it is a reasonable opinion to have.

Is it fair that any woman can find a guy who will happily marry them, but some men are so unattractive that no woman will ever be interested in even dating them? Of course, you may say that's just an arbitrary statement, but it's clearly understandable why men would find that to be unfair... because it is unfair. If these men are so inclined as to become deeply upset over this realization, then that is their prerogative, no matter how arbitrary it may be.

You're right; anyone can make a "that's not fair" comparison, and that's fine as well. Women are entitled to get upset about whatever they want; as are men.

>If you're in a monogamous relationship and fuck someone else, you're effectively lacking commitment
I agree. As I said in , cheating also demonstrates a lack of commitment.

>We would expect a gender with high commitment and high lust to not cheat, and have tons of sex with their partner.
That's true in a vacuum, but it takes two to tango. Many women don't want to have that much sex with their husbands, and so unfortunately some high lust men seek out other outlets for their sex drive.

>Maybe a gender that gets cheated on a lot leaves their partner slightly more.
I'll grant that that's probably a contributing factor, but it is not the primary factor in the difference. Most divorces are not caused by infidelity.

hukaruis hoow this is