Other people have sex

>other people have sex
>I don't even though I'm an adult man


Why is life so fucking unfair!??

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Why is it that they have sex and you don't?

Cuz they're fucking normies, it all happens naturally to them, I'd have to become a completely different person to achieve it

This post strikes my soul, very relatable.

They have sex because they have the cute face

>other people have sex
>I'm still a cute and pure and innocent virgin ^w^ :3c

how many girls and gay guys have you hung out with today? i believe that you're just not trying.

>just try it bro
It doesn't work that way, if you approach people with no confidence (real, not faked one) they'll think you're retarded

How originally old are you, user? Do you have any friends, or a job?

26, no friends, no job

I've been an outcast since early teens cuz all my peers rejected me, there's no way for me to be a part of society anymore

Prime fucking ages: 16-26
There's still a chance but hurry up: 27-31
you should be married by now. Good fucking luck.:32-37
It's over:38+

get a hooker then retard if you're so adamant about wanting to have sex.

This isn't really a problem, it's just reality. The problem is society brainwashing low value men and getting their hopes up. This is usually achieved through normalizing monogamy. It would be better if we blackpilled kids in their youth and taught them that women are hypergamous and only care about a select few men.

>tfw you didnt have a chance since day 1

fuck everything

Attached: void.gif (247x312, 2M)

You know what you have to do now, Elliot

Bleesed be the ones Chosen by fate! Oh, heavens be, for we have another faithful acolyte born today!

stfu nigger faggot, whores are for degenerates, I ain't going inside a hole that had millions of different dicks in it

>26, no friends, no job
>I've been an outcast since early teens cuz all my peers rejected me, there's no way for me to be a part of society anymore

Sounds to me that you have a shitty entitled personality that no people/friends would like to be around to. That's what you get for thinking you are smarter and above everyone, sorry user it seems like you are the issue here not the society..

>entitled personality
lmao, what does this even mean? sounds like normie cope to me
>i have a better life cuz of my personality
it's all looks you fucking retard, good looking shy guys = cute, ugly looking shy guys = creepy

>entitled personality
>lmao, what does this even mean? sounds like normie cope to me

Exactly this, not understanding that the problem is your shitty character because realising the truth will shatter your self esteem.

I know lots of ugly short retarded pigface guys who are just great guys to hang around with and actually manage to get girls because of how genuine they are. Work on your shitty personality before replying to me again, you entitled shit.

i said shy ugly you stupid fuck, also normies hang out with ugly extroverts for a comic relief

Obviously you are such an unappealing piece of shit that in a world of 7 billion people, not a single one will fuck you. Change or accept being a lifelong incel, or just an hero all over the wall.