R9k ive ruined my life by getting addicted to findom, what do?

r9k ive ruined my life by getting addicted to findom, what do?
pic related

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>another fucking tranny thread

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you are a complete retard and a useless faggot for falling for it

i wish she was
i knew what she was doing but she just sort of wormed her way in

Tell me more user, how has she ruined you? What has she demanded?

>trans flag in pic
>I wish she was
okay dude

Stupid motherfucker.

shes just a leftie
met on omegle teased me and controlled me then found out information, made me only cum to her then imbeded the idea of paying her as the sexiest thing i could think of then kept asking for more and more

she definitely isnt but i wish she was because then i wouldnt be in this mess

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Is she your only domme?Any more previous/actual ones?

never had a findomme before and she doesnt let me to talk to anyone else

>she doesnt let me to talk to anyone else
You're too far gone user.

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im actually worried i am, what do please

Cease contract

Get on your knees send her a little tribute and apologise for trying to leave her.

Does this whole thing arouse you sexually?Do you jerk off to the thoughts of this whole thing?Dont you feel disgusted/like you wanna end it all after a wank?Whenever you feel like paying her again,just jerk off to stuff she gave you or something,she will have no power after.

i just cant its in my brain
sent her 300 last night but will tonight and explain to her that i posted here the guilt is too much
its hard to understand if you havent done it, its next level

Think to yourself, does your existence have any other purpose than paying her. Like for real, if not then why should you stop?

no i guess it doesnt

Then shut up and make her life better becasue she deserves it for being superior

thank you for making my mind clear

>its hard to understand if you havent done it, its next level
don't assume my level of understanding. Just say what's actually going on. this isn't rocket science, it's just a series of communication with someone over the internet, something everyone who browses this site is fully aware of and can understand.

its beyond sexual shes made it the only way i feel good and broken me down so much its the only time i feel sane. I dont jerk without her permission, and after i do she just ignores me so i feel like shit but the only way to make it better is to pay her, jerking isnt the same anymore

how did she accomplish any of this? can you point specifically to any conversations or string of communications that led to this state? i'd really like to see a greentext of what exactly went on, not because i think i could help, i think we both know you are beyond help, and even if you weren't that you wouldn't find the help you need here, but just because it's interesting.

its a long story but she made me tell her secrets and stuff that turns me on, then she got me to deprive myself of sleep so i started to fail at my job, edge myself all day at work and miss meetings to talk to her instead, she made me stay at home rather than go to dinner with my sister so my sister got stood up and stopped speaking to me. I know its bad but im addicted to her

Stop sending her money. You're going to regret it very much and its not going to be fun. Think about it: all your contact is online, this is just roleplaying, as much as it hurts none of this is actually real.

If you are sending amounts like 300 dollars you are unironically better off finding some kind of domme. She can tease you about your tiny dick and squeeze your balls IRL. Not that I'd recommend that, but its better than being cucked out of money by someone who you're never gonna even see.

This is so hot, can i be her bitch too?

its fun though, we live cam so i know shes real
dont she will destroy you, but give me your kik

can you give any sort of timeline to any of these events? like what happened first? is it mostly in the order you posted? is there more at either ends or between the things you posted?

over the course of like 3 months and in the order ive posted mainly theres alot more

Give in, you cant win with findom

i dont want to search for and download the tyler the creator twitter pic
but just imagine i posted it

I'm not doubting that SHE is real, theres plenty of findoms online and they are easy to find. Its not 'real' because you're never gonna meet her, its just pixels on a screen dude. Get a domme.

yes sir
she know me too well to leave

>oh no I'm addicted to findom what do
>8/10 people tell you to quit
>'b-but let me just talk about how great it is'

Fine then user, do what you think is right. Hopefully you'll find the help you need once you're flat broke. Don't ask for advice if you don't want it.

PS: One last thing, good findommes will be pretty responsible about leeching off their cucks because they can get a lot more out of them that way in the long run and get a more sustainable form of paypig. If she's not doing that she's either bad at this or irresponsible.

masturbate BEFORE you talk to her.

how did she get you to do these things?
was it just she said to do them and you did? if so how did she do this, did she just ask you once or was there some sort of begging? did she try and use some sort of psychological trick like "oh you'll make me feel bad if you don't" or something?
was there promise of some sort of reward if you did them? (nudes or other images of her, 1 on 1 conversation, etc)
was there some sort of threat? (telling other people about your secrets, or blocking you out of her life completely, actual threats of bodily harm, etc)

>getting cucked by another beta on hrt
What a world

Youre retarded, gimme money dum dum

Your shilling attempt is not all that subtle, honestly.

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Replace findom with finndom :DDDD

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It was so obvious from the other thread that it's that circle of thots doing this because they're running out of loser bux.

OP pic unirocally looks like this Hayley Bieber chick
the first time I saw her I also thought she was trans

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Yo if u got money op hmu

all the money you spend on this whore could be saved and spent on your family, your future girlfriend/wife and your children.

Stop being a fucking retard.

sounds like you need to send me some money you fucking cuckold