What do you use to compensate, r9k?

What do you use to compensate, r9k?

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imagine being a good boy liberal checking off all the correct good boy opinions but you feel shamed for your small willy because it is used as an insult to those who are seen as masculine but disagreeable

expensive things

I compensate for my lack of hips with hip pads under my pants.

Why are fat people allowed to have opinions? They can't even do the bare minimum to take care of themselves

t. Needle dick

Why are women allowed to have opinions that require the action of men?

t. virgin

not original lol

He's right though, you liberals are unabashed idiots now
>you don't believe what I do because you have a small dick hurr

>assault rifles
Who even owns an assault rifle in the United States? Most gun owners just own a handgun or a semi-automatic rifle

Or semifull-autos

>the fat fingers and chubby ass arms holding that sign
>mfw thats the person saying you have the small dick

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Honey, the definition of assault rifle was changed to include semi-auto weapons.


kill yourself

>if i just convince myself that im laughing maybe i can forget about it

i'll have you know my penis is 6 inches in circumference (doesn't matter, never have sex)

Wow you're actually fat aren't you.

Lose weight before you pretend to be a person.

I've seen liberals call a bolt action rifle an assault rifle because it had a synthetic stock and extended magazine

I doubt this. Mainly because I've never known a liberal that knew anything about guns beyond "it shoots bullets".

just because its an assault rifle doesn't mean you have to shoot it fast.

Doesn't that support his statement?

>fuck people having hobby's I don't like the picture.

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