Fembots what was the guy that took your virginity like? Was he a good person or a playboy? Do you still think about him?

Fembots what was the guy that took your virginity like? Was he a good person or a playboy? Do you still think about him?

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My bf, he is a good person and of course I think about him.

A guy I met who promised to take care of me so we had sex then the next few days just played vidya together for the most of it. Our personalities were too different and he didn't seem like the best person but he was true to his word about making it a comfortable and good experience to me.

Sometimes he crosses my mind but otherwise don't care about him now

It was my father, he was a horrible human being, only in passing and when I see a truck that looks like his.

i'm interested in your story tell us more

You should let a robot be your bf instead maybe they'd appreciate you and even teach you a thing or two about where you belong in society

>not virgin

you are normies, go and suck chad dick

About which part? My dad? The sex?

My bf is/was a robot, and he does appreciate me.

Well the question obivously doesnt apply to femcels does it.

His name was Steve or nick, cant remember, was at a house party and decided I didnt want my virginity anymore so we went to the beach, had sex and never saw him again, never think about him, I guess he was a good person, he said he was sure I had to have done this before and was generally pretty nice

yeah how it happened what age, why you dad resort to do that, how it affected you and your future relationships? do you hate all men now?

How many other chads have you fucked since then?

OK, then what is the difference between fembot and femcel then?

be ashamed he pumped and used you
what would a father say when their daughter throws their virginity away like that

There is no definite difference, the point I was making is that OP was asking femanons, and on this board people often refer to femanons as a whole as fembots.

How old were you? Do you regret it?

I was 14. He was a drifter/drug dealer/bum and he picked me up after my mom croaked. He started making me spend most my time in the trailer/truck naked or mostly naked. Then eventually he just forced me into bed and did it. He dumped me on my grandparents after our cross country trek. I have an extremely hard time trusting any men whatsoever.

I see, very hard. If you hate men is fine, some of us hate or mistrust women to some extent so is fine, hatred is good emotion to reflect disconformity with the worl, tough is hard to hate and being attracted sexually to what you hate, if you are lesbian or be that could help, if you are straigth well would be hard. Also in case you find a man as partner and this one is anice person sex would be troublesome. But i wish you good luck with your future, tough hard times come the relations between men and women are disintegrating faster and faster, and maybe we get a war between sexes.

His name was Vilfonne Dritbo Schapellskrune.

It was out schools biggest fuccboi and he had a goal to fuck every girl in the school, and that included me

he's a cyborg at best, I think about him all the time because he is handsome. he got scared because none of the girls he had been with previously were virgins, and that I might have some weird attachment afterward. Well jokes on him I was already attached from day one when I realized he was the best I was gonna get :3

begone filthy wicked whore. Your kind is not welcome here

He was the best person I have ever met, I miss him everyday.

I think about him all the time.
He moved on a long time ago though.
The pain gets harder as the years pass.

Stay salty and bitter, user. I know you are in this thread to live vicariously through the experiences of a "filthy wicked whore" like me ;3

He was from here. I was a retarded 16 year old and he will probably see this post. I don't really care about any of it, the only thing I know is that the situation confirmed sex is repulsive to me and I just want to be left alone.

Idk was some 50 year old pedophile, don't remember what he was like.

ITT: Robots pretending to be grills

He's a very nice person and I wish him all the best.
I set him up with his new girlfriend actually, she's very cute and they're extremely happy.

A lot
I think I may have used him..
I was 17, a week before my 18th birthday and no I dont regret it. Sex is sex, I had fun, and I dont put much stock into the act itself, its who its with that makes it either a big deal or just a good time

Would you fuck a below average looking guy with an above average penis?

Its never about how big the dick is but how its used, and what people look like has never been that important to me at all

What if said guy was a virgin? Would you be willing to teach him what to do?

Virgins are like blank slates, theres always something good about seeing the look on a mans face when you do something different that theyve never experienced before

He's my husband now. He's a wonderful person and I truly believe that we were meant for each other, despite our differences.

I wish I could lose my virginity to a slut, that sounds like a great time. She could take the lead and tell me what she likes.

Its not that hard, were around

I'm ugly though. My goal is to find one with low standards, most likely some fatty from tinder.

Go to a bar, find a group of girls, pick the ugliest one in the group. Done

My husband. I met him on Jow Forums in 2005, lost my virginity to him when I was 18.
I do think about him sometimes.

I absolutely cannot fathom people being so cruel to their children. If I had children I would not even let them hear me argue with my spouse.

Mine isn't a cute story,
Now that I'm a fully grown adult with actual freedom I have no desire to lose it by choice. So never.

A refugee who went to my school. I was a young and foolish girl. He got me to a school toilet and made me bend over the toilet, and my pants were pulled to my knees. He had two vaginal intercouses with me, then we had anal sex. It hurt quite a bit and was even more humiliating. Still think about him now and then since he was my first.

>A refugee who went to my school.
damn what's wrong with Germans?

A hot guy that my friend introduced to me

lost it to a guy that is the definition of mu core boy with a god complex on top of it.

His God complex probably didn't get smaller. My first was soooo proud.

Just in case there are any real girls in this thread, would any of you be interested in making some money?. If so lemme know and leave a way of contacting you.

no his god complex was already at the highest of levels it couldn't get any worse than it already was

Hot, thats my type. How was the sex?

I was going to lose my virginity I guess to my first love, but it didn't end up happening. He was a slavic guy & I sometimes wish I went through with it with him. Now my only type are slavs & I can't bring myself to lose my vcard because they're so rare to find kek