Why do you care about race so much again?

Why do you care about race so much again?

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I don't, it's just dumb Americans that care so much since their country is a fucking mixed mess.

>since their country is a fucking mixed mess.
You just said you didn't care about race though

Since when did i care about race?

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>Didn't vote Trump
You need to go back

What are these meme phrases you're throwing around kiddo? I live in congo

because i really liked what the national socialists created before the allies and soviets kerbstomped them

That doesn't require race.

I don't really.
Except when people say retarded stuff like that finns are white.

Because I like diversity. I don't want everyone to be the same.

I don't know, why does every fucking commercial have black man/white woman in it?

The whole world cares about race, always has

because negros bad,and jews bad too

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I don't want to be a hated minority in a Third World country.

On race:




The JQ:




>Diversity destroys social trust
lmao, social trust has been dead for almost a century now. Had nothing to do with race either.

>Bell curve
You interact with people far smarter and far dumber than you on a daily basis. why does IQ matter in this context? Even if you assume some races have a lower IQ it would simply mean more low skill positions filled.

>Identity politics
You are LITERALLY arguing identity politics if you're talking about things like race, diversity, and being white.

>The Jews
You mean that race that Jow Forums likes to admit controls the world, but won't admit they are inferior to in pretty much every metric?
The Jews are the the great exception to white hegemony. If anything white people are Jewish cattle. Of course if I told you I'm white you'll just write it off as me being a Jew.

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>lmao, social trust has been dead for almost a century now. Had nothing to do with race either.
No, it's been dead since sometime in the 90's where I live, just about when we started getting foreigners.
>You interact with people far smarter and far dumber than you on a daily basis. why does IQ matter in this context? Even if you assume some races have a lower IQ it would simply mean more low skill positions filled.
There aren't any low skilled positions here. Sure, you have McDonalds, but those are perfectly adjusted for how many low IQ natives we have. If you take in foreigners, then they push out other natives. If I go to McDonalds now, there would be a blonde girl at the cash register, and the people in the back would be mostly Arabs. The foreigners have to push out the natives too, because there's no other jobs either of them could get.
>You mean that race that Jow Forums likes to admit controls the world, but won't admit they are inferior to in pretty much every metric?
No. They gained what they did through strong nepotism and nothing else.

Why do you care if I care?

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Cause the media told me to.

I don't care about race, I care about observable behaviour.

>No, it's been dead since sometime in the 90's where I live, just about when we started getting foreigners.
You should look at life before and after industrialization. Community and family have only been strained by industry.

>There aren't any low skilled positions here.
Of course there are. Even then most low IQ people can do 90% of the jobs out there if they manage to get their foot in the door. It's not as if an office job is intellectually challenging. Science, Engineering and Mathematics are the exception.

>If you take in foreigners, then they push out other natives.
If they can't even work out of a McJob then why care about them again? I'd rather have immigrants who can actually work than white people who never progress past fast food.

>No. They gained what they did through strong nepotism and nothing else.
I'm sure if you asked everyone who was non-white they'd say the same about whites. If anything white people hating Jews is proof that Jews actually hold power.

IQ is a bullshit intelligence metric.

>Finns aren't white now
Jesus Christ, Jow Forumsfags... Slavs, Italians, Jews, Irish and Finns are all white as far as I'm concerned.

>You should look at life before and after industrialization. Community and family have only been strained by industry.
What the hell is this supposed to mean? There has been a measurable decrease in social trust since we started taking in foreigners. If everyone from south of Italy were just killed, we would have much less problems.
>Of course there are. Even then most low IQ people can do 90% of the jobs out there if they manage to get their foot in the door. It's not as if an office job is intellectually challenging. Science, Engineering and Mathematics are the exception.
It does require some degree of education. People always pretend like this isn't the case, but this is because they never meet the real low IQ clowns, and pretend everyone is like their middle IQ friends.
The education doesn't add much, and you could probably learn the skills on the job like you did in the past. But then you can't screen out the low IQ people as easily anymore.
>If they can't even work out of a McJob then why care about them again? I'd rather have immigrants who can actually work than white people who never progress past fast food.
Because they are my people. The immigrants can not "actually work", in the sense of progressing past fast food. 40% of them are unemployed, and if you have a regular office job there will be at most 1-2 token immigrants. If you say their average IQ is 90, then 25% will have an IQ above 100, and 5% an IQ above 115. Sure, some will be able to work, but you can't meaningfully separate the wheat from the chaff.

Also, regression to the mean. But that's another story.
>I'm sure if you asked everyone who was non-white they'd say the same about whites. If anything white people hating Jews is proof that Jews actually hold power.
Irrelevant. Jews do not have significantly higher IQs than White people. Israel's average IQ is 90-something. Factoring in the Arabs, you get an average IQ around 100.

No, it correlates well with outcomes.

>There has been a measurable decrease in social trust since we started taking in foreigners. If everyone from south of Italy were just killed, we would have much less problems.
In that case it's just logical that two groups of people with two different cultures that are also opposed to each other religiously would not trust each other. But that's just the population as a whole. I don't think you stopped trusting other ethnically Italian people just because some Muslims showed up.

>It does require some degree of education. People always pretend like this isn't the case, but this is because they never meet the real low IQ clowns, and pretend everyone is like their middle IQ friends.
You have a point. I don't really know anyone I'd consider stupid, and I live in a country that has mandatory education. So I really don't have much perspective on how stupid people can really get.

>Because they are my people. The immigrants can not "actually work", in the sense of progressing past fast food. 40% of them are unemployed, and if you have a regular office job there will be at most 1-2 token immigrants.
Seems like a problem with your Government being retarded. I guess I can see why you would care so much about race in this case.
I wrote my post with Americans in mind. I'm not sure how things are in Europe at all.

>Also, regression to the mean.
There used to be a period in time where knowledge was hoarded because it was thought that if more people were able to do things like read and write, it would destroy society. Seems like the same thing here.
The world would benefit greatly if we were able to make 3rd worlders as smart as Europeans. Remember that most of Europe literally lived in mud huts while Rome was at its peak.

>Jews do not have significantly higher IQs than White people.
All I said was complaining about Jewish nepotism is silly when you benefit from European nepotism. You were born objectively rich compared to most people alive right now.

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lots would disagree

>In that ... showed up.
That is what happens though.
>You have ... really get.
So do I (Sweden). You still do have them, it's just that you're much better at avoiding them in the US due to the extremely strong segregation. You'd only ever encounter the 1% of perfectly White-assimilated nogs, and then think that's what all of them are like. It isn't the case. If you'd get rid of your spics and niggers, your gun crime would drop to first world levels. Having all these third worlders only serves to take away your freedoms.
>Seems like ... at all.
No, the government did nothing wrong here - one of the few times our government has done anything for the people since the 1970's. It's much preferable to keep them in ghettos than to have them form any kind of attachment to society like they did in the US, where they form an integral part of society.
They aren't capable of skilled labor to any significant degree. Look at this chart, for instance. No government action can fix this, since it's not a fixable problem.
>There used ... thing here.
I don't see why it would be. The children of "successful Blacks" regress to the Black mean. If anything, hoarding of knowledge should increase the heritability, not decrease it.
>The world ... as Europeans.
Yes. It's also not possible, see above.
Look in South America, for instance. Most of the high-status people are castizos, most of the low-status people mestizos or zambos. Look at any picture from a local elite university, or at their heads of state. That's despite no South American countries having had anything like apartheid or Jim Crowe in recent memory.

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>Remember that most of Europe literally lived in mud huts while Rome was at its peak.
This is strongly misleading. Europe wasn't at all on the level of Africa now, for instance. The Norsemen, arguably the poster boy of this trope, had very advanced shipbuilding and navigation techniques and their own written language, despite the country being too rural for something like the Roman Empire to develop. There is also much surviving literature, the same which can not be said for much of the third world. The country was far above Africa, despite not getting large quantities of foreign aid from the West.

At the same time, Rhodesia and South Africa were nice places for as long as White people controlled them.
>All I said was complaining about Jewish nepotism is silly when you benefit from European nepotism. You were born objectively rich compared to most people alive right now.
Not in the same sense. Jews act as a cohesive group when in other countries, Europeans do not.

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They can't get white wimmins so they take it out on naggers

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