Fit apps

Hello guys,

do you know any good and free apps to save
reps/sets/weight and exercise?

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A notebook

I used to make excel sheets and print them out.
Then i took notes while training.

Just curious for an app, so that i don't have to carry so many things around in the gym.

The internet

FitNotes if on android.

I use an excel spreadsheet with the usual routine workout I do

Google Keep
Google Sheet

You just know

the default notes app.
input into spreadsheet when I get home.

Seconded, nice app. Feels like it was made by one dude who actually lifts and knows what features are useful

Simple workout log on Android. It's exactly what it says, and free.

You JUST know.

Personal training coach, or microsoft excel on your phone.



Thinking is not your forte.
just use the excel sheet and edit it with your phone after every session.

Developers name is James GAY. I aint using no darn homo app


Just do this since you are used to playing around with excel. Google sheet/excel are great and customizeable tools. I've found sheet's interface to be slightly better and quicker for phone user.


You gotta pay for it eventually but for the money and how often you use it why wouldn't you just do it?


Enjoy missing out, unironic faggot.

Jefit is good