How to not age

How do you stop aging?

I noticed that some celebrities seem to not age at all. Tom Brady and Jared Leto being a good example.

Is it fasting?
Not eating sugar?
Calorie restricting?
Plant based diet?

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>how do you stop aging?

you dont, just start wearing make up, those who look good while being in their 40s just have good genetics, on the inside there organs are rotting away just like everyone else

leto is a vego

No sun and an active low anxiety lifestyle with good diet

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Leto has aged.

no drugs no booze less sugars less stress
This all goes a very long way. Especially the booze. I thought it was bs but I see it in action now in my late 20s all my heavy drinker friends really get hit with the age hammer especially the dudes.

Also get a job you like. So that requires finding a passion being good at it maybe getting a degree to get that job but do something you really like doing or don’t do it at all. Having a shit job for the sake of it or muh poors will age you considerably, cause stress etc

Don’t have children unless you must, kids age you, kill your sleep fuck with your equilibrium. Omg raising kids so beautiful so great ok get old looking and tired faghot
My 2 cents

Access to the top nutritionists and doctors, but mostly the blood of the young.

Cum guzzling

Distilled water
Avoid salt and most meat. If you have to eat meat only eat organic freerange and grass fed, or just stick to fish
a supplement called NMN also prevents aging

Inorganic elements actually cause sickness and death in humans. The only proper source of minerals should be from plants, who are able to convert abiotic elements into consumable nutrients for humans. That is why you need DISTILLED water every day, to flush out the inorganic material.

The fact of the matter is, time is a construct created by us Jews. There is no TIME, there is only now, the present moment. Thus AGING is just the delta between your intake of harmful elements and your bodies ability to process them.

-t. Rothschild

Also I forgot to add, thanks to following this routine, members of our family live long enough to meet their great-great-great grandsons.

Imagine having great genes and wasting them being a faggot.

that and receiving 10 heart transplants

don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. sleep. keep your body fat low, REALLY low. stay out of sun. vegetarian diet. lots of cardio. i'm 29 and 1/2 years old here.

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salt is very fucking healthy for you. just dont buy processed salt.

they literally drink the blood of babies to stay young

Who cares about getting old when you can watch your children play in the fields and smile knowing that you made it?

This. The best way to be immortal is to pass your genes for them to continue another generation.

You look like techno viking lol

Not having to work 8 hours everyday for 10 months a year and being super fucking rich.

Wear sunscreen at least spf 50 everyday. Eat less sugar and processed carbs. Eat antioxidant-rich foods, or take supplements. Stem cell and acai are some examples. Find ways to reduce your stress levels, like meditating or hobbies. Exercise regularly. Don't drink, smoke or do drugs. Have sex ever so often. Get plenty of rest everyday, pop sleep aids if you have to

you have female nipples. probably on the estrogen in your plant based diet

Collagen has some interesting effects on skin elasticity. It's the latest health food meme but there are studies backing it.

Rothschild looks like a fucking corpse

Dudes like 110 though literally 40 years older than the average boomer and yet doesnt look that much worse.


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That's the Rockefeller way, didn't work too well for him

>stay out of sun


Jared leto doesn't look good. He looks like FTM child molester.

>stay away from the giver of all life, vitamin D3 is actually NOT an essential animal hormone and will age you

As long as you keep a balance of plenty of vitamin A (real vitamin A, not that low conversion beta carotene bullshit) and K2, you’ll be fine. Fuck sunscreen, putting poisonous chemicals on your body and inhibiting vitamin D absorption? The sun doesn’t cause cancer, inflammatory, unnatural diets and lifestyle do.

hes actually 400 years old tho

Do you want to know it? i will tell you.
celebs dont age like normal humans becouse of this facts.
-Celebs have stressfull times yes, but betwen they have times like 3 months just relaxing t
-they dont have to worry about money they have enough of it = no stress of lack of money
-they have person coaches for evrything they train 5 times a week and get a whoolsome tasty mealplan evry week
- they can aford the good food no this with chemicals infused vegatabels and meat.
-they it less prossesed food
- they get checked up evry month for they healt from a doc.
- they have youth clinics where they get a steroids growth harmones and perfect food
-they are more happy than normal peopel you go working 5 days a week for 8 hours they take a year of and driving just for fun with ther porsche 944 in florida.
- less meat. meat is good in small batches and stuff
-they get the blood of young peopel infused (no shit)

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