Imagine being such a dogoid domesticated subhuman you believe sodium is bad just because your government masters said...

Imagine being such a dogoid domesticated subhuman you believe sodium is bad just because your government masters said so.

Did you eat plenty of salt today? Don't forget you need extra after a sweaty workout.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you don't swallow a teaspoon of salt before going to the gym, you don't know shit

Jesus christ imagine changing your diet and life based on a youtube video.

Imagine basing your diet based on the government's recommendations

Imagine changing your diet because of government recommendations.

Ok, but what's the correlation between sodium intake and excretion? How much should we actually intake?

Nah I base my diet on whatever the current consensus is in the scientific community.

Explain what a mortality odds ratio of 2.5 means and I'll agree with you.

so you go against the gov, people who read more than a handful of studies and study much harder to get where they are
in favor of a youtube video made by a guy who read books and cant even interpret a study properly enough?

>I base my diet on whatever the current consensus is in the scientific community.

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Yeah, a YouTube video full of evidence, a book full of evidence, scientific papers you can read online, history, common sense, etc.

What kind of crazy person would pay attention to that stuff?

All we need to know is what big daddy government tells us. They command, we obey.

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something worse than a mortality odds ratio of 1.0? dumpass
>so you go against the gov, people who read more than a handful of studies and study much harder to get where they are

>imagine changing ur diet because of some random person on the internet and not eating whatever the fuck u want
Doesnt get any more beta than that

Its close to 1:1 aside from any lost by sweat. You should eat more than the excreted amounts.

>Yeah, a YouTube video full of evidence
there are also 30x more youtube videos on why high sodium intake is bad
>a book full of evidence
there are about 5 books that come to my mind about why high sodium intake is bad
>scientific papers you can read online
there are 50x more scientific papers on why high sodium intake is bad
you do realize history would go in favor of a low sodium diet?
>common sense
low sodium intake

I also can cherry pick but at least I would have a lot of more cherries than you.

>I just don't like salt, okay?
>My salt aversion has nothing to do with the government telling me to avoid it.
>Now if you excuse me I'm going to eat Froot Loops with onions milk.
>I love a healthy low fat snack while I watch cartoons.

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you don't seem to be up to date on the literature.

i think its time for amerifat genocide

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>>I just don't like salt, okay?
no one said this, ever.
you fucking retard, people consume too much sodium for a reason.
holy shit this board is so retarded.

>you don't seem to be up to date on the literature.

There was never any scientific basis for restricting sodium.

The idea was that salt increases blood volume so lowering blood volume would prevent heart attacks. This is like saying you should spend your life constantly dehydrated to lower your blood volume. Sounds retarded, doesn't it?

Obesity causes heart attacks. Not blood volume.

To make a stupid idea even stupider this concept only applies to a small portion of the population considered "salt sensitive". They had to breed special " salt sensitive" mice to test it on.

A complete load of bullshit fabricated to distract from the reality that sugar and refined carbs cause obesity and diabetes. Obesity and diabetes are what results in heart attacks.

>There was never any scientific basis for restricting sodium.
it doesnt take a lot of time to prove you wrong
have you even tried to do research before watching this video?

>government make "fact sheet"
>must be factual

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Jow Forums is generally anti-government... except when it comes to dietary recommendations. what the fuck is all that about?

I've read both sides of the argument.

The anti-salt argument is preposterous. Here's what the WHO says:

>The principal benefit of lowering salt intake is a corresponding reduction in high blood pressure.

This is stupid. I just explained to you how incredibly stupid it is.

You are a dog-like subhuman. You can't think. You can only obey the strongest authority in your life.

>government says too much blood is bad
>maybe I should bleed myself with leeches to reduce blood volume?
>I will wait for government to say so

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Watch out! Fat people are dying from heart attacks. Do you:

a) Not be fat.
b) Spend your entire life perpetually low on electrolytes.

Choose wisely.

Why aren't people who think sodium is bad in here arguing the logical basis for their belief? Could it be they never had a rationale, but simply accept unquestioningly what government tells them?

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If you eat more salt, drink more water. It's really that simple.

Bruh it's 2019 not 2009. We know (((they))) have their hands in what we eat.

Just eat as much as you want. Oversalted food is inedible by nature. If you overdo it for some reason, you will get thirsty to neutralize it automatically.

Funny, it's like the human body is a machine perfectly tuned by eons of evolution or something.


I sometimes see comments in threads complaining about sodium content of certain foods.

People are still doing the low fat low sodium thing. Its bizarre.


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>basing your diet on a reddit video

is that why you linked any of your 500x more sources?

The way that braindead pseudologic works:

I trust authority -> authority says [x] -> therefore mountains of evidence must exist proving [x]

He truly believed there was proof, so was confident citing evidence he had never seen. Authorities boldly making recommendations based on scant or nonexistent evidence never was a possibility for him.