Will you ever become a parent Jow Forums?
Tell us when are you going to have kids.
Will you ever become a parent Jow Forums?
no thanks, although the planet enjoys making me do things i dont want to do
Already am. Two boys, 1 and 4.
Normie, obviously.
Going stronk. Dafukk you even post here then?
It's highly unlikely, given my age and inability to attract a mate or support a family.
Just lurk mostly. Jow Forums is easily the most interesting board on Jow Forums.
Right now, it's a strong No from me.
I don't see how I could enjoy it, benefit from it or do it well, never mind getting a female to let me impregnate her.
Most drama is on /b/ and Jow Forums. The blueboards are moderated by unironically mentally ill people.
Here on Jow Forums is rather boring unless you don't start joining the random discord servers they shitpost.
Is it because of lack of money or you don't like living together with people?
Father of three here. You can do it robots.
It's not money (hopefully, I'm still in college), I just don't want any more responsibility, I'm bad with that sort of thing and my children would probably be incredibly neglected. Besides, I couldn't handle living with people around me 24/7. And children are annoying and costly.
based breeders, lets hope you had some robots of your own, we havent had enough
>Will you ever become a parent Jow Forums?
dunno yet op, but don't worry op, you will be the first to know, when my wife and I find out she is pregnant.
I'd like to, but on my present trajectory it's pretty unlikely.
>6/10 with looksmax
>tfw no gf ever
>evening janitor
Also, in the catalog it looked like a leopard or something was going for the babby.
Hooker theory is what you need desu. Was a virgin for long myself. Also looksmaxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Ayy lmao women date anyone that's taller and more popular than they are just don't be a spastic nerd.
Literally all parents kinda suck and no marriage is perfect.
When I will finally grow up I want to be just like you desusan.
>Will you ever become a parent Jow Forums?
I doubt it very much, seems like the end of all comfiness and quiet.
>Tell us when are you going to have kids.
When an otherwise perfect gf that I deem loyal gets a bad case of baby craze
if i have kids i want 5 or 6 all around the same age (atleast two boys). i was essentially an only child and having a sibling would have helped with my isolation. i just want my own big happy family desu. and i love emma btw my dream waifu.
>I doubt it very much, seems like the end of all comfiness and quiet.
There's the problem with most people online, hence they are skinnyfat neet weeb porn addict gamers.
Idk 5 is too much for me from the same woman, maybe from 2 different girls.
How old were you when you had your kids though?
>implying a woman would want me as the father of her child
Has a ten year old
Gett rekt
I have two - a three and a half year old son and an almost one year old daughter.
I'm deathly afraid that I'll have to settle for a fat, mediocre thot and have disgusting offspring.
Same question (I forgot about the robot on this board)
Im worried I will give birth to a mentally disturbed child and they will murder me in my sleep. Im so paranoid I would unironically lock my child in their bedroom everynight.
I had my son at 26 and my daughter at 28.
If you want to be more paranoid that guid of the filename of your uploaded image contains your IP, time stamp, Apple user id encoded.
Why the fucking hell are you still here, full normie if you ask me, that means the waifu was 23 max at first birth.
Because I've been here since this place was robot9000 and just never left.
I am the waifu
i hate emotion and i hate love, watching that makes me sick.
seeing women go into euphoric emotion trances like that makes me sick and yes my mother made me this way.
Not sure. I don't want to have an ugly kid, it'd be hard to watch, but on the other hand I've shamelessly taken advantage of selling my sperm since I'm tall and white.
I was 20 when the first was born, the other two within the next five years.
I'm 28 now. I have no chance desu.
>Will you ever become a parent Jow Forums?
>Tell us when are you going to have kids.
I won't
>Umm, hello fellow robots, I have children and I post here daily.
There are 2 options:
- You're lying, and want to make others mad.
- You do actually have children, and you're the reason why modern families suck.
Am a broke janitor so no .
Already had my first, pregnant with my second.
My husband and I both post on Jow Forums. We met on here.
When the kid is asleep we often sit on the couch and shitpost.
I want to do medicine so the minimum number of years I'll spend until I'm qualified is 11 years. By that point I'll be 28 and the risk of having a child will be too high.
I would rather adopt or use a surrogate than risk any complications.
no, kids are shitters which you enslave your life for.
i'll be doing this life thing with a gf hopefully.
stop having kids
you can freeze it now
if I do, it won't be on purpose
>Jow Forums is easily the most interesting board on Jow Forums
are you mentally retarded, Jow Forums is probaby worst board but it's only one I can fit in
If you find a bunch of spergs shitting on each other interesting... alright
/b/? With all those fucking underage normies posting the same shit? How can you stay there for more than 20 seconds? Damn
Kinda would like to one day.
But I have yet to even talk to a woman so I don't think that will happen.
t. 24yo khv
dam bro ya got em