I'm tired of being fat

Hey Jow Forums
First time posting here, but I heard a lot of good things/stories of people being changed by advice from this board.
Basically I look like pic related but I want that to change. I don't even care much about gaining muscle, I just want to be fit. I have thick ass thighs and fucking tits as well as a hunch back and pot belly. (Nasty I know)
Is there any diet plans, workouts, apps anything to help me out. I do have access to a gym. I just want to change

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Delete your thread RIGHT NOW and read the sticky before you make any more.

Delete your thread RIGHT NOW and read the sticky before you make any more.

Read the sticky, go to the gym, try the exercises with the empty bar first, don't be ashamed, everyone started somewhere.
OMAD, work out at least 3 times a week, find a decent simple program to start with (5x5 is good for a newbie) and go from there.

cut out sugar and start working out in about 3 months you should look a lot better

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the most important thing imo is getting acquainted with feeling mildly uncomfortable for your own gain. you can burn out real fast if you dive into full workout mode as a beginner, so i would start with doing 20-30 mins of moderate cardio (jump rope, jumping jacks, running, etc) a day, and start today. then go from there

Thanks bros didn't know. I'll carry on and read the sticky.

Thanks man I appreciate the advice

no worries bro good luck

How tall?

I'm about 6 foot

If there’s a /fat/ thread up, go read it as well. It will help you with nutrition and losing weight


Me at 190lb 6'
You can do it

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Thank you. I’m saving you in my archives.

Thanks, if I see one I'll check it out
Damn bro you look great, hopefully I keep my head down I'll be fit

That's roughly my goal proportions. I'm 6'4" 200lbs and fairly lean, yet I still look waaay more dyel than that. I swear as you get taller you need exponentially more muscle to look big, it makes no sense. You'd think 190lbs / 72 inches = 2.64 lbs per inch. Which is about the same as 200lbs / 76inches. But it isn't. I don't fucking get it. At least I have aesthetics insertions I guess. It's like my muscle only gets more dense but never any bigger.


you dont want to be fat anymore? than you FUCKING EAT LESS FATTY!

>I swear as you get taller you need exponentially more muscle to look big
This is the easier gains manlets often speak of, its actually kind of fucked how a tall guy can look skinny at 200lbs. A major advantage of been tall is that it's much harder to get fat though.

If you really want to get bigger, and you're already doing all the lifts, unironically you need to eat more (clean food though, dirty bulking is a meme that only works for roiders). It's also worth getting some creatine if you haven't already, shits a massive help for gains

I think you also just never get satisfied
I keep wanting to get bigger and leaner no matter what

That's what I'm fucking trying to do dumb cuck

Do cardio atleast twice a week.

For how long do you suggest and how many calories each day?

That's what I thought. But I actually think this one is trying to change.

The sticky hasn't worked for a LONG TIME

Don't worry about calories, just work on making doing cardio/lifting a habit.

I can't tell you how many calories or how long you should run for since I don't know your intake nor your endurance.

It may sound gay but if you're a beginner and you don't ever run, look up a "start 2 run" program.
For calories ideally you want to count them to make sure you're at a calorie deficit, you could use a calorie counter app. If we're being realistic you probably won't do this (I wouldn't) so just try replacing the food you eat right now with healthier stuff. Easiest one is only drink water.

Lol how do you even have to "try"? Losing weight is the easiest thing in the world. It's a goal you can literally accomplish by doing nothing and just eating like a human being instead of a walking, stinking garbage disposal.

Not me. But thanks anyway

Treadmills at the gym i go show how much calories I lose. Thanks for your advice bro.

Based retard.

I prefer to run in nature, more motivating for me but treadmills work fine too!
Good luck man, keep at it :)

There is an app that I use called "Strong" that is helpful for tracking both lifts and rest times.
I wish I would have been using it since I started, instead of 4 months after the fact. It is very encouraging to see your progress over months of time in the form of a graph.

I'm just venting frustrations, I'm confident I'll get there soon enough. I eat enough red meat that I don't think more creatine helps. It just makes me look soft.
Defintely truth to this. I have my current goal body, then my goal after that, and so on. Realistically I don't see myself ever being able to look any bigger than pic related at my height, but that would be more than good enough for me.

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Thanks man

Cool I'll check it out

Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Get yo fatass up and go gym. You can do it man

Thanks bro

Does that cost money and require an account?

unironically the best natural physique you can strive for while not autistically cutting down to sub 10% BF and not enjoying life.

You about 15% in that photo I'm guessing? Maybe a little less? Can't really tell.

Sticky obsessed with lifting weights

>I’m tired of being fat
No, you’re not. You just crave attention.

yeah def more than 12% and just a bit below 15%
i can see some shoulder / leg vascularity but it's mainly just forearm vascularity. i really want to see my abs, but not worth losing too much mass so i'm doing a really slow cut

Back shot

I wanna get my legs / calves and triceps up a bit more

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No you’re not, how tall are you actually.

You would have been a 10/10 twink if you were not fat

whats your routine

machine calculations for calories are wildly inaccurate, don't use them

in fact don't bother trying to count calories burned at all, for best results look up your sedentary TDEE and base you consumption around that

Chubby twinks are fun to fuck too.

stop eating sugar and carbs
get off your ass and do shit outside
you look like 13 years old