Itt old fags regail us with tales from the Jow Forums of yore
Itt old fags regail us with tales from the Jow Forums of yore
there was over nine thousand internets and arcanine were /b/'s little brother, everybody was afraid of being hacked
it was much better back then
You were asked to tell a tale good sir. Gramps tell us a story
>gentle femdom generals with Desolation
>walk in see this what do
>schizoposters (these are still somewhat a thing)
Tell us a fucking story you old cretins
What do you want to hear, oh new user?
people thought this was unironically funny
How long have you been here? Something form the age of the loli board
Wow this image is very funny. May I save this image?
What's the single most depressing thing that made you have to sit and feel genuinely sorry for someone
The saga of chris-chan always sticks out. This board is full of suicide-fuel and other stuff designed to make you feel sad, but the story of Chris is a very much real one. Never followed it closely or anything like that, but I've paid some attention to it. Legitimately sad stuff.
There's also the suicide threads. Just anons stopping by one last time to say their goodbyes. That's sad in a different way though.
Once upon a time we all decided to go outside, and it was newsworthy.
The end.
Save it. It's all yours my friend.
I'm not even an oldfag (came here first in 2012) and this is a few years after my time.
Have you ever recognized a person or place referenced as happening near your hometown or an area you knew
I met my current roommate on Jow Forums actually, but that's a bit different because of the country-specific generals. On there I've met many people, made many nice friends.
Jow Forums by itself is fun and nice, but if you want to meet people you've got to involve yourself in the IRC clubs (discord nowadays, sadly).
Here on Jow Forums I've talked to other people from my country.
Back in the heyday of Omegle-threads I'd sometimes run into the same people over and over. It was nice. That place is dead nowadays sadly.
I know this is like boomer maxims 101, but between 2007-2011 this site was at its peak. You can tell a lot of the oldfag crowd either died, moved on, or don't post nearly as much. Katawa shoujo was like the climax before it all started to go downhill.
Papa papa tell me about the great raids
Moot is a gook
Hiro is a gook
Same old same old
I went for a habbo raid once, it was quite fun. We all stood in a great hankekraus down by the pool, and we sang the old negro song.
There was also this one time we all got together and drew a large hankenkraus on this website where you could draw on, but the catch was you needed many people to draw something big, as your pen size was very limited. We drew a swastika across the entire shebang, and it was glorious.
What I miss is the fact that we don't have fun here anymore. This board turned to absolute shit with only a handful (if even that) of threads that are fun or interesting to participate in.
The shit that ruined this board?
>race baits a.k.a. the "Jow Forums mentality invasion"
>"fembot here" bait threads
>misogyny baits
>cuck threads/baits
>anything sissy/bussy/boipussy or whatever the fuck
>"i want to end up on Jow Forumsgreentext" greentext threads
>incel baits
Feel free to reply with what I missed
newfags ruined it and now this website is basically just a war zone where normies come to try and correct people.
Thank you for your service oldfag. It's been a pleasure learning with you.
I was on this site since 2007 it's kinda mostly the same of course memes change and there was more green text shit but overall its the same at the core.
I don't agree. I feel like things are somehow even more jaded now, and that there isn't as much genuine oc as there once was.
I try to make a habit of posting threads that I have fun with. Sometimes it takes off, sometimes I'm simply thanked and appreciated for the effort, but very seldom is there a truly negative reaction.
The board is actually recovering.
I wish we'd all move to the deepweb chans, atleast it would be a good normie-filter to keep them out
Back then I used to hack a lot with BackOrifice. Everybody was infected.
Retards have a habit of making MBTI threads.
Things that are considered cancer now like "XD" were actually normal back then.
maybe xD or ;p
... ;)
You are right, it's way more jaded now than it ever was. I think thats a product of society though, society as a whole (at least in the US) has become way more jaded because of constant exposure to social media and information. Dark comedy is also very popular right now on the internet, everything is a depression meme in some way.
I'll be here in 15minutes
if any qt wants to hang
join me
Everything is a fucking general thread nowadays. "fembot" general, MBTI general, sissy faggot general, even the threads without the board-ruining topics are still predictable and bland. There's no magic to the board, almost everything is predictable and low effort trite. There's only one interesting thread a week at most, only one unique story or well thought out post, because everything people post is the fucking same.
You used to not be able to say faggot or nigger on /b/.
That was weird
Shut the fuck up you roody-poo
fucking same shit every time