Carnivore Deit Rekt

Tldr: You’re cutting out high calorie foods by only eating meats

This also stands for keto, you can’t change your TDEE faggots.

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Omnivore watching all these fad diet followers fight each other like

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Quads of truth

*eats pure lard*
heh, nothing personel, kid

We are fucking omnivores. The reason we were able to evolve a large brain was through a diet of eating both. I once saw a vegan argue we are actually vegetarians naturally because our intestinal tract is longer like one not short like a carnivore. The concept of a fucking omnivore didn't even register in their head.

Our intestinal tract is much shorter than most dedicated herbivores though

its middle length

so, like, bit of both

honestly I'm just annoyed they take up so many posts in not just having what is practically a passive aggressive version of generals but they post so much in unrelated threads about their bullshit opinions

This, its so fucking retarded. I was watching Frank Tufano explain how you can get everything you need from animals, like vitamin C from liver and its like why not just eat some fucking fruit?

I get that vegans are doing it for ethical/environmental reasons or some shit but thats equally as stupid. Atleast eat or drink some free range milk/eggs. Stupid meme diets all of them...

i know the feel. i do a ton of meat 1 day a week from high quality sources on a non-lifting day. feels wayyyyyy better than vegan or carnivore

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yeah I wouldn't trust a anything from that creeps mouth he's like soi incarnate and just swinging from one extreme fad to another and started pinning so he's not above lying either. I really don't know how these unattractive batshit crazy people get so much traction other than from children.

many people turn to carnivore because of autoimmune issues. they can't have plants.

Yes, but that's maybe 1% of the population.

lmao, Frank is a physical manifestation of a reddit carnivore group.

these people would fix their problems if they just did some extended fasts.

The worst part is he literally has no idea what he's saying half the time. He doesn't really understand how studies work and VG annihilates him in every debate. (Although I don't like VG either, at least he has a clear understanding of his own arguments).

he's even admitted that much, he admits that he just reads wikipedia and makes a video about it.
he's such a fugaze immature bitch, I don't understand how he has any kind of following

what a lame copout.

I do carnivore but I also take a vitamin every once and awhile to combat scurvy.

>About a diet followed by exactly three people on Earth.

I assume this is vegan general, so fuck off OP.

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Frank has been carnivore for like 8 years. Wtf are you talking swinging from diets lmao

This whole thread is just one samefag carrying on a mock conversation with himself trying to bait carnis.
all the same person with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions

20 posts, 14 responders, quotes 9 posts, at most 6 posts in the thread can be samefagged.
ignoring the fact that I am 1 poster with 3 posts in this thread.
go back.

>cutting out high calorie foods
>by only eating meat

nigger what

>the carnivore is the best diet in the world because it works for me and my shitty genes
Imagine actually believing this

i dont think he called it the best user

I'm talking about people like Jordan Peterson and Frank Zufano

you don't deserve those digits, dummy. give them back.

nobody said it was the best. why don't you tell us what people with autoimmune conditions or digestive issues should do? "just go ahead and eat plants even though it'll crash your body, LOL!!!"

jordan peterson doesnt call it the best and he barely even recommends it to people.

try eating 3000 calories of meat vs. 3000 calories of pizza

>people itt think carni means eating steak everyday
>these people are having opinions on the diet

>600g of pork belly
>1 and a half large pizza

not that much difference really

yeah, until they started eating the food triggering their problem again. Although yeah 99% of people could heal their gut with a long fast/~30 days of carnivore and then they could have a normal omnivore diet with most things healed.

that's not what she's saying at all, did you even watch it?

600g of pork belly is not 3000 calories dude

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You know when you cook food, and the fat drips off, unless you are saying you would drink ALL the fat that came off it, then you'd barely get 2000 calories after cooking

why would i waste gains

It's actually pretty hard to get calories from a meat only diet. Like a bowl of mac n cheese is like 1200 calories vs 500 calories from a 4oz burger with no bun or sauce. You lose like half your calories at chipotle if you don't get any rice, beans, or a shell.


hey, i saw you in houston on tv earlier. don't let dr now discourage you. he seems tough but it's tough love, ya know?

Yes the numbers confirm that samefagging is indeed happening. Way to prove my point without realizing it, nothing better than a useful brainlet

Do you know what fat is you fucking retard? Why do the niggers itt think carni means lean fucking beef meat?

you failed math, right?

I think the most important factor is no processed sugar and junk food. If you eat a balenced diet of meat veggies and sometimes fuits thats the best diet out there.
These restrictive diets are retarded and why people think they feel good on them isnt the diet itself, its usually cause they stopped eating junkfood and they start preparing food themselves.

>all the same person with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions
You're not even sure you're just assuming samefagging is taking place. What the hell nigger?

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Environment and ethics are important. We are destroying the world for no reason.

Milk is just saturated fat.
Egg is just cholesterol and protein.

Almond milk + beans is a better source.

>Milk is just saturated fat.
Egg is just cholesterol and protein.
Literally nothing wrong with any of this. The saturated fat myth is just that, a myth. Animal fat is good for you, humans evolved on animal fat.
>muh cholesterol
I find it interesting that men with high levels of cholesterol tend to be the ones with the highest T levels.

>Almond milk + beans is a better source
Absolutely disgusting and gay. If anything, eat the raw almonds, that's where you get the nutrients. Almond milk is just processed GMO shit. As for beans, half the protein they contain don't even get absorbed by your gut.

If you're concerned about the enviroment, tell brown people to stop breeding and clean up their shit.

Personal I don't believe climate chamge exist like the media is saying it is but I will say pollution like garbage in the oceans and in nature should be one of our worlds biggest problems to deal with. Also 150 million people(ugly white trash, hood blacks, straight off the boat asians and dangerous/illegals in general) should be kicked out of America. That is all. For now.

>We're destroying the enviroment.
Correct China, India, The US and Africa should do something about it.

>DoN't WoRrY i BoIlEd OuT tHe CaLoRiEs.jpeg.

You realize that growing enough almonds to turn into a drink is pretty resource intensive right? And that almond milk is just antinutrient slop? And that chickens can just eat compost and foodscraps in order to shit out eggs everyday?

meant for

Lmao solid burn bro!

Thats not true at all

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>Egg is just cholesterol and protein.

Saturated fat causes heart disease. That is not a myth your just reading meat and dairy funded studies. Same thing happen when we proved smoking was bad.

American Heart Association pretty much tells you here.

You do know that meat and dairy have extremely high estrogen in it. Since the cows have to be pregnant all the time and they are bred to produce unnatural amount of milk.

On the brown people to stop breading. You do know that western society has the most pollution

> I find it interesting that men with high levels of cholesterol tend to be the ones with the highest T levels.
Thats a complete falsehood.

The men with the highest T levels turn out to be vegan. Also the men with the highest cholesterol levels are riddled with heart disease.

>Almond milk + beans is a better source
Phytic acid, tannins, oxalates, lectins. Do a bit of research.

Water usage.... yea, like that actually matters. It falls out the sky nigga


This. People are attached to extremes. Eat a varied diet like you're supposed to.

What he said is true, and especially for cows (water goes in and out of cows, cows don't consume water, they pass it through)

Also to the vegan derpus who says eating meat causes cancer?

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let's do some quick maths:
1 pound of eggs is 9 eggs
1 hen lays 1 egg per day
so according to vegans: 1 hen drinks 478/9= 53.1 gallons of water per day
this is why nobody is taking you seriously

Wtf carnivore diet is supposed to be a specific thing for certain sick people

> he thinks all that water is being drunk by the animals

Oh dear

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*crack* ...... *slurrrrrrrrrrrrp* ..... uhh god im falling asleep here lady

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>Eat one pound of chicken thighs with skin
>1100 kcal
Gosh, sure is inefficient. Thank God I have all these calorically dense vegetables to get me through the day - I only need to eat five pounds of potatoes to get this same energy.

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Once again someone that is not mentally ill and has some sense is supporting a varied and balanced diet.

When will you fuckers learn that you're not a lion and neither are you a cow.


>Vegan memes.

Hilarious, but probably not how you think they are.

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Fine but you or i could live a long healthy life on lion food (raw meat and animal organs) .........we would quickly die if we tried to live on grass. (Cows thrive on grass)

Lol that is not what you vegans look like IRL.

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lets look at some irl meat eaters

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Found my own personal diet hack is bouncing between carnivore diet and Paleo plus white rice.
Naturally bounce between both following my cravings.
Drink only water and coffee.
No farts and gains. Good health.
Only side effect I noticed is of I eat outside my diet I get stomach cramps

Alright smarty pants. What do any of these things do.

>Fine but you or i could live a long healthy life on lion food (raw meat and animal organs)
Long life? perhaps, dependent on genetics. Healthy life? No - you need a variety of foods.

Well I’m convinced

>More hilarious vegan memes.

If your entire cult is built on lies (like eating meat causes obesity, and not junk food, processed food and carbs) then only literal retards will listen to you and join your starvation cult.

>Oops just figured out the secret of Veganism

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itt:basedboy general
humans evolved eating fatty mammoth, then we ate them all and had to cultivate crops and livestock. cooked meat enabled the rapid development of higher EQ relative to other primates/early hominids.

stay salty plantfags

This. Was I the only one taught by my parents that the best meal is just meat and veg, with no starchy carbs.
Unironically spent a large portion of my youth in a low carb diet.

Imagine your liver eating all those fruits.

At least cereal-gristling-vegans eat mainly glucose and complex carbs.

Why? Its patheticly funny if a vegan thought this comic is pro-vegan

>lets look at some irl meat eaters

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