What’s the point of training legs again?

What’s the point of training legs again?

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Getting strong?

Training for strength just leads to injuries.

Ohhhh boy, ask me how I know you don’t lift

To atract fags and traps

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Ehh well if you want a serious answer.

1) Balanced body aesthetically. Depends on your opinion though, lots of people thing having giant quads to balance out their upper body looks good. Personally I think giant quads look goofy but so do chicken legs so for me a happy medium is best.

2) Muscle dependencies in certain lifts. In lots of lifts, and I’m talking ones that don’t engage your lower body in any obvious way, having a weak lower body can hold you back. For example, some people drive with their legs when they bench, and report that when they improved their legs their bench improved at a faster rate. This has to do with being able to stabilize yourself when doing heavy lifts to keep form tight. Other examples of this could include standing military press, standing lat rows, etc. Just think of any lift when stabilizing your form with your legs is important.

3) Quads are the biggest muscle group, often they grow fast compared to other muscle groups, and are the strongest. Thats why you so often see people with oversized quads compared to the rest of their figure. If you want to get that ego boost and develop in one area relatively quickly quads are a good place to do. Not really a good reason but subconsciously thats why a lot of people like doing legs.

4) Sort of taking from the last point a bit your lower body is the most functional muscle group. Most of the ways we use our physicality relies primarily on lower body. Walking, running, jumping, etc. We are defined as organisms by the fact that we are bipedal. Thst being said most people who lift for their legs don’t train them to be better at anything other than squatting or deadlifting. Though you can train your legs for sprinting, jumping, and other practical things with HIIT if you want and they will look good too, this is what athletes in certain sports do in addition to squatting and other leg exercises.


Mmmm thicc legs...

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I wish Klokov would squeeze my head between dem thicc thighs...

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Well you have to ask yourself OP, why are you lifting in general? You probably want a nice body right? But societies standards are so low these days you could probably get away with looking like shit. But what about just being strong? Not just being able to impress someone, but being the guy who your friends ask to help move because you look strong, or being the guy who pulls that person up from the edge of a cliff.

You're legs are so important in life, if you get them strong and keep them strong they will serve you well in life.

Some muscle on the leg looks good, and is good for you

but big legs? fuck that, enjoy not looking good in pants ever

You have no idea of how much girls look at legs too

Training for strength doesn't mean you have to use low reps. Bodybuilding-style training also greatly increases strength, while being safer.

my barbell bench increased by 35lbs just from doing 5x10 dumbbell bench press for a few months (although I was always going as heavy as possible)

My legs are legit a always sore because I have to bike 1.5 hours a day to work and back. They're pretty decent but reeee shit dutch shithole

Post body

>Bodybuilding-style training also greatly increases strength, while being safer.

This is a nonsense statement. High volume (what you might say is bodybuilding type) training is likely to cause things like tendonitis and shit if you don't manage it correctly. Whether you're doing a lot of volume or a lot of intensity, injury prevention comes down to decent technique and proper stress/recovery management.

I picked up a 1kg dumbel once and did 5*6, naturally my biceps imploded.
Free weights are the devul's work brudda

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So you don't look like a goddamn T-square.

>I have to bike 1.5 hours a day to work and back

This sounds like a bad joke.

Superman can fly, of course he won't give a shit about legs

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balanced hourglass body.. who the fuck wants to walk around looking like a chicken?