Would you date a girl(female) with bigger biceps than you?

Would you date a girl(female) with bigger biceps than you?

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As long as she has big enough titties that I can suck on and titfuck

That's exactly what I want.
>You will never be raped by a Finnish wheyfu after she's all sweat and hot and bothered after she squats a personal record.

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Yes why wouldn't I?

No. She wouldn't have the sort of personality I like. Bodybuilding is degenerate as hell and really stupid, it's unhealthy and not useful, it's the anorexia of weightlifting. And only a bodybuilder on drugs would have bigger biceps. I might date a girl who lifts though but also unlikely.

Sure. Why the fuck not? Only some beta bitch would be insecure about fucking a hot muscular bitch.

Considering i'm a lanklet, that's pretty much the majority.
Final Verdict: Yes.

Testlet detected.

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>tfw no varbie gf

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>8 weeks
This can't be possible. She looks like she gained 30lbs of muscle.

I would crush these womanlets with my superior lanklet strength

Yes but not an ultra cut one those look gross or the swole ones yuck.

>you walk by the room as she's finishing her workout
>she does a cute pose like OP pic
>this beefy beauty smiles proudly as she shows off her sweaty muscles
>she's wearing a tanktop so her hairy, musty pits are exposed
>handcuff her wrists together behind her head
>tickle her divine armpits
>she knees you in the crotch, turning your balls into paste

Maybe if I got a qt gym gf I would finally have the drive to go to the gym myself, where can i get one ?

No, thats borderline gay. She'll be fucking you with a strapon

Well, i already have big arms (+40cm diameter).
But if she was still smooth (not too muscular), i wouldn't mind.
I don't find apparents muscles elegants on a woman.

If that sexually aroused my Varbie, I'd let her.

Sure, but no pegging. My ass bleeds every time I take a shit. I don't think I could take getting it pounded. Plus it's gay.

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> Would you date a girl(female) with bigger biceps than you?
I _WANT_ it

I would be scared of her(female).

>being this jelly
>being this insecure
>being this intimidated

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Anavar m8

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based fit girl posters ITT

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>ywn kiss varbie delts

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Yes, but I would prefer to date a submissive, waifish girl and teach and encourage her to lift and have her love it so much that she becomes a super confident gymrat and more dominant and makes me buy her anavar and then bullies me sexually once she's enormous.

a man of culture desu fampai

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Hell yes. Ideally she would force my fat ass into good shape and reward me with sex.

I dunno, something about liking big muscles seems kinda... gay

Yes, but can she be one of those strongfat powerlifting types?

Granted; unfortunately it turns out she has a fat fetish and she leaves you once you're no longer overweight.

Why would she make me get into shape then? If she left me like that I'd probably just get fat and depressed again.

stronkthicc is patrician

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I could beat the shit out of her.

The only thing you could beat is your dick, loser.

Yes! Tfw no Wall of Meat gf

Would she date a small robot though? No need to answer, I already know the answer.

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Only if she was sexually dominant but loyal and loving

>implying this wasnt ny plan the whole time

>varbie goddess
>dating a skelly manlet like me

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Maybe she's got a female version of 's fetish

That size, sure
Bugger than me? That would look really weird and unhealthy unless she was 6'6"

all the muscle is gonna turn to fat when they stop working out

That's not how muscle and fat works, but even if it was, why would the wheyfu stop working out?

>tfw mine are almost 13"

I came to this thread to fap, not to feel.

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>swn pin you down and peg you
why even live

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Who is this beefy brown qt?

Sophie Arvebrink or some Scandinavian nonsense like that.

fucking hell that is disgusting......

fuck you robot

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This is kinda off topic but can anyone help me find the category of hentao where girls are buff kinda like OPs pic but not fucking shredded 9ft jojo characters? I just wanna jack off to fit hentai

That would definitely have to come down to the proportion of the rest.
If shes like pic related fuck no
but if she looks like or then yeah definitely

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No, they look too masculine. If I wanted to date a man, I'd turn gay.

Hell yes, that'd be great motivation for me to keep lifting and progressing. A weightlifting gf is the dream, natty or otherwise.

I'm dating a female MMA fighter. She's not a pro fighter or anything, just has 2 amateur fights. She's smaller than me, so I thought I could just overpower her when we were fooling around. Turns out she's pretty good at grappling so she put me in a variety of submissions. I'm not really into the whole mommy thing but she had me in a RNC and the only way she'd let go was if I called her mommy. I get lots of jokes from my friends about who wears the pants in the relationship though.

I don't want a sub who's afraid of me. I want to dominate a girl that could overpower me at any moment... but follows my lead out of trust in my wits and my love.
I want a submissive who doesn't just choose to submit to me, but chooses to submit. Who wants but does not need to obey.
I want a woman who could defend her home with just a fist and a snarl, but asks me how to build it.

That said, I don't get the appeal of biceps. What do you even use them for? You can't grip most things that would strain your biceps.

Was she a fighter when you met or did she get into it after?

Already a fighter when I met her. She pushed me into MMA as well, and so far, I like it (at least the striking).

this is disgusting

jesus some of you have no standards. us high test men are actually attracted to feminine body types not this dyke shit

They arent bigger than mine but.

As long as she promises to choke me out every night.

Only if she rapes me in bed.

The only real issue you've highlighted is that bodybuilding is often unhealthy.

There's that, and the community surrounding it being shitty.

I really do want a strong girl to enjoy hurting me but not too much.
Like teasing but mean, but still fun.

I wonder if any femanons are lurking who are fit or would like to be.

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Wondering also. I will pay a fembot's gym fees if she sends me progress pics and promises to get swole.

>tfw no Jow Forums gf to use as body pillow of sorts

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I have 24 inch pythons, so I doubt I could find a woman that large.

only if she has natty gains and will crush me with her thighs