Why is this faggot so popular?

why is this faggot so popular?

political satire is a lost art, now we just have this guy ham fistedly labeling everything to pander to double digit iq morons

t. third positionist with natsoc leanings

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Political satire is always garbage.

Kari Suomalainen was the last good satirist. His observations of Finland's balance between NATO and the Warsaw Pact were spot on.

BG molested me.

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I think it's saying that the fbi is holding all the bs together

Honestly, it's complicated, and I kind of understand it in a way, but the way people suck trump's dick as if he's not a fucking old ass buffoon is insane. Even more than that,to them everyone that's not sucking his dick and addressing him as the god emperor is a liberal sissy basedperson.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ben Garrison. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Ben's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ben truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ben's existential catchphrase "The Jews Did This," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ben Garrison's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

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Imagine thinking theres a news org worse than Fox News.

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quality pasta, I actually want to shove a knife between my ribs

People want to stop illegal immigration. They're tired of being called racists for thinking the people we bring in should bring merit.
They're tired of Republicans not being hard on the issue and never taking any action despite pandering.
So they voted in a mad man who seemed hell bent on getting it done.

That's the reason.

Also the rust belt wants its manufacturing jobs back.

Americans are shit at making stuff and demand much higher wages.

imagine being so stupid you don't realize they're all shit propaganda.

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cable news, easily one of the worst but there's only a few

no way they are as bad as internet news orgs


Because he gives hope to white americans and is edgy

Americans made the website you're on right now faggot, and the operating system you're browsing it with, and most likely layed the fiber optic cable you use to shitpost through

Yeah that's why you always hear :"it's quality, made by Americans."
Face it kid, without the petrodollar, America would be yugoslavia tier.

>I hear americans make shit tier goods
>but what about x, y and z?
>yeah whatever, you never hear they make good stuff!
Well that's a neat way to argue.

My favorite part of his comics is how he portrays Trump as a Homeric hero instead of the obese 70 year old Trump actually is. I think Ben has a little crush on the guy.

How do people unironically say this then go on about their day using Google, Microsoft, Apple, Uber and other services? Just retardation or you blind yourself from the truth on purpose?

boomer humor, what millenials see in this boomers see in meme politics. No other reason.

>the website you're on right now
You mean this clone of a Japanese website?
>the operating system you're browsing it with
But he was from finland
>and most likely layed the fiber optic cable

"American made" is still kind of garbage for an extra-premium price

because euros are struggling to try and maintain an arbitrary sense of superiority by refusing to acknowledge something other than their own accomplishments if it would make their own accomplishments seem small by comparison.

I like how absurd his comics are, and his style is disgusting looking but funny. I like it for the same reason I like Chick tracts, though I like Chick tracts far more.

OP asked why Ben Garrison was popular, not Trump.

I also live in a rural, conservative area and very few people outside of some degenerate rednecks and really old Protestants actually loved Trump. Most of them were just afraid of Hillary.

>finland is solely responsible for this os by having the first guy to work on a crowdsourced os be from there

fitting that a linux hipster takes these stances

Finland needs to declare Kiira Korpi a Nationally Protected Wetlands (her last name translates to "Marsh" or "Swamp").

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Finland itself needs to be declared a Nationally Protected Wetland. It was called Suomiland for a reason, despite modern Finns being seemingly hellbent on making sure their name does not back up their environment.

>why is this dude so popular?
You need to understand son, you don't know what you're talking about, sit there and listen.
All the stuff you hear about the tortures and killings done by drug cartels may seem to be attributed by them, but in truth everyone, even the police secretly knows who is the motherfucker sick enough to do such things, and that's him, as better known here in colombia as ben de la muerte garrison. Everyone knows that's him mutilating and torturing the people implicated in the drug trafficking, but what's truly sick is that he doesn't ask a reward for it, and he never truly tried to stop the traffic at all, all he does is killing and brutally dismembering the small fish and their families, as he knows these people will be replaced and that the police will be accomplice to these massacres.
And if you've watched gore images from this area a good part will be taken from what it's been heard from him by lucky survivors calling them "his artworks", coincidentally these survivors were always white.

Yeah, I don't get why the new generation doesn't love the environment and nature like the last generations did. I have contemplated a birch for an hour one time in the middle of a snow storm.

originally people just followed him because of the memes. then the boomers and redditors started liking his shit

Apparently the generation that is now called "zoomers" have grown up hearing about the environment so much that they don't care, and while I don't have empirical evidence for this a lot of young people I have talked to don't care because of shitty pop nihilism.

>implying I implied that implication
You sound mad that Linus wasn't American and that linux as a whole isn't 100% made in the USA or something

Political cartoons have always been awful
>lol look at how ugly I drew this politician
>extremely blatant symbolism about how so-and-so is taking money from whoever, they're all basically interchangeable

l have no idea what I'm talking about the post

We're talking about a country where 2/3 of the people are overweight, with an average IQ is somewhere around 90.
There is a reason people associate quality goods with high IQ, hard working Germans, Swiss or Japs.
Americans are just meatshields for the international Jewish banking cartel.

Zyklon Ben "Throw A Rock At A POC/Throw A Brick At A Spic/Throw A Shoe At A Jew" Garrison CAN'T keep getting away with this!

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