Chad edition

God Emperor of Mankind Chad
The Original Chad, the purest form of Chad, the founder of Chadism
Chad of the introverts
Insecure wannabe chad, also called brad
Office Chad

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as always MBTI is bullshit but at the same time we INTPs are the superior humans and literal galaxy-brains

There is nothing special about INTPs, INTP is just the stereotypical bullied nerd kid you see in highschool movies. They're smarter than the average airhead norman but thats not much of an achievement

>tfw intp
>tfw literally became the tortured genius trope
>tfw can feel myself being pulled toward great things but also just as easily being pulled to a quick and graceless death

Im INFP, but I realate more with the INFJ in OPs pic.

>INTP's are so superior we could solve all of the world's problems but we're also smart enough to see none of it matters

Just accept that INTP's are superior and that there is no winning life user

is personality typing just a make work project for the masses of social science graduates who offer no value to the world?

>tfw borderline entj-intj depending on the day

Is lashing out at things you dont understand the go to way of coping for retards?

no one above trainable retarded doesn't understand this shit
>hurr so you admit i--
that you sit around rubbing your clit and waxing poetic about your type suggests to me that you have a whole lot of nothing going on in your life

If you're "above" everyone why cant you understand it? Its a real simple theory yet you are incredibly asshurt at it. Or maybe because of all the dick you take in your ass, but either way you get the point.

If you just thought this was something and irrelevant you wouldnt even pay attention to it, you'd filter it or just ignore it like most people who think that way do. You're clearly upset that you cant understand it and lashing out.

>you don't hate fags you just think you ARE one!
no I hate you fucks

If an entj Guy is a god like chad then what is an entj girl?

Nothing i said is even close to that you utter fucking mongoloid. If i was saying that id say you dont hate MBTI you actually like it. No, im saying you're too much of a retard to understand it so you lash out at it because it hurts your feelings.

Now go be a retard somewhere else

>tfw virgin and thoughtful estp
i'm like outcast.

>then what is an entj girl?
My gf

Jk. I guess they'd be the leader of the women. Also probably a professional dominatrix.

but this is prime real estate for being a retard...

unless you're an INTJ am I right gals?

>calling men girls
Ok faggot. You dont have to project your homosexuality onto us.

there you go. You can suck plenty of dick there, go there and leave us alone.

wtf you guys I'm dissapointed now

to be fair, it's perfectly possible to understand something and also think it's stupid bullshit. Maybe you could try testing his understanding, pr asking for specifics about what it is he doesn't like instead of immediately devolving into "ur gay" back and forths.

What is that supposed to mean? Did you just get diagnosed as a sensie or something?

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>we're not fags we're just here to discuss how our personalities make us unique in this queer little game called life
damn imagine thinking that's a good point

why would i be burning a random object on a fucking bus
this is so retarded

no dude you don't understand. it's not gay at all

Nigga you just called people gay and they were stupid, and now you expect someone to "refute" that. There is no point to refute. How low is your iq? Seriously. This 8 year old level discourse.

>heyyy how dare you say we're stupid!

I just wanted to know if this masturbatory waste of time was to occupy the hordes of useless psychology majors.

Imagine being THIS fucking assblasted because you cant comprehend something this simple. Best comedy i have had on this board in weeks now.

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Lets go over your replies.
>lol you are stupid
>lol you are gay
>lol you are gay again
>lol you are stupid
>lol you are gay

You are one of the biggest fucking retards i have seen on this board.
You have to actually make a point for someone to refute it. How can someone refute a point that was never made? If you're just gonna call people gay and stupid you're gonna get the same thing back, you utter fucking mongoloid.

INTP brain keeps the INFP heart at bay.

>too smart to delude myself with feelings
>too emotional to be a cold, calculating robot
It feels like when offered the red and blue pill I opted for the magenta one.

Attached: 1466356756059.jpg (680x680, 83K)

>file too large
>file too large
>file too large
did they decrease the max filesize without telling me or something?

It's lerandom humor. The idea is that ISTPs are very hands on and like to see how things work on an impulse, also that they have very little respect for the rules presented in a whakey fashion despite all the other types being presented straight laced and how the memer sees them unronically leading to the istp looking like a derranged child in this image. Honstly you should probably just stop caring about what's written on 85kb memes, it's the current year afterall.

do you like socionics perchance?

Attached: A Centaur's Life - c109 (v15) - p016 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire] cropped.jpg (1480x2205, 1.66M)

*ignores there's a question mark at the end of the "main point"*
I wanted information, not insults from you. I'm sorry you've never fucked a girl, truly. I just wanted insight into this magic art of rubbing your gash about your abstracted personality traits in relation to nothing.

talk about a touchy little queen

guys wtf whenever i take one of these personality tests i answer really quickly and get INTP. i just sat down and took this sakinorva test people talk about and thought through every question to make sure of my answers and i got ENTP.

wtf i'm super introverted tho. maybe i'm not and my social anxiety is skewing my shit up or this test is weird? do other people get weird shit like this?

You do that because both the red and blue pill are an illusion.

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what do you mean by "introverted"?

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>ook this sakinorva test people talk about and thought through every question to make sure of my answers and i got ENTP.
you dont happen to have the end results?

>hey guys are you gay haha!
>this deserves anything but mocking derision
The gallons of semen you have been swallowing has completely eroded your brain. Kill yourself faggot

maybe I was a little harsh there but looks buddy if you've never fucked a woman you might as well be gay.

idk i don't generally like to be around people much i enjoy working things out on my own, debating my own ideas with myself and doing things by myself. i don't like being around people much or social groups much.

ya pic related

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At least i havent been fucked by any men though

oh in my hyperfocus to attack I didn't realize this MBTI thread was for Extroverts, aka not incels. now I get why my barbs were landing flat. fair enough chads, keep on keeping on.

>ya pic related
It's pretty sure that you're ENTP because Fe is much stronger than Si.

istps and istjs are not chad. the are all introverted faggots


These threads are boring but.


Tomorrow will be a good day

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reminder that this is the ONE AND ONLY tier list of MBTI types

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>tfw can feel myself being pulled toward great things
hahaha my mum told me the same thing

Im an ISTP and i would not call myself sociopathic at all. I am not an emotional person on a day to day basis and im more tough minded than the average person, but deep down i just want the best for everyone who deserves it, and i hate harming people.

based token ISFJ

Oldfag since 2007. U really know my theory. Ive been developing it a long time in conjunction with expiriments like the MBTI threads. The core issue is this site Jow Forums in general attracts those who feel naturally dejected from other activites. That sense of dejection is the backbone of the culture. And its a spineless backbone at that. Its why the MBTI and philosophy threads get such traction. Robots have proven themselves time and time and as well as pol that they are spineless and lack any real intellectual convictions. Just look at how pol swallowed up the fake news. These are some of the easiest plases on the web to ideoloically influence because everyone is anyonymous yet there is still a core base that over time can be read and manipulated. Thier opinions are like a lost boat in the middle of the ocean waiting for the next wind. And people like to psyop take advantage of this. So it makes sense for the socio-poloitcal climate to affect this place making it more women friendly and SJW and pol more polarized as well. What really happened is those oldfags like me saw what was happening and left or participate in the psyop ourselves. Only the weak and suggestable remain. And the people who swallow up MBTI without doing any research are just the worst. They are actually insufferable in real life because none of them know any of the psychology behind it and believe it instantly and think they can type others instantly too.

tl:dr stop being spineless pussies

inb4 some zoomer says 2007 isnt oldfag

fuck all zoomer scum also guess my MBTI

>also guess my MBTI

>Tomorrow will be a good day
Man I love this line, you have good taste user

INTP since they're the universally the least likable >:)

Never thought of that as a career option, good to know. Gotta get that whip back out

I fully agree with you. The people on this site are disgusting, spineless worms. Their most defining trait is a lack of empathy, and they convinced themselves that lacking empathy is a sign of strength. There is a reason why the philosophers and intellectuals of old used to say that women are incapable of empathy and that only men are capable of such higher emotions

they lived in a time where women weren't considered humans?

I mean regardless of that they thought women are incapable of it, empathy was a trait assigned to the strong and capable. In general, it was considered that a lack of empathy was a sign of weakness and subhumanity. Thats the point im making here

Well said, they are not even that smart

seems to me to be an ass pull. empathy didn't just magically become accessible to humanity in the present day. the niggers were trying to glorify men because that's how their bread got buttered.

I remember a guy on here who was an intp midwit and fell for the tortured genius trope. He memed himself through undergrad and got into medical school thinking he'd find more like minded people only to realize he was a brainlet and his social life got even worse cause everyone there was more intelligent and better looking. Pretty funny stuff. Glad I found out i was brainlet before i spent a shitload of money on an education

>back out
You have experience?

Well versed in the art of whips, leather and chains. Was once part of my job description.

Inb4 prostitute. Because no.

You did horseriding?

I did actually, but wasnt the job I was thinking of

What was it then? I have no idea of another job that exists today that involves whips, chains and leather other than professional dominatrix or some kind of job with animals.

Working in a lingerie / sex shop that also sells bdsm wear. Making money and collecting everything was pretty good for a while there

>Working in a lingerie / sex shop that also sells bdsm wear
What was the strangest customer?

Well thats a trick question, the way you said it sounded like you actually used those things yourself in your job.

I was gonna ask if its true that you guys gossip about customers, but thats basically a guarantee, so im gonna ask how much did you guys gossip about customers? Are there any you made fun of, and why?

Great picture really illustrates that this is the underage thread

You're all dumbfucks if you actually believe in memebti.

Socionics is the only and the patrician way.

SLE ESI LSI SEE master races. Don't give me that ENTP debator xdd bullshit

No, it means they're cock sucking faggots. That they're also retards is just coincidence.

MBTI is a system for typing
Socionics is a quantification of Jungs theories. They complement eachother, they are not mutually exclusive.

INFJ wishing his MBTI frens a good day. I'm going to sleep.

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Is that fucking reddit on her laptop

>that one faggot who got btfo is STILL seething

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>admits he's an incel
>thinks being called a chad is a concession
yeah haha

>Is that fucking reddit on her laptop

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What a bullshit picture. Probably made by some ENFP brainlet. Real INTJ will sit behind the driver. If the bus got into an accident (e.g. lose grip and start sliding) the driver will try to regain control and save his life first. If there is a tree he will be more likely to try to hit the middle, back or right side of the bus not his side. Also behind the driver there is the most accessible window, and one with highest seats, you can break the window with both little hammer that is behind the driver and the fire extinguisher. If you have to exit the bus fast the seat next to the door on the rights side is slower than the one behind the driver.

Gossip is the wrong term, we would discuss customers with each other for various reasons, if someone was going through a bad break up or dating someone new etc etc so we knew how best to help people. We never once talked badly about a customer, and I never would. My job was to make people feel beautiful and sexy and powerful. Theyre in a vulnerable state anyway, why would I gossip or make fun of anyone

I feel like I can manipulate my answers into giving me what I unconciously want to see. When you see a question you can already tell what function is it referring to. I tried to stay true to myself and answer truthfully tho.

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>I feel like I can manipulate my answers into giving me what I unconciously want to see
It's common once you're familiar with cognitive functions.
have you tried

>tfw ENTP with shit Se

i'm a beta

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Stop recommending these meme tests
>do you use this cognitive function
If i knew i wouldnt be taking a test.

16personalities is still the best test because it looks at behaviours that can be objectively measured than some subjective evaluation of your own subjective inner state. The best is relative though, and its still not a good way to type yourself.

The best way to type is to critically examine your own BEHAVIOURS and then match them up with MBTI dichotomies.

At least you're not in denial. A lot of ENTPs are around who try hard to act like a Chad but it just ends up being cringe. Just be yourself, even if yourself is not Chad. Trying to be something you're not is always gonna end in cringe

in 8th grade i finally got a group of friends and when i was completely myself around them i just let it all out and was super fuckin loud and annoying to neighbors and shit and it seems like whenever i let myself go people see me as cringe and annoying and weird. i never go full sperg anymore it was too sad to have ppl finally like me then see me as cringe and weird and stop talking to me. seems to be a pattern in my life. i learned to tame it by shutting down and only having a few close friends who i can sperg out with who find it entertaining.

dae think mbti is retraded and are a super intellectual sceptic

Are you also silent and autistic around strangers or in unfamiliar situations but when you warm up to people or in familiar situations you act like a complete retard and lose all self control? Because im like that. I have trouble finding a middle ground, either i act like a retard or im really silent.

You might like this thread

no not really with the self control thing. overly silent and pretty autistic ya. if anything i'm overly aware of how i come off and am hyper aware of everything i do because social anxiety from being bullied and a shitty childhood and people disliking me the few times i did go full sperg made me hyper aware of how i come off to people. so i just shut myself down from the start and i have to spend a lot of time around ppl and become comfortable with them before i start shitting it up and being weird and seeing how far i can go with it in the relationship with that person or group. i also tune the shittery and autism to the group i'm in. i don't want to be judged badly or shunned again when i'm still getting to know someone. i don't do good one on one either. it's awkward for me no matter who it is.

>The best way to type is to critically examine your own BEHAVIOURS and then match them up with MBTI dichotomies.
give me a link to MBTI dichotomies.
i agree with the typology jung test. its shit and so obvious
i did it anyways.

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Like I-E, S-N, T-F, J-P. Thats the MBTI system. If you actually use this system properly it will reliably and accurately type people. The problem is that people simply give it the wrong information. People say "oh yeah im a really imaginative person i love theory" but in reality they act only on known facts and certainties. So they get lets say ENTP as a result but actually they are ESFP or whatever.

You have to critically examine your own behavioural patterns by looking at what you ACT ON IN THE REAL WORLD. Then once you know how you act, go off of the checklist here

>Am i primarily oriented towards my own mind and its thoughts, impressions and internal processes? (Introverted
>Or am i primarily oriented towards the external world of objects, people, events and external processes? (Extraverted)

>Am i primarily oriented towards facts, reality, sensory information of the physical world and the body? (Sensing)
>Or am i primarily oriented towards exciting but unsure possibilities, imagination(which includes visualization) and theories? (Intuitive)

>Do i primarily make decisions based on technical data, true-false statements and what makes sense? (Thinking)
>Or do i primarily make decisions based on how i feel about something (like-dislike) group values, societal consensus or simply the feeling it evokes in me? (Feeling)

>Do i have a focus on time and a desire to structure it into schedules, as well a desire to structure and organize my external world such as my work environments and home? (Judging)
>Or do i prefer freedom with my external world, keeping options open and dont like to think about time too much, rather just going about things at a pace i find comfortable? (Perceiving)

Again let me emphasize that its important to look at how you ACT IN THE REAL WORLD, rather than simply what you like to think you'd be like or what simply sounds cool to you.

Now some of you artistic anons should make a flowchart/infographic out of this so we can finally stop this typing debate

the all time classic coming thru boys

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Does this mean I get to be an INFP again?

I don't see why a four step process requires a flow chart. It would look pretty messy with all those words desu

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You were an INFP all along. Now with this realization you can look inwards and understand why you act and think in the ways you do, negative or positive.

oooh boy another spicy mbti meme

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Infographic is the right word indeed

>ISFJ always with them hugs

But I don't huh pepe's

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Trump is an ESTP. ENTJs dont act like that. ESTPs act in an unrestrained and almost animalistic manner. ENTJs act in a very restrained, organized and almost aristocratic manner, like they naturally exude the aura of a king. ESTPs are more like the leader of the people, ENTJs are more like the head of the state.

ooOOoo faced with a problem with a door lets see how they handle it

Attached: mbti door.png (900x4738, 847K)

just here to make it clear that ENTPS are in fact the master race

C.S. Joseph made a pretty long video going over his interviews and judged him as an ENTJ after tracking his functions and his interaction style.

Attached: MBTI functions grid.png (1028x1312, 658K)

Can anyone redpill me on ENTPs pls?

here u go my good sir may u find this insightful

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He is wrong. He is selectively looking for evidence because he has already decided he wants to believe trump is an ENTJ, and because he wants to shill his own typing system/pet theory and doesnt want it to be wrong.