Where hoodie to school

>where hoodie to school
>forced to take it off

Fuckin normies

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I meant to say wear, fuck

gore was better
i prefer it over this album

>the antisocial sperg wears explicit graphic clothing and listens to death/gore/grind/fuckshit
wow, really breaking down stereotypes aren't you?

yikes, this is going into my cringe compilation

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>be edgy at school
>get angry when you get the reaction you wanted

What the fuck is that even supposed to say?

>improve your tastes or leave faggot

That band name is just indecipherable.

You didnt even use the right image retard


For being fucking gay?

>be OP
>sitting in my room, listen to carcass all day
>surfing le internets
>only break is when frozen pizza is done downstairs
>thanks mom
>pee in a bottle
>never shit, always constipated, already have colon cancer at 16
>hear a knock on the door
>it's mom, dad left a year ago
>"what the fuck mom!"
>she works all day from home, part of a pyramid scheme
>fucked by the mailman
>"Billy, Rich- the mailman just brought your new hoodie"
>oh boi
>it's sunday
>get to where it tomorrow for school
>that'll show Laquan I'm not a "softboi"
>I'm fucking tough
>he should be scared of me
>this'll show him not to mess with Emily
>why can't she like nice guys like me
>why must she like assholes like Laquan
>not like I spend half my day on rekt threads on /gif
>go to sleep
>hoodie already on
>7:00 am
>awoken by the sweet sound of cannibal corpse and ar-15s
>wah wah wah
>get to school
>oh boi
>there's Emily
>"hi Emily, wha-"
>"eww what's that?"
>"are those worms?"
>"what does it even say?"
>fucking normie
>fucking normie 16 year old tits
>teacher sees me
>asks to take hoodie off
>comply, too scared to do anything
>Laquan is laughing at me
>his hand, softly gripping Emily's hip
>I'm a softboi

Imagine taking the time to write this
Imagine thinking anyone will read it
Leddit is that away tardo

>hes gonna do it
but be careful and mind the edge

hehe xd i lold

High 7/10. Bretty gud. 8 if OP confirms it.



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Relatable OP

Underage B&
Get outta here

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you should spend more time in school

10/10 pure edge greentextposting

You have a talent

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you read it homo

based gorebot

I literally didnt lmao nice try tho

Based originiliilino

>awaken to the sound of cannibal corpse and ar-15s
fuck sake user ya got me

It's alright kid, you're still in school

Say it causes you anxiety and panic attacks/you have body dysmorphic disorder

based white male shwoing those kike normies what reality is

I don't usually find parody greentexts funny but this was damn good

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Hi re_ddit
What the fuck is spam