>Work-life balance is important
>Did you see what Trump tweeted last night?
>I'm really trying to limit my screen time, I heard that blue light is really bad for you on $popular_health_website
>You should be more sociable, it's not healthy to be on the computer all the time!
>If you don't get married and have kids you're going to die alone and miserable!
ITT: Things NPCs say
>I don't use adblock because it's literally piracy
>just go out and b urself lol
Every human itterance of words from any normalfaggot is mind numbingly annoying.
The people who want everyone to have kids are retarded but the ones about blue light and work-life balance make sense, a broken clock is right twice a day after all
>Jow Forums?
>that place is infested with nazi incels
>only a small percent of refugees are terrorists
>females have it way harder
>just dress nice, be presentable and approach a girl
>I'm not a redditor, I've been on this site for years
>the npc meme is so stupid
>nofap will cure your acne, anxiety, depression, bad childhood, low wage, short stature, virginity, awkwardness
>cuckolding is just a fetish
>so(y) does not make you feminine
>I don't train legs cause they are already big
>don't do that lift you will injure yourself
>you don't have a job?
>what do you do with all your free time?
>do you not get bored?
>die alone
Who cares? Ill be dead, lmao pwned
t. Underage fagg
>>You should be more sociable, it's not healthy to be on that computer all the time
I'm not saying that you should go out and socialize, but it really isn't healthy to live a sedentary life. Just go on a bike ride or hike at least once a week
>I'm really trying to limit my screen time, I heard that blue light is really bad for you on $popular_health_website
I have Night Light/Night Shift enabled on all of my devices for the whole day.
I guess I am +(me.Identity.Implements(NPC) ? "" : " not")+ an NPC.
>im watching one punch man on netflix
Based and ternaryoperatorpilled
anysort of greetings like hi or hello.
anyone who mentions that they have to work ever.
people who talk about their work.
>i want a gf that likes video games and anime.
>The Expanse? I LOVE that show!
>I'm thinking about getting a Switch
>Do you have insta? You should follow my foodie profile
>Let's swap linkedins
>dude she's like 16, are you a fucking pedo
Stopped at the last one.
God I hate that statement in a special way. What do you think I've been doing this whole time, being someone else?
>every vote counts, bro!
>I want my outfit to tell a story