Back to business edition
Who else is excited for the Manchester meet up?
read with a glass of port that loli posting nonce
Still havent warmed up that roast dinner lads
christmas is over, back to reality
>Who else is excited for the Manchester meet up?
Couldn't give a toss about normies meeting each other
How easy is it for foreigner from northern Europe to get laid in UK? Going to visit in 4 months.
Put it on a low heat and maybe when it's ready you will feel like eating it
Fucking brainwashed into becoming a farmer now lads
Just like anyone or anywhere else on the planet. Depends if you're handsome, funny, talented or interesting.
>Fucking brainwashed into becoming a farmer now lads
go on....
What are your statistics? I can put a word in with Shantanelle for you
What are you lot up to then? I'm just reading some manga and debating whether to get hammered yet again.
Fucking shit desu mate. Lads do yourself a favor and go to the midlands on instead.
Where in the UK? There's plenty of slags though
yea fuck it, gonna tell steam that sims 3 is fucking up on my computer and i want my money back
Just been watching River Cottage all night lads. WTB a small holding
>What are you lot up to then?
Was meant to be getting high and watching Origin or playing RDR2, instead I've just been shitposting and chatting shite here.
>River Cottage
Can't stand Hugh fern posho cunt, watch cuntryfile instead
so where did ceit disappear off to then? checked the archives and he just went after being confirmed a nonce, strange...
Some of you lads are alright, don't go to Birmingham on the 12th.
>grinch in a mask holding a gun
I thought he was a tranny now?
>those tattoos
what a retard
Reminds me of this fat girl I used to sleep with. Tattoos all over her body. Was interesting.
*opens up britfeel_members.pdf*
Let me see here Ceit... Ceit... C.. Ah
He... abandoned the "brit" discord he created, changed his username twice, then deleted his discord account.
Still works as a copy writer. Still lives in east London.
I know the feeling desu, I regularly end up just posting here most of the night instead of doing the stuff I originally planned. First time hearing of Origin, I assume you mean this TV series that came out not long ago? looks pretty good, might give it a watch desu.
He is harmless and RC is peak comfy living
Phwoaaaaarrrrr fuckin hell lad gis a name
Average Finn by all standards, expect taller than the national average by few centimeters(184cm)
By the look of things London since we are going to visit few work related laboratories there to sell and install lab equipment.
Think I fucked up in Mass Effect lads. Didn't romance anyone in 2 and now I've got that faggot engineer guy in 3 trying to get my dick.
My nigga knows
watching youtube vids eating some dark chocolate. going to make a smoke then head to bed soon though
Yeah, pretty much lad and Origin is that youtube red series I dropped it after I couldn't find it on any of the sites I use until I remember an old one which is underrated.
Lost my virginity last night lads, didn't feel good at all, but I guess I'm not a loser anymore, right?
>didn't feel good at all
was his dick too big?
Trust me you can still be a loser even though you had sex
I romanced Samara only to have her reject me because she's too old for that shit.
Cunt, wish I killed her instead of daughter and romanced thicc based Miranda or that tranny Jack
Looks like it has a penis to be honest
Hope you have a nice sleep lid.
Didn't know YT were making series as well desu, love me some sc-fi though, quickly get tired of this "but quickly realize that one of them is far from who they claim to be" thing I see in a lot of stuff though.
Yup, I thought BBC was just a myth
I lost my virginity almost 3 years ago, not kissed a girl since
Don't end up like me, take this chance pal
I'm on all these dating apps but I wouldn't know what the fuck to do if a girl actually asked me on a date or something. As if I could handle that sort of social interaction.
oh shit yeah forgot about that
who was it that girl who posted in that discord who cut herself and shit and she was desperate for these guys' taking pictures circlejerking attention and he was just egging her on more? also he met up with a load of teenagers from here, about 16 years old or so, and they went to a pub and took a picture with all their shoes in the middle like sadacts. not surprising he'd just disappear really, i remember all these threads goading him being a nonce for all those weird things he did
How would go about not ending up like you? I don't even want to kiss a girl again, it didn't feel good at all.
They won't, so don't worry about it.
I have a mate I drink with about twice/thrice a month and he always tells me about his tinder wins
Fucks me up a bit honestly, I know your feel I guess. Haven't even installed any of that shit tho
Not sure about cooked lettuce lads
Never used any dating apps myself, don't really like the idea of them. I feel like you should meet and get to know someone irl first.
Tell me about it, my experience didn't feel good either but that's because I was drunk at a party with all my friends outside the door banging on it and it was with a birs who's personality was opposite of mine and had no connection with.
I'm sure if you do it with a bird that you like it's a different story. So I guess find a bird you like quick and live life
>did sex
*clears throat*
nah, I've known her for about a year and we've been kinda flirty for a while, she's basically my only friend, and I'm honestly quite attracted to her. I went to her flat for New Year's, as in just us, she kissed me and then we ended up on the bed, and then y'know. I don't know, I just didn't enjoy it, I think years of masturbation have ruined my ability to feel good about sex and my low self confidence makes me hate my naked body. I guess I'm just kinda worried about what now, does this mean we're dating? I don't
Did you use a condom lad?
Nah she said she took birth control
whcih apps are you on? speaking to anyone so far?
Had my roast dinner lads
>does this mean we're dating?
you'll have to ask her. one of my best friends is a woman and I've fucked her a bunch of times but we've never dated
Haha enjoy your STDs and babies
sorry shouldn't have said ask her, I mean see what the atmosphere is like next time you meet and judge it from there, asking would be autismo
From what I've seen of her this past year I don't think she's like that, she's only had one bf before and I know that she doesn't go out to clubs and stuff
Why's she on birth control lad? Don't be silly pal.
The fuck is this? Fuck off. This isn't the time nor the place.
>have to be up at 7am for work
I shouldnt be let out of the house lads
Always end up embarassing myself
Oh well, well she's probably not gonna be my gf then, but at least I won't die a virgin
sweet dreams little wagie
I have to go back on thursday, fucking dreading it
Story time please lid
Yeah everyone is hiding something so I would say it's more a thriller set in space than sci-fi.
It's like if the Movie Pandorum and the game Cluedo had a baby.
Do you have any concrete info about how many people will be attending?
Speak to me like that again and we are gonna go 10 rounds.
Didn't happen though did it lad?
Where's the proof? Who goes to new years eve to someone's house alone? Where was the post on /britfeel/?
Fucking larpers. Even at this hour they ruin the comfy thread. Get a life.
>boomer parents bought an alexa
>visit them on xmas with my brother
>they spent the whole time we were there just asking alexa dumb shit like "alexa, what's 9881274814771 divided by 1948138174" and giggling to themselves all impressed like a couple of children
Oh please.
I'm a failed normie, i belong here just fine
I slowly crawled into normiehood and then fell off and haven't stopped falling
All gone from my life for years now
>?gnidnetta eb lliw elpoep ynam woh tuoba ofni etercnoc yna evah uoy oD
Axel is a badass name, right? Maybe even shortened to Ax?
Open the app lad and show them it literally has recordings of absolutely everything you ask it and you can play the recordings back
I want to start rapping and post my tunes in britfeel, but i probably won't because of anxiety.
Accidentally referred to the black chaser as 'black plague' in front of mum.
You would greatly improve my quality of life if you did.
*Farts in your face*
How's that for a black plague.
Can I help you make lyrics?
hope so as well. had a restless 1 last night. didn't have a wank before bed and had a dream about trying to wank to a porn mag but kept getting interupted
doing it tonight though so, fingers crossed
nighty night
>black plague
Why? you would have sounded a right mong
I want to make a tune like this about killing the britfeel trannies
sure thing laddy.
please don't that's embarrassing and cringe
>I want to make a tune like this about killing the britfeel trannies
I know of 3 confirmed people thats it. No idea who else is going to show.
This was well regarded.
>someone who wants to fuck cola
wow what an event, sign me up
t. one of the trannies
ceit is going too
yo yo muh naez zeus
wanna string tranners up from a noose
fist yer arsehole so hard it becomes mega loose
URRRRRGH ya feel me
no really
*drops trousers*
*does a rap pose*
Not at all lad. You want to record a song in your bedroom about killing people who annoy you on the internet. It's cringe incarnate
>other user
What does it take for it to be an event then? Want to meetup then show if not then don't.
fantasizing about winning the lottery lads.
wwyd with 1 mill?
More like this guy desu
buy your mum intro
I like trannies actually, I would fun it is all. Won't happen anyway because of anxiety hehe :)
Get private martial arts, diet and exercise stuff.
yo yo muh names ceit
if you've got a penis in yer frilly knickers i wanna see it