So did you robots get any nicknames in HS?
I really got into history in autistic sort of way during junior HS, earning me the nickname of historian for being literally the only person answering teachers questions during history and civic classes.
Some autistic kid said "Get out of the way retard". Does that count?
For a short time when I was a freshman the soccer team called me "The most interesting man in the world" why they called me that or what they mean't I don't know
Mostly Da Paddywak, I imagine you can guess why.
I use to be called Ghillie, as in a Ghillie suit. I was very good at just hiding in plain site and slipping away from groups without notice. Why one time I just hid in the locker room during gym class for the whole period once and when I came back out, people spoke to me like I was actually playing the game with them and asking if I saw this or what I thought of that.
I am and always will be "McBig, #1 AOE player for ACT."
I once farted loudly in class just as the teacher had finished talking about something. I've been called Farto ever since :(
As in Santa clause.
I never got a good answer as to why.
never had a nickname until i was in my 20s and they called me BIG NASTY for some reason i'll never know
"Machine Gun kid". After I ironically and autistically said to a guy "youre on the list". I thought theyde get the reference from the movie stripes but it turns out millennial kids dont stay up late and watch old 80s comedies so they took it seriously. And because I was obsessed with guns and wanted to join the Army I became known as machine gun kid.
> Be me in middle school 9,000 years ago.
> Friend says I remind him of
> Lolwut? How? s suck!
> Starts calling me that.
> No but really don't, bro.
> Keeps doing it.
> Other kids pick it up.
> Homeroom teacher hears and starts calling me that too (I guess misguidedly trying to make the autist feel welcome)
> Please God no.
> I'm 30 now.
> It has become my name because that's what my parents call me now too and everyone I hang out with (all 2 of them) gets weirded out in situations where I have to use my real name (which are surprisingly few).
> I had a perfectly fine name.
Everyone called me "Bot" because they said I talked and moved like one.
Bob, told everyone that was my name but it stuck throughout school. it was good
DB, its a abreviation of my first name
I was called Baldie because I shaved my head once. I was also called "Mak" by one person because they forgot my name but knew I was from Makedonia.
Winter wonderland, because i used to wear a trapper hat and wool sweater in summer.
But for reals I had the nickname german in middle school
Pretty winded and long for a nickname.
Maybe out of irony?
Where are you from?
Kinda creative actually
Bullshit you were
Are you fat? What were you wearing?
Because you're fat and gross?
>The original robot
Weird flex but ok
I don't think you can abbreviate one word
Shitty, but having two nicknames seems kino
I did too, but I live in Yukon.
>Your boyfriend is a dork
more pics of anime qts in blacked underwear?
l don't have that many
Same here, except they called me "ghost kid" and that was just in middle school.
Jewnose, iron nose, big nose, witch's nose etc. Jew genes granted me the biggest, crooked, bumpiest nose.
post all the ones you have then, user
I either have none left or one more let me look
This is my last one but it's just an arse.
>why one time
this isn't a flashback in a movie user
People would call me present because of how my aura would let everyone know that I was there and because I was nice to be around and people would want me there with them like a present
I am the most relevant person in the world
thank you user~
Friend called me niggus real name is niklas
I don't I just downloaded them on the off chance of getting (you)s from either fetishist like you or triggered conservatives
i was called "nigger nazi" by two people
because i look like charles manson in his younger days
Still in HS, but in MS my nknm was Jigglypuff
The Laserman , (some Swedish nationalist murderer) .
I was smoking weed with the stoner kids before class while reading some magazine about him . Later that day I was sleeping in class , only for my teacher to wake me up . For some reason I said "oh shit it's the Laserman" when she woke me up . Got suspended and the next day everyone called me "The Laserman"