Why do people spread the lie that its a man's job to approach woman as if its written in stone? Who has to approach has nothing to do with gender, its all about value. The only reason woman don't approach men is because they have more SMV than most men by default and can afford to wait for guys to come to them, but if a wild chad appears they will trip over themselves to get his number, just look at celebs. I get it, woman have so many options that we can't expect them to make the first move, but saying its the masculine thing to do is kinda silly, if anything whoever is approaching is only demonstrating their low value.
Why do people spread the lie that its a man's job to approach woman as if its written in stone...
Cuck mentality is seriously strong
women approach me all the time. I'm 5ft 6
man have said themselves that it makes a woman look desperate and unattractive if she comes on to a guy
That's an interesting theory. I wonder how accurate it is
Men don't judge women's attractiveness based on status. It's more likely that they are desperate and therefore certainly unattractive
That wasn't very clear. What I mean is that a woman won't be less attractive to a man if she approaches because men don't care about that shit
Not really, they probably wouldn't think you're unattractive until after getting to know you
Because our society is set up to make things as easy for females as possible no matter how much guys are fucked over in the process. Women want the best of both worlds, to be able to whine when incels approach them but never have to actually approach chad thundercock.
And who the hell said that? Whoever said that sounds like a guy absolutely full of dog shit and he needs to stop spreading lies like that.
Just think about it. If you had a caveman and a cavewoman, do you really think the cavewoman is just gonna wait around for some guy to save her from sabertooths, or is she gonna naturally gravitate towards where the resources and protection are? Men are the real prize in dating because we provide more, the problem is in modern society our assets aren't as valuable anymore so woman have the advantage.
It is extremely unattractive whenever a woman hits on me and is coming on too hard. It's masculine and dominant behavior in the first place and it irks me to no end.
Women need to be submissive, fragile and they prey.
Fuck off with your cuck fantasies and hit on women, autist.
That lie is only taught if you have to ask.
Women actually do approach men, or at least make it obvious they are interested.
The issue is that no women have ever been interested in you.
Homo neaderthalensis, habilis, erectus, floresiensis, sapiens all lived in extended family units of up to 120 members, all related loosely.
Women have never been the ones to initiate courting ever since they lost their external estrus.
Stay in school.
Women will most times care more about how they look to other girls than getting to know you, unless you are some 10/10 dreamboat where usual rules do not apply.
And other girls WILL rip on her acting desperate for it, as will some guys who might have approached her before and now feel snubbed like hell.
If they find you at least interesting they are imo much more likely to approach when you two are alone. But social af as girls are, her being alone is a rare thing to happen.
>Why do people spread the lie that its a man's job to approach woman
because bluepilled normies you retard, anyone who has spent a few days chilling with a chad friend (just both of you, not a bigger group) and just walking around the city could easily invalidate this bullshit advice with personally accumulated anecdotal evidence
exact same reason normies don't talk about IQ differences, causes of crime, jobs and nepotism, etc.
Oh fucking please, stop being a retard. A feminine girl can still approach you and act really coy and giggly with a cute hi.
Never chilled with a chad. They usually just become my roommates and irritate me.
Yeah that happens all the time, chucklefuck, and no one has issues with it. Women show you signs they are interested and prod you to hit on them. That's A-OK and attractive.
Women overtly hitting on you and asking you out is fucking pathetic and offputing.
No its not, stop being a dickwad.
>implying you would know and are not some underage pretending
I am a 29-year-old boomer.
Obviously within a group setting sex is gonna be regulated, I'm saying if you put a man and woman in the wild the woman will have to gravitate towards the man for her survival.
Of course. It's been reinforceced via selection pressures from the inception of our 1st common ancestor that was sexually dimorphic.
And it will be the norm again from the very moment the state stops being a surrogate protector and provider, like it's happened several times in recorded history already.
It's just primal user, us men are hunters by nature and we take what we want (or at least try, even if we fail). It shows confidence and dominance which woman expect from all men (by nature).
>be primal caveman when it is comfy for me
>better be a good lil modern person when it isn't
Pick one.
No real man said that, I can tell you that much. Do you really think you can try and come onto a website that's majority men and spread such a bullshit lie?
What's so bad about having to approach women?
>the lie
It's the way our species works. In most other species it's similar. The men compete for female attention.
>look at celebs
You're a nobody so this doesn't apply to you
are you not aware of where you are posting?
Women do approach men very frequently. Make friends with a Chad and then go out to a club with him one night. The amount of sexual harassment and assault women get away with is incredible.
I'd rather not get any dates because I didn't talk to any girls than to not get any dates because no girl would talk to me.
Approaching is not low value, everyone has something to offer to a girl and you might even be a great choice for her. You should give her the chance to decide if she needs you or not, instead of disqualifying yourself from the beginning.
Recently a girl approacged me, and said she had a crush on me. I lowkey shut it down and changed the subject. Now I can't stop thinking about her. Even when everything goes my way I'm a self-sabotaging retard.