So Robots...How long have you been on Jow Forums, and what board were you originally on
So Robots...How long have you been on Jow Forums, and what board were you originally on
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Been here since I found loli threads on /b/ in 2012. I'm 19 now.
Tbh I was just browsing for gore vids in /b/ back in 2010 i think and here I am.
Started as a /b/tard but didn't come here til everyone started telling people to go back here for hating women
2007 and /m/
Like 08 or 09 started on /b/ quickly moved to /a/ and that's still my home board, we'll take the cup back one day
/b/ 2009 for four years then I started visiting other boards like /x/, /fa/, Jow Forums
about 3 weeks
Oh, and started browsing in 2010
Been here since 2007.
Feels good, man
One year, original newfag.
r9k it's my main board. I don't remember how I found it, but it wasn't because of reddit, inb4.
I ended up realizing that Jow Forums is the best board, but I can't keep myself from coming here.
i started browsing today, already pretty depressed
Started browsing in 2017, started here on Jow Forums and /b/
I started lurking on /b/ back around the time I dropped out of hs, which was in 2013. Only started posting on r9k earlier this year.
2005. /a/ was my life for years.
2007 or so; I mostly lurked on /b/ before I migrated to Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and /x/. I've been here far too long.
13 years, I'm turning 25 this year
My first board was /u/
Started on /b/ back in 2003/2004.
almost 2 years now. started on Jow Forums
Started in 2010. /b/, /mu/, /vp/, Jow Forums, /sp/ then Jow Forums again have been my home boards.
1 year /b/ lol originslhgggg
probably the 5th time i've said this in 2019, but 14 years
originally on /a/ and /b/, /jp/ later on
spent a LOT of fucking time on world4ch. /prog/ and /lounge/ were fucking great. i even got into some secretive groups on IRC, like places where mrvacbob used to chat, because i was such a dedicated shitposter.
big ups to my niggers who even fucking know what world4ch was
only newfags here these days, it seems.
Started in 2015 with /b/ ... 2017 then active in Jow Forums
2009, mainly lurked on Jow Forums and /b/
started with /b/ in 2014 cause of fappening
5 years on Jow Forums
Sometime around 2006? I dunno... Kinda lost track after a while. Started on /b/ of course.
since '05 or '06 approximately. originally i started on /b/ then came to Jow Forums once it was made
I started Jow Forums on this board 3 days ago
2014, been lurking on Jow Forums. I was browsing /b/ for a few weeks, but found out it became Porn/Alternative board.
Now Jow Forums is my friend
>the fappening was 5 years ago
Holy shit where does the time go
/a/ since 2005, 34 now.
I lurked on b from 2007 but didnt become part of the userbase until 2013 or so, then I hung out on a
Not a surprise most anons in this thread are /b/tards
Am very much a newfag. Started browsing pol last year
used to orbit this girl called applemilk1988 on youtube and she got raided
time flies.
I've been here since 2012, started on /b/ like most everybody else. After a couple year I came here and this is pretty much my home board.
Now I got to /b/ every once in a while or /x/ or /v/ or /out/... mainly.
Idk nobody fucking cares anyway
Why were the majority of you underage b& when you started browsing? (You) do realize that the /b/tards of 2012 are a major contributor of this site going to shit? Why couldn't you all wait a few years?
it fucking saddens me that kids who got into /b/ after 2008-2010 thought it was the bee's knees, when genesis-era /b/ was the actual good shit.
>see rage comics on reddit or fucking wherever
>/b/ raided scientology for the lulz!!!!1
>i am anymoose xDDDDDDDD i am legun xDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!
>"oh man i just HAVE to become a part of this hip underground internet club!"
2007 or 2008, i can't even remember when exactly.
I mostly used /b/ still do, sometimes i come here because you guys are cool.
I was like 14 at the time.
I just realized i have been on this shithole for more than 10 years
Fucking kill me senpai
I regret nothing
11 years. /b/
2010/ 2011 I am the cancer. /b/ then Jow Forums then Jow Forums now Jow Forums. It has been a ride.
there's a lot of /b/ on here, why's that the first fucking place you ended up? you guys are heathens in your hearts
i started in 2012 on /wg/ because i like changing my wallpapers on my phone and computers based on my aesthetic. i was driven to Jow Forums by a progressively shittier life, and the indulgence of my demons. posting and lurking amongst fellow robots feeds the little things in my head that tell me everything's going to get worse, forever
everyone started on that board in the 05-09 era because that board was the only external exposure the site ever got
since 09-ish i think. went to Jow Forums first because it looked the coolest, then moved to /f/ and /b/. spend most of my time on /vg/ Jow Forums [s4s] /ck/ and /d/ now though
pretty much this, /b/ was Jow Forums back then, the rest were pretty irrelevant.
>why's that the first fucking place you ended up
Because /b/ used to be fun and all the other boards had a theme, since /b/ = random you could just post whatever and get some chan culture before going to other boards.
/v/ used to say /b/ is the tutorial of Jow Forums, but idk if anyone still says that.
2010 on /b/ because I thought the chinz were cool and where all trolls gathered to raid normans. Ended on r9k after realized b is pretty much teenagers spamming porn threads. r9k community is very supportive with incels and khvs, I'm at home.
It's how most everyone started Jow Forums in its hayday
07-08, it's been so long i've forgotten.
/b/, like everybody else
i pretty much grew up on Jow Forums, do not recommend.
>everyone shitting on /b/
>not realizing you're posting on /b2.0/
Jow Forums and /b/ originally in 2014, then I soon became an edgy poltard which I find stupid now. Nowadays im mostly on the vidya boards
6 years with breaks, mainly /b/ at first, then also Jow Forums, /mu/, Jow Forums and this godforsaken board
I've been on here for a few years, and I remember this board having a more coherent theme as well. I just accepted the dumb shit too readily and didn't Ree enough, i guess
late 2013. spent that first year mostly on /b/ until gamergate started in august 2014 and then branched to other boards as a result
i started here a few years ago
2016, Jow Forums.
MAGA fellow robots!
test eksdeeloxasldlsadas
>So Robots...How long have you been on Jow Forums, and what board were you originally on
>2011 (lurked a couple of times /new/)
>2012 Jow Forums
I was on /b/ in 2006, and i'm 26 right now.
/b/ then Jow Forums and /mlp/ then Jow Forums and finally came here in 2015
2015 on /jp/ board because 2hu.
2014 or 2015, started on /b/, came here for the greentexts
Browsed /b/ from 2007 to 2010. I migrated to /tv/ because /b/ was getting botspammed by some Russian faggot. I left /tv/ in 2015 because the faggots wouldn't shut the fuck up about Stars Wars since the Force Awakens was coming out. Came to this cesspit and stood ever since.
Came on /b/ in 2008, lurked so much i only started to post in 2011.
Left it a long time ago, went on /v/ and /tg/ mostly.
Started coming here in 2014 but don't come as much as i used to, it becames complete shit.
I'm mostly on Jow Forums for the sweet banter.
i started posting on /tv/ when abatap was around
That crazy Russian bastard. How many Neys left, brother?
Since 06/07 and I started on /x/. /b/ was actually fun back then and Jow Forums resembled a less-insane /b/.
since like 2008/9
/b/ was my first board
I started /a/ around when Death Note first started airing (in Japan). I remember because someone was posting a doujin of Lights sister. I have to escape this hell.
I came to /b/ in 2008 when the Scientology raids were going on. I stopped and came back in 2012 through 2014. Stopped in 2015 when I got a gf. Me and GF ended in 2017, started going on /mu/ from 2016 to 2017. Started coming on Jow Forums in 2018
You have any archives of world4ch user?
it appears to go back all the way
Since early 2005. Came from SomethingAwful and ytmnd.
Usually stayed on /v/ and /b/ at first.
Ventured around to Jow Forums, /sci/, Jow Forums- when it first came out, /wsg/, etc.
Now mostly stay on /v/, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums. occasionally here and /sci/.