i was mean to a lady at the supermarket
I was mean to a lady at the supermarket
Merde... What'd your quad ass do, OP ?
ok user ... what's happened?
Was it worth it for those quads op?
That's kind of mean, user. Pls be nice to ladies at the supermarket.
the dumbass asked me how to use the self serve register machine, i ignored her at first and then she asked a retoric question to wich i mumbled yes completly destroying her
you should be nicer to ladies at the super market user
>not helping a qt MILF check out her groceries
>not helping her carry her bags to her car
>not getting her number
>uses the self serve
>he doesn't use the self checkout
>he can talk to the cute girls working the registers
the place was packed
Fair enough. But at least go to one when it's quiet. There's girls of every type working and some of them are actually not whores as well
People who are enslaved to work full time at a supermarket are the real robots on this planet.
On one hand I understand that supporting automation reduces the number of jobs, particularly unskilled entry level jobs, and only serves to line sheckleberg's pockets even more.
On the other it improves thru-flow and reduces wait time, particularly for customers like me that aren't buying a week's worth of groceries for a family of four. It also allows me to bag my groceries exactly how I want them.
Overall it's faster, the service is better and ideally the savings sheckleberg's getting by reducing staff is reflected by lower prices. Automation shrinking the job market is inevitable either way.
Use the self serve and lobby for universal basic income, the world will be a better place for everyone. Praise walmart and praise sheckleberg.
Just go to one and ask a girl how their days going or how long they've been working there. And you don't have to worry about fucking up the conversation because they serve so many people that they never remember one person unless they see them regularly or they're unique in some way.
I know what you mean but they could have more express lanes. Plenty of people work at these places and plenty more can.
They wouldn't want a relationship with me. I just make their day awkward.
Some of them look so sad, I wish I could make them smile. They dont have to but I want to see them smile, they're really beautiful and they'd never give me a chance.
impostor, "not op"
It's cheaper and more effective to add self checkouts instead. One person can monitor a dozen self checkout stations. Even if those stations are slightly slower than a cashier would be, the number of them running concurrently makes it much more efficient. Even just from a psychological perspective the fact that 'dead time' spent waiting is reduced is important. People can get in quickly and actually start checking out. It feels much more productive than just standing and waiting for some idiot in front of you to take their sweet time.
You don't have to have a relationship with every girl you see. Just having a light conversation will give you a bit of confidence. And trust me it's a lot better than the 50 year old crusty freaks who try to flirt with them in a disgusting way.
>Automation as a booster for consumerist culture
You deserved some fingers severed from a pipebomb explosion. Then you won't be posting this bullshit, urbanite scum.
Ted was obviously a genius and he was certainly right about a lot of things, but it's important to find a compromise between the way things should be and the way they are. If you can't do that you'll only end up raging at the world and ruining yourself for nothing, like he did. Like it or not, automation is coming. The important thing is how we deal with that fact. Universal income- that's the compromise. An acceptable middle ground between the dual extremes of communism and capitalism.
>Universal income- that's the compromise. An acceptable middle ground between the dual extremes of communism and capitalism.
At the present state of techno-industrial growth, that would only sound plausible if we had four planets like Earth to leech from.
>Like it or not, automation is coming.
We're being coerced into accepting automation. Heck no, I refuse to reluctantly accept this. You're sacrificing a part of your freedom and your human condition every time you agree with the fatuous course that civilization is taking.
Making compromises means unheeding your urge of freedom. Of course, you can float with the stream if you want, but when things start crumbling, remember that maybe the wisest decision would have been trying to avoid the disaster. If you have read the manifesto it means that you already know what the problem is.
I beat the piss out of some guy at Walmart last night
>Say good damnit
>offended some guy
>Exchanged words inside
>Lat when going to my roommates car ue confronts me again
>Comes towards me in a threatening manner
>No step on snek mother fucker
>Uppercut him
>Throw a few punches while he's on the ground
>Sleepy times
>Get in car before cops come
I'm proud of myself honestly. I was a little bitch growing up. I honestly felt like a cobra or something.
>waiting for checkout
>really old supermarket with no self serve
>grotesquely fat lady in front of me
>smells like mould and shit smeared on a dead raccoon
>notices she grabbed the wrong block of chocolate or whatever
>tells cashier she needs to go get the other one
>cashier says she can leave the bar at the checkout but she can't go back and grab the "right one"
>she starts arguing and things begin to go in circles
>I butt in and say "we've got places to be, and by the looks of things, you could do with one less candy bar"
>she turns around "excuse me?"
>"You're excused" I respond smugly
>At this point she's seething, everyone behind me is laughing and applauding
>cashier tells her to step aside and also now she's legally obliged to pay for my groceries
>scan cart full of vegetables, nuts, fruit, eggs and chicken
>No quarrels because I carefully select the freshest and finest produce before bringing it to the counter
>"There, was that so hard sweety?"
>She's literally crying, eating the candy bar she thought she didn't want
>I take a perfect, solid, single piece shit in her handbag as a sign of dominance
How was everyone else's grocery trip today?
You will never be free. Give it up. Even if you want to go live alone in the wilderness. It's not possible. Fundamentally, even free will is an illusion.
>beat the piss out of some guy at Walmart last night
Sure you did wimp. Sure you did.
>>cashier tells her to step aside and also now she's legally obliged to pay for my groceries
Cool story bro.
>beating up some retard at a supermarket
Gosh darn it youre so cool
It never happened so don't worry about it.
S O Y B O Y didn't beat anyone up. He too much of a coward
Good she was probably some wh*toid fucking cunt