European youth is fucked up.
Im noticing the effects of the BLACKPILL everywhere
>materialism running rampant
European youth is fucked up
>teens looking like full grown women
>ever increasing rat race
>boys acting like chads
>massive social media addiction
As an American,and an outcast who has no place in society,why the fuck should i care? As far as I am concerned,you don't even exist. You are an AI to me. A bunch of letters on a screen.
did i miss anything?
apocalypse soon
same for me, bud.
But you are an European youth, no?
just letters on a screen...
turned 20 last month
its real bad here in this festering shit hole of sluts and degeneracy
Yeah. That's why I can't see myself,or anyone,being friends with people online. They don't exist. It's all in my head. And so are you. Once I click out of this tab,you'll no longer be part of my world.
Shut the fuck up your still a kid
Why is it bad? Because you're not getting laid?
says you
filler text
>European youth is fucked up.
Yep, especially compared to American kids although both are too far gone and fucked up
00ers are an up and coming chad generation. 2010ers will probably be pussy bitches
What makes Zoomers so chad?
>Only option is to behave like a chad because getting pussy might be harder than ever before
>Just 1 in 10 kids look above their age noticeably
>in my group of friends we dont give many fucks about social media
>we drive around the country because the guy from our group has a drivers licence and is basically driving for free
>we go to clubs, parties, fishing, smoke weed for free if we want
>overall i think the bigger the city, the worse are kids
BTW im from Slovakia
They are the gayest and least social generation so far.
Take one look at britain, london is in pieces and their shipping all the blacks up norf. Even the way the young'uns speak round here wind me up.
>gives zero fucks about anything, lives for the constant rush.
>underage drinking, smoking and fucking, start doing drugs early as well
>most of them diagonsed with ADD or ADHD, which only gets strenghed by loud, obnoxious and fast paced internet videos and music they watch and listen to.
>hates history and previous generations.
>women inviting masculine men in droves to shit test their own men
Holy fuck you're only six months older than me and acting like a fucking boomer cunt. I bet half of these "sluts" were just girl who wouldn't fuck you in secondary. You absolute willy wacker