Would you date a 10/10 even if she had had sex with 200+ guys before you?
Would you date a 10/10 even if she had had sex with 200+ guys before you?
yes as long as she still put out for me.
If she had sex with that many guys what exactly is stopping her from cheating on ME of all people? I'm by no means a Chad.
Not that this whole scenario is possible anyways
nah, 200 is mental illness
Why the fuck not you faggots
You will never know for sure how many men any woman slept with they all lie so of course
what matters is how many she sleeps with during your fucking relationship
She would leave me in under an hour so no
Ejaculate. Evacuate
Pretty much all actual 10/10s have slept with 200+ guys by the age of 25 anyway, so there's no 'if' about it
It's just. That. Simple.
Stacy knows she has to mark her territory.
As long as she hasn't let herself get fat. I'll be giving her creampies everyday tho.
>200 is mental illness
sorry m8, you can find posts on plebbit of non-mental women racking up 50, 100 counts. it is not implausible for women to fuck 200 dudes.
I dunno. Would you drive a car that had 700,000 miles on it?
No way I'd date a 10/10 even if she was a virgin
No fucking way I'd be able to keep her
No, but I would date a 6/10 that had dated 6 guys. I think thats reasonable.
lessthan10/10s have also racked up big numbers
robots have to get over this shit if they ever wanna get laid
Just to be clear, every heterosexual man on this board wants a 10/10 looker in the age range 18-25 with no mental or physical defects, a completely submissive personality who has no problem with your chronic vidya/anime/soft drug habits and to top it all off they have to be a virgin?
no. if she didn't care about me before then why should I care now.
nope, she's probably riddled with STDs also she sounds like a bit of a whore
there are some delusional guys on here sure, just like the women who only date over 6ft, 6 figures, +6inches.
i think most guys are much more forgiving though. the virginity meme is one of the stupidest. as long as a woman is STD free and wants to be with a guy she should be considered dateable (obviously attraction comes into this too, but ceterus paribus you understand)
Yes, as long as she allows me to have two children with her. Then, being sure both are mine, I'd ditch her and move countries. Leave the whore, genes spread, alpha tactic.
>how can I be the best
Women cum easier if they are actually emotionally attached and in love. You don't have to be the biggest cock in her experience, you don't have to be the most experienced cock in her life, if she actually loves you, that makes it that much better than technically perfect sex. Now, this creature is still a fucking whore I wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole, but that's the only explanation I can think of.
>inb4 wemen can't love
no. only cucks would
but women actually can't love the way we define it
You post is still correct. As long as she thinks she loves you, everything is fine
Would you pay for a cow if 200+ others have gotten the milk for free?
As if a 10/10 who can have 200+ man would date me.
10/10 is subjective. My 10/10 would be a virgin desu
I wouldn't "date" a 10/10 looks-wise if she was a 1/10 personality-wise, no. I'd put up with a lot but everything has its limits. I'd rather date a girl I'm BARELY attracted to if I somehow knew for sure she wasn't a slut. but the dilemma is that there is really no way to know for sure with anyone so giving less attractive women a chance on the basis of perceived purity feels like a losing strategy.
maybe you're just really into sluts and that's your selection bias for determining who is a 10/10. maybe your idea of 10/10 looks is actually a look that correlates with sluttiness. wouldn't be surprising, considering sluts are easy targets. it makes sense that at least some men would be calibrated to go after sluts specifically. just wear a rubber since you're part of the problem (and I wouldn't wish STDs on you).
exactly. when can you deliver?
But they didnt put their dick in your milk
Sure, just to add a +1 to that body count.
I'm not in position to be picky with 10/10s, so yes, I would.
>In b4 cuck
I'd fuck her as my 301st easy decision no?