Being male is now a mental illness.
Being male is now a mental illness
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This is what happens when you let scrawny beta nerd scientists decide how to run your society.
>no no goy, we're the healthy ones. Chad is broken.
Aw, fuck off nigger
Letting meatheads run the world is a terrible idea
What do you think Chad represents? He's hypermasculine. He is a symbol of everything wrong with masculinity in society, and he was created by ROBOTS, not SJWs, not leftists, not Jews.
Why Jow Forums has such a hard time believing "masculinity" is a problem is beyond me.
just let superior robot master race run things you cucks
interesting that you think this is all there is to being a man
because they've been indoctrinated to believe that men are a certain way and cannot equate this with their own personal failure to live up to that unrealistic ideal
it's almost as pathetic as trannies believing they are real women
>all the coping betas ITT
But taking risks is strongly correlated to success and innovation. They're right, risk-taking is traditionally male and they're not saying it's mental illness. It is what it is. That is why we are where we are as a species.
It is just another way for society to pacify and infantalize its members. Rationality, strength, will to power, these are threats to society. Society wants basedboys who are easy to keep in check with emotional manipulation through mass media.
>being masculine is bad
>being a tranny isn't mental illness
this world won't last
This. I fucking hate that being nerdy and an academic has become mainstream and acceptable. Always talking about "studies show this and that" instead of just getting shit done like a man and behaving like a man. We need more jocks, bullies, and blue collar workers out there to counterbalance this and to teach these nerds a lesson, otherwise we get cucked into oblivion with all these soi boy scientists and "muh experiments". I don't give a fuck what science says, men behaving like men is good and has always been good. Fuck science and fuck being an intellectual.
This is just how psychology dies as a science like phrenology
traditional masculinity is bad for you, I wouldn't mind in becoming a herbivore japanese tier guy but the problem is that women are attracted to aggressive men and they won't change so there's nothing to do.
Where can I read this article? Post link pls. Oh, you can't because this is fake and gay. Masculinity is welcome, not that fake retard bullshit you incels think is masculinity.
You think things are bad? They'll only get worse.
>women talk about how bad toxic masculinity is
>women also reward "toxically" masculine men with sex and love
what do f*moids mean by this?
I guess doing simple Google search would've been "fake retard bullshit masculinity."
Women are the only ones who could bring a change to this but they prefer very masculine chads.
And yeah. they're right. Try reading the actual article. 2 years ago this same board was complaining about this exact same thing when MRAs were a thing.
it is harmful to men. Men don't have to be strong. You're still a man if you're not the traditional masculine figure. Men should be independent and not relying on traditions, men should figure out who they are instead of trying to fit some arbitrary standard. Men should be allowed to show their emotions, speak up about their mental health issues, or grief or trauma. Bottling up emotions and telling people suffering to "Man up" instead of facing and coming to terms with their issues is unhealthy and a huge reason why male suicide rates are so fucking high.
Of course you're not caring or thinking about any of that. you're just riding off random gut instincts of what you THINK headlines mean without reading articles because you live in a Jow Forums world where your exposure to things you dont agree with is entirely based around screencaps you skim.
End your life, disgusting soi guzzler.
yeah, whats so good about being able to defend yourself and your family? Whats so good about being a reliable and wise figure for people to trust?
whats so good about being a hero?
sjws for some reason think masculinity is about being an asshole. It's not. It's about being strong and competent. When someone assumes the masculine role people look up to him and it feels like there is hope.
Men should be strong and strive to be the traditional figure for their own betterment.
>fuck traditions lmao
spoken like a woman, end yourself
someone post the 'emma watson thinks british guys are too beta to date' article
user is basedas fuck.
Can't wait to see society colapse because of political correctness and people in denial. Hope I'm in the first to die, but not without taking a few degenerate with me by killing them with the ultimate mental breakdown.
this is a well thought out post and it will get replies by idiots/trolls
What if we like masculinity you man hating turd
But don't worry, being tranny and having a 50%+ suicide rate is not a mental illness!
Another life saved!
Id mention incels but you're just going to say that's toxic masculinity too. All men's problems are caused by men and all women's problems are caused by men and men only disagree because toxic masculinity too.
>Men should be allowed to show their emotions, speak up about their mental health issues, or grief or trauma. Bottling up emotions and telling people suffering to "Man up" instead of facing and coming to terms with their issues is unhealthy and a huge reason why male suicide rates are so fucking high.
they say "man up" because they are dumb, shallow, don't know what to say and can't stand the thought of weakness. But even thats better than just sitting there wailing and not getting anywhere and whats even worse is thinking that crying is dealing with it.
it's always been a mental illness. males just kill themselves and each other. that goes against human evolution
yeah because the macho dudes are the ones that shoot up schools
When society will be ruled by weak pansexual agenre losers I wonder how it will last.
Natural selection have no place for whinning bitches. Don't forget that your little trans bullshit have nithing to do with the strive for survival.
How do you know that the alternative is better? You arbitrarily decide that the traditional, evolved position of men in society is bad, without having any idea about what the alternative is like, but surely it can only be better because it might not have this short list of problems that traditional masculinity causes!
This is the exact same shortsighted thinking that feminists have when they screech about women following traditional gender roles.
>males just kill themselves and each other. that goes against human evolution
Yeah, that's also why all animals went extinct as soon as predators showed up.
What is (((their))) plan? to make a female dominated world? why?
because women can easily be swayed to support any agenda. it's harder to pull the strings when the people in power are men.
why do I want to see them beheaded and amputated with their clits cut off?
Women are pro immigration and pro welfare state. Castrated men tend to act like women.
What makes you think i have no idea what the alternative is like? Have you met me?
Please explain how this is arbitrary also.
Male suicide rates are 4 times higher. Men are much more likely to turn to substance abuse. Men are significantly more likely to suffer from mental health issues like psychosis.
Yet despite all those things, men are also much LESS likely to seek professional help.
Is that arbitrary, you fucking dipshit?
Toxic masculinity is a real problem, and one this exact same board complained about. The difference is it wasn't called toxic masculinity then. It was called double standards by the MRA crowd. But you dipshits hear "toxic masculinity" and assume that means "being a man is toxic" because you refuse to actually read anything or just spend 5 seconds doing basic critical thinking.
One of the leading killers of young white males is suicide. As a young white male, our perception of manliness and being tough/not weak/not emotional and the importance of sex is whats killing us. Traditional masculinity is indeed harmful to our way of life. Being suicidal is a mental illness, hiding our emotions and feelings is a mental illness, thinking that sex matters so much is a mental illness.
We should be able to correct these wrongs without having to think PC means you're weak or if its a different political affiliation its wrong, or even think these has anything to do with you. You're all entitled to your own opinions, but you all let things like appearing weak, vulnerable, not having sex, and the like to keep you in the rut you're all in.
I don't care if this is trolling or not, you all need someone to tell you this and so that you can think about what truly makes you happy. You don't need to impress anyone but yourselves.
its not 's fault that you are the way you are now. You make the decisions, you can be better if you all start opening up more emotionally, don't adhere to bullshit standards of being a man.
Also I'm jacked up on Amphetamines right now
I'm going to google that article.
I'm going to take a look at the sources and the authors.
I guarantee you that it's either a jew or liberal arts women, or both.
Let's see.
>its not 's fault that you are the way you are now. You make the decisions, you can be better if you all start opening up more emotionally, don't adhere to bullshit standards of being a man.
Literally just "man up" rephrased
> its not 's fault that you are the way you are now
> never heard of social determinism
lmao retard
>What makes you think i have no idea what the alternative is like?
Because there have been no large scale studies performed on the subject.
>Have you met me?
You're stupid if you think your personal experiences have any bearing on the subject.
>Please explain how this is arbitrary also.
Because there have been no large scale studies performed on the subject that would prove that emasculated men suffer no negative consequences whatsoever from not having any traditional masculinity forced on them.
>Male suicide rates are 4 times higher. Men are much more likely to turn to substance abuse. Men are significantly more likely to suffer from mental health issues like psychosis.
Traditional gender roles are definitely not the sole, and possibly not even a major contributing factor in this. Rest assured it's once again not scientifically proven that the alternative is better. You're acting on nothing but assumptions.
>you dipshits hear "toxic masculinity" and assume that means "being a man is toxic"
No, I assume I'm talking to a dumbass from tumblr and/or leddit, which is soon to become scientifically proven.
There is nothing toxic about being the traditional man. The issue is the pro-feminist culture deteriorating traditionalism that leaves a ton of average guys out of the opportunity to fufill a traditional role.
Plenty of guys on this board would love to be married and live the white picket fence life. They also will say fuck marriage because as an institution its currently slanted against men and they wont have that traditional father/head of the household role that men fucking want.
can you explain to me how you got from "opening up more emotionally" to "man up" because im at a loss
hell he literally said "dont adhere to bullshit standards of being a man". you quoted that line. thats kinda the opposite of man up
>Rest assured it's once again not scientifically proven that the alternative is better. You're acting on nothing but assumptions.
Except it literally has been. Here's a link to a study that proves it pretty conclusively.
What exactly made you think there were no studies done on this subject? I found this incredibly easily, didnt even take me less than a minute, im curious where your idea of that came from
t. Basedboy
You tell yourself the lies to feel better about yourself. You're in denial
Absolutely ridiculous damage control. Since when can't a strong and masculine man be smart? You know it's SCIENTIFICALLY proven that high testosterone helps you keep a level head and remain rational and focused in a high stress environment right?
they are just pushing an agenda here.
go against their agenda and you may become more powerful.
or just ignore it.
just because its a big news article or official popular statement.
don't follow it.
they want everyone to be gay.
about 10-20 years about conspiracy theorists were saying there is going to be a gay agenda no one believed them but it is happening now.
there is so many gays and women act like complete shut off cunts that no one is allowed access to them. how this happened is beyond me but im not falling for it.
Chad is literally the same concept as "toxic masculinity".
No one here is traditionally masculine so idk why this would be of concern to r9gay
Watch it goy, when we told you to express your feelings, we didn't mean that you can just express your desire for a traditional lifestyle.
reminder that traditional masculinity is what made america #1
breadwinner and moms
nuclear families
stfu you fucking roasties/trannies and go back to r*ddit where you came from you fucking dipshits
>women are and it's all MENS FAULT
>men are killing themselves and it's ALL THEIR FAULT
Nevermind that low testosterone causes depression and makes you obese.
>"M-Muh life is like D&D and it's impossible to be smart AND strong!"
What the other user said. You can easily be both. You can learn to lift AND read books at the same time.
I actually don't blame you 2bh, and that's not me being condescending. I used to be ">tfw too intelligent to lift" back in highschool, but when I hit college, I realized I was just hurting myself by not being the best that I could be.
>You can workout, and you can study shit at the same time
Stupid simple concept, but it literally took me 22 years to get.
They don't care about you. They just want you to go to work and drone away so that you can support foid welfare.
>why would you be against psychologists trying to make more of the next generation into depressed neets like r9k
gee idk thats a tough one user
>implying he's traditionally masculine
How's your sex life going? What's your money looking like? When was your last fight and how much do you weigh? Post a pic of your outfit. Yeah I thought so. You're what they call a beta.
>Taking anythinga psychological or psychiatry journal says seriously
They'll change their minds in a few years, even to this day there is on-going bullshit over ICD classifications that no one apart from a small handful of people give a shit about.
why are you strawmanning so hard?
You dont have to be traditionally masculine to be critical of this headline.
Chads are only a problem in our modern societies that have already begun abolishing "toxic masculinity". Sex outside marriage, polygamy, things like that used to be taboos and breaking them was heavily sanctioned by society. And that resulted in most people having a functioning monogamous relationship
You are literally taking traits masculine traits and replacing them with feminine traits.
You are not getting better men from this, you are getting defective women.
"The society which separates its scholars from its warriors shall have their fighting done by cowards, and its thinking done by fools."
-Thucydides, Athenian general, ~400 BC
Legit didn't need to look that shit up, because I'm not a fucking brainlet. I lift 1/2/3/3 for 5x7, and I have a Masters in World History, currently teaching advanced 200 courses at the college level.
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. it is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."
I had to look that last one up, but you get my point. If the greatest generals and philosophers in all of ancient Greece say the same thing, and if you were a rational, logical human being, you'd agree with them. If someone said something as sensible as "you should always wear a seatbelt before driving your car", you'd agree with him, right? You can't really disagree with that, unless in very specific, esoteric scenarios, like if you're a cop or in the military, and you need to be able to leave the vehicle RIGHT away. But for the average man, that's generally reasonable advice, and you'd be a fool to dismiss it, right? So why dismiss something as crucial as your own health and body? It just doesn't make sense. It's as stupid as making a shit ton of money without insuring it, or putting it into a safe. There's no real reason you wouldn't, except for very, very rare circumstances that probably don't apply to you.
If you're crippled, or suffering from some illness or something, then fuck it, you play with the cards you were dealt, but for most average people, there's nothing stopping you from working out.
>meme degree just teaches same thing back out
simply epic.
Historycucks can fuck right off. Youre miles below anybody but CS majors
those two quotes arent necessarily in agreement with one another. also, the fact that a man should work out doesnt rule out that he could show emotion and/or need help sometimes.
I want to ask you this; What the hell are you on about man?
Daily reminder to watch Varg's videos and aspire for a simpler life. There are 7 billion people on this shithole of a planet, the chances of you making a significant difference and healing this sick world are rather slim. You're better off finding like minded individuals and trying to slip through the cracks and finding a way to live far away from the rot.
Here are a few videos to start out with.
I'm not going to listen to the word of a church-burning Satanist.
I have sex all the time bro. All I have to do is find a female who finds me attractive and not kill a sealed deal. Don't ever say a man isn't alpha because he can't stick is dick in a brainless wet whole. That's fucking beta mindset to begin with. A man needs no female to complete him, a man doesn't need your respect or the respect of lesser beings like female. That's for whiny insecure little beta fucks like you, and perhaps myself. But then again, you're utilizing female level emotion thinking so you probably can't grasp such a concept, or anyone that doesn't involve your vagina for that matter.
He's the representation about what robots wine about being and it is a parody of that. It isn't a 10 page essay on how excess testosterone can turn you into a hulking demon,just a satire that gone mainstream.Also later incarnations just made him more into the point of "absolute peak "in general,an glorification of "what the poster likes" to the demining version of "what the poster does not like",or a parody of the opinionated VVC memes.Hell some criticize Chad or experiment with the hierarchy. "Virgin" and "Chad" are the peak definition of memes,ideas based on popular culture that is mutated and "reproduces" on the internet.
>church burning
That has never been confirmed, and even if it was christianity is cancer
Now you're just talking out of your ass. If you're open to experiencing reality as it is and basing your opinions on that instead of buzzwords and memes watch this for more information and clarity. If not, walk along, you'll perish just like everyone else who refuses to stop enabling this twisted world.
Men in Ancient Greece used to show much more emotion too. Odysseus cries *constantly* in the Odyssey.
Varg is a literal retard though
>That has never been confirmed
Yeah, and it's never been confirmed that fags spread AIDS. He's anti-christian at the very least, which makes him no better than a Satanist.
You can call whatever nonsense he's feeding you "reality" all you want, it won't change things when you're facing God after your death.
"Meatheads" don't exist outside of media made by erudite losers who compensate for their weak bodies/personalities by pretending to be smarter than they actually are.
My history professors were pretty shallow and didn't teach me anything. I had to do a lot of personal research to come to my own conclusions, whether that be meeting up with fellow history enthusiasts, looking up obscure articles in the library, paying for university articles with my own money, out of pocket, or just straight up going to a museum and comparing what I see there to my research to come to logical conclusions.
My history professors sucked, which doesn't mean I have to. I put in work to make sure students will actually leave me class having learned something, and excited about what they've learned.
History is anthropology is psychiatry, is the study of one's self. There's more to history than just dates and names. In fact, history is the whole reason why I started lifting in the first place. As dumb as it sounds, I wanted to do historical reenactment in Virginia, but I was a fat fuck who couldn't keep up with the rest of the reenactors, so I took up weightlifting, and now I'm able to enjoy so many more hobbies than I previously wasn't able to.
I even started to quit vidya because, truth be told, once you get a taste of "outside", it's so fucking hard to go back to the computer screen. Fuck first person shooters, I get excited every week because I can't wait to play airsoft on the weekends. Fuck For Honor and Assassin's Creed, I actually fucking LIVE IT when I do HEMA on Fridays. I can't fucking go back. Fuck Madden, fuck Blitz, fuck the new UFC game. Shit just doesn't compare (Backyard Baseball is still one of my favorite sports games though). Ever since I've been active, it's like a whole new world just opened up to me. Every time I play a videogame, I'm just reminded of how much better the real thing is.
They're in agreement with ME. That's my point. I never said anything about not showing emotions. I think it's important that a man should be able to be himself, genuinely, and without shame.
Varg speaks some truth, but is too retarded to propose realistic solutions. Just let him live on his farm compound with his 7 kids who will all grow up to hate him and probably write Op-Eds for HuffPo about it.
Based Stefan rips them to shreds.
It's a bad idea to adopt this because women don't appreciate weakness in men like men can appreciate weakness in women.
Thats not true, there are plenty of complete retards who get through on physical prowess alone.
Like every single black college athlete who get to take joke classes like astrology to keep their GPA up in order to play. You see the same thing in highschools. Just because there are people who are both strong and intelligent doesn't mean meatheads dont exist.
Uh, just to add on though, I think it's a bit more complicated than just "show all emotions" versus "be stoic as fuck".
A man should be able to be himself without shame, but there's great pride and honor in sucking it up and keeping your head held high, even if you're hurting deep down inside.
The answer, like history, is always "a little bit of both". Can you throw a fit because you can't get a date? No. Can you cry because your girlfriend left you? Yeah. There are some things that just require you not to be a little bitch, and there are certain times where you can be as raw and candid as you want without having to apologize to anyone about it.
Are you a nigger? Because if you're not I don't know what kind of place you live where people are fighting each other to assert social dominance.
I won't believe it until I see the source claim. Media spins things all the time, especially headlines.
We all know the question is, how do we get paid benefits due to us being men?
>2 years ago this same board was complaining about this exact same thing when MRAs were a thing.
No we weren't. MRAs were but those were Reddit tier Gen X MRA egalitarians. Not people from Jow Forums.
>Men don't have to be strong.
Men literally have to be strong to be successful in work and with women, with very few exceptions.
>Men should be independent and not relying on traditions, men should figure out who they are instead of trying to fit some arbitrary standard.
Calling traditions arbitrary is real brainlet modernist shit.
>Men should be allowed to show their emotions, speak up about their mental health issues, or grief or trauma.
Men can do all of that. It's just faggy to do it too much. Men aren't women. We don't need to vent like women and it's not good for men to act like women or be held to the standards of womanly behaviour. Implicit in your kind of thinking is that it's wrong for men to be stoic, which is the default state of men.
>Bottling up emotions and telling people suffering to "Man up" instead of facing and coming to terms with their issues is unhealthy and a huge reason why male suicide rates are so fucking high.
Male suicide rates are high primarily because our shitty divorce system that drives middle aged men to suicide when they're put in indentured servitude and their families are ripped away from them. That and the whole general lack of empathy for low status men. It's not because men aren't allowed to act like women.
>Of course you're not caring or thinking about any of that. you're just riding off random gut instincts of what you THINK headlines mean without reading articles because you live in a Jow Forums world where your exposure to things you dont agree with is entirely based around screencaps you skim.
You're a fucking idiot. Don't be so pompous. You're echoing the mainstream academic narrative and pretending you're smart. You're not. You're dead wrong and a pathetic beta male to boot.
vast majority of the world, pussy beta
Better a retard who is surrounded by nature and gets to larp as vikings with his 7 aryan kids on his property which he owns outright, tending to his crops and spending time with his family, than a genius who wages 8 hours every day, lives in a noisy apartment around niggers and asians, sees thousands of faces every day but recognizes none, has to constantly stress about bills, mortgage payments, his hairline, his manboobs and impressing women who will never see him as more than a walking wallet and a momentary source of attention before hopping on a taller, stronger man with a bigger dick and more money.
>You can call whatever nonsense he's feeding you "reality" all you want
It's literally a video of a man who used to be a very integral part of the black metal scene explaining what it was all about. How is that "nonsense that he's feeding me"? He explains exactly why he isn't a Satanist, and what those who call themselves that are all about. If you think he's lying (not that he'd have a reason to) you can just google it and see the same shit said by different people.
>it won't change things when you're facing God after your death.
>roleplaying as a christian on an internet forum
You wouldn't happen to be one of those shapeshifter individuals who always pretend to be whatever they think is the most favorable in their current position, would you?
>too retarded to propose realistic solutions
I just linked a video where he explains exactly what you need to do. I don't think he's right about everything, but he's right in that the only way to break the system is to not participate. Don't take out loans, don't pay mortgage, don't buy consumer electronics, don't live in the city. The system WILL burn regardless of what you do, but you can make sure you don't burn with it, and you might even be able to add some fuel to the fire so that we can start building anew from the ashes sooner.
No genius is living around niggers, stop being retarded
Varg literally deprives himself of a ton of experiences that would be genuinely enlightening in favor of his pagen larping.
Right. My thing is that with regards to the thread, then youre in agreement that some aspects of traditional (the Western civilisation traditional) masculinity can be toxic? Since it does not encourage mean to deal with emotions and seek help.
Also, what is so great about having country run by the military per the Thucydides quote? Are there actually empirical examples of that being superior the an alternative? Or is it an opinion of yours.
>is a delusional christcuck
>on Jow Forums of all places
don't tell me we still have atheists on this board...
>No genius is living around niggers
It's not like you have a choice. Maybe when you're older you can afford to move to a nicer area, but even those areas are quickly disappearing.
>Varg literally deprives himself of a ton of experiences that would be genuinely enlightening
Like what? Don't get me wrong I don't worship the guy and I have picked up on a few dumb assertions and/or intentionally bs things he's said, but I think he's doing the right thing and living a fulfilling life for the most part.
You are fucking delusional and misguided
TL;DR Chad's a parody of unrealistic expectation that overtime began a exaggerated definition of perfection and the textbook example of memetic jokes.
So you are a primitive, subhuman nigger. Thanks for confirming.
>Letting meatheads run the world is a terrible idea
Oh contraire, faggot. It's an extremely good idea.
The idea of toxic masculinity was actually created by a communist trannie. This is not me shitposting, look it up.
subhuman beta pussy with soft hands lol